Ok, quest'anno niente cenetta romantica, si è mangiato molto poco poeticamente a tavola in 4 con una che faceva i capricci e un po' di storie perché non voleva finire il piatto e l'altro che frignava nella sdraietta perché al contrario of milk he wanted on .. And then after dinner, the hubby took me to buy a present (-one) for me !!!!!
cuoriciosa But at least it took the cake! Although very simple.
The ingredients are those of yogurt cake: 1 cup of yogurt, 3 eggs, 3 cups flour, 2 cups sugar, 1 / 2 jar of oil. 1 packet of yeast. For the filling I used a preparation custard .
Beat eggs with sugar and slowly add all ingredients. Pour into a baking pan ( at heart) and bake at 180 degrees for 45 minutes. Once cooked and cooled cut it in half and fill with the custard.
not need to understand that who knows who is with us because we love you!
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