Friday, December 31, 2010

Zymox Otic With Cortizone

New Year Happy New Year!

all best wishes for a bright 2011!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Shark Caught On Camera

Merry Christmas ..

best wishes to all!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Pokemon Emerald Vba Pp

wait .. Christmas .. Last

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Avoiding Probate With Cd

"mess" Christmas

for a friend ..

to say "thank you" ..

home for the greedy!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Does Waxing Make Hair Thinner

Swap Christmas 2010!

could let's not Christmas without an exchange of greetings with friends of forum!
This year I made the men " gingerbread " fleece. I wanted to send a whole box of cookies , but this year I could not prepare them. Two men, because my mysterious combination has two small children to please!

All slipped into a little purse in felt Christmas!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tire Pressure For 08 Tt

What do you need the National Association of Magistrates

of the address delivered by Andrea Reale, Judge of the Court of Ragusa , the XXX Congress ANM. The speech by Andrea

consists of two lists, such as a TV broadcast that has been very successful in recent days.

List of some reasons which must be renewed for the ANM

Why, to really turn the page, it is necessary to overcome the climate of closure, of prejudice and lack of communication already existing within the various groups that animate the ANM, and that killed the internal debate, and why it is no longer silent witness to some internal strife, which would fatally weaken the ANM, and that show most eloquently degeneration correntizia;

because one no longer understands what the real difference between individual membership groups within ANM and few, even among those who call themselves the founding fathers of associations giudiziario, te li sanno spiegare in modo chiaro e credibile;

perché l’A.N.M. è troppo vicina al C.S.M. e troppo forte è il loro legame, pur dovendo essere due realtà ontologicamente diverse;

perché è strano che i vertici di una associazione non sappiano indire in sette anni una assemblea ordinaria o pubblicizzare adeguatamente tutti i verbali delle riunioni degli organismi rappresentativi;

perché non è credibile un’associazione che non sappia dare seguito ai suoi deliberati e che non sappia organizzare le primarie per la scelta dei propri rappresentanti all’autogoverno, pur dopo avere deliberato la loro indizione a maggioranza assoluta;

perché è difficile accettare il fatto che si possa fare associazione soltanto all’interno di un gruppo e non si dia alcuna importanza e non si valorizzi l’impegno di chi non ha voglia di schierarsi;

perché è intollerabile che oggi chi non aderisce ad un gruppo dell’A.N.M., ma intenda partecipare attivamente all’Associazione, venga isolato, deriso e screditato, professionalmente ed anche personalmente, persino cancellato da una mailinglist;

perché bisogna interrogarsi su quel senso totale di disaffezione all’A.N.M. che si respira alla base, tra i colleghi, e derivante dalla sfiducia nei suoi rappresentanti, e dall’idea, molto diffusa, che l’A.N.M. sia cosa di pochi selected and serve for a career;

because you can not allow the ANM and the groups within it to behave as current political parties, from choosing the future representatives in all bodies of institutional representation of the judiciary and sometimes give rise to inhumane forms of housing development;

because you do not understand how it can be considered "antibody" a hasty and draconian disciplinary justice, that would undermine the internal independence of the judiciary;

because it can not be more than one union that, often, rather than to protect its agents, is on the side of those who administer them.

List some reasons why it is important to strive for the renewal and within ANM ANM

Because you can only criticize the ANM and never participate in community life;

because it is enormously gratifying to feel useful for a colleague and solve his problem, not expecting anything, without asking for a vote in exchange

because you have to go back to the original spirit ANM, because it is right to undertake free and selflessly for our association ;

because it is vital to combat and denounce the vices of a judicial system, including self-government, that does not work;

because you can not resign ourselves to the idea that our ANM become an oligarchy;

because you have to recapture the town house ANM and consider our union as the place of strong defense of the rights and legitimate interests of all and of each individual judge;

because it is right to honor the commitment made by the men and women judges who sacrificed even their lives to defend the values \u200b\u200bin which all of us, even as Associated all'ANM, we believe, is exciting because

organize a day of justice open to the public and explain , Especially young people, how does a civil or criminal, and because it takes time, and make known to the civil society in the judiciary there are no red robes or politicized, or that judges are human anthropologically different from the human race, or that they are the metastasis of democracy, but on the contrary, that the jurisdiction and the practitioner are the backbone of the rule of law;

because it is extraordinary to be appointed a member of the Commission to reform the code of ethics for judges to see Italian and translated into principles the ideas of renewal necessary for a real change;

why we need a commitment made to ensure the practical donne in magistratura pari opportunità in ambito lavorativo;

perché è bello che l’impegno associativo diventi parte importante della nostra vita professionale;

perché la nostra idea di rinnovamento non si raffigura in un’onda alta e travolgente, ma è meglio descritta da una goccia lenta, ma inesorabile, che sappia perforare la pietra (GUTTA CAVAT LAPIDEM ), e che sia metafora di una ferrea volontà con la quale si possono conseguire obiettivi altrimenti impossibili.

perché, come diceva Gandhi, la forza non deriva dalle capacità fisiche, ma da una volontà indomita;

perché forse è giunto il momento in cui chi la pensa diversamente si organize and come together to give strength to a new concept of partnerships, ready to dialogue with all the components associated with the institutions, with the other elements of jurisdiction, the community, and as a rule that places the fundamental incompatibility of office ' charge associated with any other commitment in institutional roles and / or administrative and political, because you do not go away, better to stop here and now and give their small contribution to change and to demonstrate by deeds, not with words or titles high-flown renewal.

Andrea Reale

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Gall Bladder Attack Or Stomach Flu

education also passes through the example

modify our cognitive and emotional capacity through action, thought and interaction with the environment, optimizing the experiences and opportunities for formal and informal learning that the world offers, is uniquely human ability.

Many of the features usually considered to be innate intelligence and can be stable, however, considered the result and learning are promoted and strengthened by what is called Mediated Learning Experience [1] , whose imitation is an essential component.

Education is much more effective if accompanied by the putting into practice what you want to teach, the effective sharing of theoretical principles and experiences, and including significant participation from within the socio-cultural environment in which we live.

in Western countries in recent decades profound changes have taken place in the family. In particular there has been a general shift increasingly to nuclear family, the decrease in the number of children, the increase in women working outside the family. This involves a very different structures of the life of a growing child: a lot of time "active" during the day is spent outdoors at home, while at home le possibilità di far riferimento a figure da prendere come esempio si riduce spesso ad un numero molto ridotto se non addirittura ad una persona sola, come nel caso di figli unici di genitori separati. La famiglia allargata, seppure esistente, è spesso marginale.

Contemporaneamente è in evoluzione proprio il concetto stesso del ruolo che gli adulti assumono nella loro veste educativa, a partire proprio dai genitori. Il ruolo normativo del padre è in caduta, l’immagine antica di “capo famiglia” spesso servito dalla moglie e temuto dai figli, non corrisponde all’immagine attuale dove i ruoli della coppia genitoriale sono spesso intercambiabili e raramente autorevoli. Nella società Welfare is developing a model parental weak, a father or a mother wishing to be considered permissive friends of their children, largely unwilling to make the rules, while the need or desire to delegate to others their management.

Therefore the parent is sometimes marginal figure even absent , which taken as a waiver of those who transmit values \u200b\u200bthrough-life examples to help design a balanced and independent personality.

In practice this without the new generations of those reference points from which to draw solid and safe example, while being an example is a basic task of the educator.

But what is linked to the ability to learn outside the example? What sources did the imitative behavior?

The ability to identify role models, to choose or reject them, to play what differences in appreciation for everything else, to select what is useful for ignoring what is believed can not return to their needs or can not be profitable to reach its objectives, is acquired with the attainment of higher cognitive stages but has a root in early childhood. The development of Chinese (that is, the expressive movements of the Child) is an integral part of the system of evolutionary phenomena that accompany the growth is linked to child relationship - broker and has positive effects on later stages of learning.

The mediator's role is therefore also seen as key figure to be taken as an example . The mode of interaction environment-baby-broker-broker- environment is the basis of most of the structural changes involved in the appearance human cognition. Imitation early in the first days of life, is another example of the extraordinary potential of the human mind has the ability to integrate different sensors and equipment between sensory input and motor output, both as a way for the achievement of abstract thought, is as a basis for social cognition. [i]

In the first period of life the mother, or another mediator, is present and available for a wide range of interactions. The relationship between mother - child is expressed through many ways, including the active search for the value of eye contact to enhance the look, the transmission of emotional content as smiling, physical contact and a warm and friendly voice to help make the child feel included in a meaningful context and hospitable.

kinesthetic schemas, especially in the aspects of expressive and receptive communication, are the result of exposure to role models.

to promote a specific imitative behavior, the exposure must be characterized by certain levels of intensity and frequency as by the observer, there must be proper attention. All elements combine to produce the person who observes and imitates a behavior more or less similar to that emitted by the model, so the Chinese experience can be considered the direct product of imitation. Several studies show that its establishment and its development are influenced and influence the learning abilities of the individual. This reciprocal effect contributes to enhance capacity to benefit from the increasing the modifiability of cognitive functions and allowing the achievement of higher levels of cognitive and social skills.

Imitation may be considered the product of direct exposure to stimuli, activated automatically dall'incidentale observation of a model perceptually present,

but it is more likely that the 'efficiency of the imitation process is influenced by the experience of Mediated Learning. In the first period of the child, the Ombudsman is not limited to being available, but does so with intent and attention to produce the optimal conditions of imitation. Therefore, you will enter the visual field in appropriate ways to gain interest, follow the eye, draw the attention, preferring those that will eliminate disturbing stimuli that meet the needs of the moment. The stimuli will be presented to imitate, not so random and messy, but in an organic and functional, will be repeated with rate and dependent on specific situations, will be paid attention to the relevance of some parts than others, affecting the overall tone of the behavior-pattern . Once you have the involvement and child mediator and adapt to each other, demonstrating that both are active and intentional in their interaction.

Imitation is a learning tool that is established and consolidated through the processes of mediation, allows the creation of new patterns of behavior, gradually acquires efficiency and awareness, becoming a pervasive pattern of interaction with the world. The acquisition of both the Chinese as the verbal language depend on the size and nature of the imitative behavior made available to the child's interaction with the mediator.

Feuerstein believes in cognitive modifiability, it began to lay the foundations of his education proposal, considering a possible enhancement of performance thanks to their more structured and more efficient use them, but in recent years, scientific research has shown that beliefs are confirmed by Feuerstein of something deeper. Kandel won the Nobel prize for medicine and psychology thanks to research that has demonstrated the ability of the human mind to create new structures and neuronal Michael Merzenich, a professor at University of California San Francisco argues that "sophisticated research techniques allow us to demonstrate that neural through specific exercises can produce changes in brain structures"

"In collective There is the idea that the collective be slow, clumsy, clever, intelligent, have characteristics that are inherited, "said Dr. Merzenich" The belief that these aspects are predestined and stable is deeply inherent in [the minds of many] But I believe which are basically derived from what is taught to the brain and are also subject to substantial changes throughout life.

"This is important," he continues, "because you can use this powerful process to guide the expansion. That it is possible to obtain large-scale development in ability of children and adults through a proper and intensive exercise program is something we have done well and we have proved over and over again.

In one way or another, understand the profound implications of the plasticity of the brain affects virtually every aspect of the understanding and treatment of learning disabilities and neurological disorders.

( A Learning Revolution: Dr. Michael Merzenich and 'Brain Plasticity')

[i] Meltzoff and Moore have shown that infants of 18 hours are able to reproduce the movements exhibited by adults, even when it comes to the face or in particular mouth. Then use the body parts which have no visual access. Visual information on the observed behavior is translated into motor commands required to reproduce the behavior. Meltzoff AN Moore MK Explaining facial imitation: a model theroetical 1997 Early development and parenting

Meltzoff and Borton, in turn, have found that babies three weeks are able to visually identify that had previously pacifier into your mouth to see them: in practice what had been experienced tactilely recognized visually. (AN Meltzoff. Borton RW Intermodal matching by human neonates, Nature 1979

[i] View articles on mediation 1,3,9,11,13,15,16 / 2006 - 2,4,6,8,10,12 / 2007

Adapted from Publisher NURSERY School

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Bumps On My Babys Foot

Tu quoque Brute wire me! About the "companion" Purposes and surrounding areas.

Francesco Siciliano
(Lawyer at the Court of Cosenza)

The prosecution, for the Chairman of the House, becoming the companion Fini " began when were the first distinguish on many issues.

Consumed ripping the companion Fini " has become simply a conspirator and, according to the Minister Bondi, the ungrateful son who also rages with a knife (the reference is supposed son of Caesar to Brutus).

The latest indictment is based primarily on one of the rags that most flies in this period: the Hon. Silvio Berlusconi has a duty paid on the right side than ever, in the absence of Berlusconi would be able to enter nell'alveo party of State and Government, except that along the way that the right has become communist or communist-captive perhaps worse.

of treason had already talked to colonels and betrayal also spoke Donna Assunta figure that, for those who belong to the area, has great significance.

short, the President Fini has become for some communist, traitor, conspirator while others come to his senses, makes tactical or worse games First Republic.

the background, now, or Monte Carlo events intranee Egypt the game has moved on mutual accusations and the latest plot twist: the possible dissolution of House of Representatives alone.

In this maelstrom that would be much easier to define the political crisis of the coalition that won the election, everyone brings his contribution, the first mold is electioneering: the electorate will weigh area of \u200b\u200bthe alleged attitude of the courtier Fini, His betrayal of the history of the MSI, its communism (even on the pages of the newspaper's front-page column in Calabria is Fini urged to say something right) and the other is the position of a constitutional question entirely new, perhaps , almost, not imagined, at least from this perspective the founding fathers.

betrayal I remember a small page of history which perhaps helps to understand that in fact of treason, if the time allowed, he would have to talk a long time ago.

Sifting through the archives of the network can read "Woe to leave the monopoly of the subversive anti-fascism! Not only is the risk that when the inevitable crisis that will be ready for them, but they end up letting the public identification of anti-fascism with communism, with the result that anyone who has interests to defend prefer ultimately resigned to Fascism . This is

un testo rinvenibile in un bollettino quindicinale edito da un’associazione clandestina antifascista italiana, dal nome ALLEANZA NAZIONALE fondata dal poeta Lauro De Bosis nel 1930 (all’associazione aderirono tra gli altri Benedetto Croce e Umberto Zanotti Bianco; De Bosis, stesso fu poi protagonista di un episodio spettacolare in cui trovò la morte mentre altri furono incarcerati dal regime fascista) e tale richiamo evocativo della scelta di Fiuggi nonché i continui richiami a Benedetto Croce rappresentano forse un strappo e un “tradimento” maggiore di Fini rispetto alla sua area e alla storia di MSI.

Insomma se di tradimento si tratta questo c’è stato nel momento in cui ci si è richiamati association with illegal right-wing who wanted to make himself right between the anti-fascists.

mutatis mutandis history perhaps today the "Futurists" care not to let the first hour of the equation antiberlusconiani antiberlusconiani alternative-a after also placing in the public right.

This argument, however, also has a specific gravity of the conspiracy and "Tu quoque Brute wire me" , since the clearance pass from the choice of anti-fascist Fiuggi while the government by the mere electoral alliance.

reading prof. Angelo Panebianco Corriere della Sera, I discovered, in spite of myself, of being together with others in their insaputa, un sostenitore della democrazia acefala che si contrappone al modello della democrazia leaderistica (modello evidentemente preferito dal prof. nel fondo citato) e, in definitiva, a me pare che in realtà Fini non tradisca alcunché ma si confermi nella scelta della democrazia acefala che andrebbe più tecnicamente definita democrazia parlamentare che è concetto statuale diverso dalla democrazia leaderistica in cui, evidentemente, i poteri sono maggiormente concentrati nel leader.

Allo stesso modo, confesso di non essere un esperto, non mi è mai parso che Fini o i suoi abbiano mai detto cose di sinistra.

La legalità non può certo dirsi un concetto non intrinseco alla destra liberale e costituzionale although it is true that the liberal state following the French Revolution was a state based on law, constitution and the division of powers, all issues underlying the distinction in recent months.

not enough, the intricate tangle of betrayals and relocation came the last constitutional revolution of recent years.

After an urgent decree contrary to law, after a recurrence of an action quashed by the Constitutional Court, came the idea of \u200b\u200bseparation of a single room, which is obviously not related, at least in the sensationalistic intentions of those who propose the government crisis.

The point-by-case lawyer it must be said that if you were to define the power of dissolution of Parliament by the President of the Republic (power that is connected to a central location and security of the President with respect to the fiduciary relationship between the Government and Parliament so that it is covered by a different and single article - 88 - than they expected all the other powers), it is solely aimed at a "resolution function of a crisis not otherwise overcome the trust relationship" it follows that nothing points to any trust in a Houses of Parliament in a bicameral system in place that just the lack of trust of a single room to highlight a crisis of trust between Parliament and Government.

The case has a precedent even in a different regulatory regime in the dissolution of the Senate in 1953 (See Guarino The dissolution of the Senate, FI, 1953, IV, 91 s.), however, is part of a regulatory regime that starting already provided for a different length between the two chambers and, above all, coincided in that moment with the expiry of the mandate of the chamber reached the end of term.

hear the Pres Alberto Capotosti Emeritus of the Constitutional Court, in short, the hypothesis, among other schools, it is merely that a lack of functioning of the House, however, is different from the problem of relationship of trust with pace of one who has evoked this possibility.

Ultimately what counts is the breaking of trust between the government and its majority, regardless of their numbers.

government crisis, then, even with the emergence of some new leaders such as Mouton but that of Fli.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

How To Play Poke Mon Emerald On Mc

Justice: behind bars ... "safe"

Sebastiano Ardita
(Magistrato. Director General of the Directorate General of the Treatment of Prisoners and the Ministry of Justice)

by Casablanca on 11 November 2010

The knowledge of the universe
penitentiary, with its contradictions and its structural limitations, it may now be a good opportunity to measure the state of implementation of the criminal policies of our nation, and not just them.

shrouded in mystery with thick walls that have little or nothing left glimpse from the inside, the instrument of the imagination of people imprisoned for years was considered the only possible answer to the many crimes that we saw told by the press, but, at the same time, a place of removal of evil and those who have accomplished.

Its history, the problems of those who work, even with its rules appear to still unknown more.

So also its function is still a prisoner of a myth: that of security that is guaranteed to citizens by the fact that the bad guys are safe, separate from law-abiding citizens, and made it impossible to do more harm.

The photograph of the prison today is very different from this conventional representation.

is true that inside there are many dangerous people, and that some of these are there to atone for long sentences.

But it is true that among the nearly 70,000 inmates there are more than a third from outside the Community.

Much are real poor. In the sense that not only can not afford to have a scooter or go to the movies, but in some cases have the problem of finding something to eat or do not know what a doctor.

A proportion of these also are not just criminals - even if they have violated the criminal law - and indeed would have had the intention to work, if it had been granted a few opportunities.

then add that among the prison population 20% suffers from varying degrees of mental disorders and that quarter is represented by drug addicts.

But there is another important issue. The prison building as a place of detention, as a place where you enter and pay for their sins is nothing less than utopia. A study

I commissioned in 2007 showed that 30% of those arrested and taken to the prison found freedom after only 3 days. And even 60% will stay for less than a month.

Compared to these, therefore, the detention, for its brevity, is not able to offer or provide security for citizens, or rehabilitative treatment to inmates.

Combining the two figures it follows that, along with dangerous criminals, including a mass of poor and misfits in a jail for a few days and it passes. Crowded facilities and could be recruited by organized crime. Among these unfortunate few, already suffering from serious trouble, take their own lives. Often in the early days of detention.

What comes to mind reading this data? First, that our criminal justice system as a whole does not work. But it's only a euphemism.

We could also say that it is on the verge of collapse, because it determines the failure of a large part of his undertaken and therefore does not provide a useful service.

By comparison it is as if the school system 60% of young people leaving school. If the health system 60% of admissions ended with the death of the patient.

The second consideration is that what is missing is a director in the overall criminal justice system, not only political but also legal, which starts from the observation of how many and which detention it produces, and for how long, which raises the question of who manages to achieve concrete results.

The third observation is that prison workers are the most productive among all the relevant criminal, if only because, speaking last segment, are called to a superhuman effort to correct the distortions generated by other parts of the system: to prevent the suicide of the desperate, poor and HIV patients receive by offering them a job or another interest in life, to interpret the language and the problems of aliens.

Yes, because until this Constitution shall be in force, in prison more than any other place will be impossible to discrimination of "race, sex, language and religion."

Not to mention the need to rigorously enforce the rules against what they have tried to assert their abuse even within the penal institutions: members of the mafia and other criminal powers.

Only by knowing this world is impossible to understand the role that the institution has to play prison, the prison as a laboratory and develop anti-racist, as a last frontier of the welfare state, as both a place of injury and repair of the values \u200b\u200bof our Constitution. And then, inevitably, an area non-political, ideological anti, to keep away from the cracks that are determined in the Nation. A place where suffering prevails, and where human dignity has to assert itself even before his individual needs. Where operators share the discomfort with the prisoners on their skin and they pay their involvement in an extreme environment.

Where the disease, suffering, and even suicide eventually bring together the prisoners and those who are still considered by some ungenerous captors.

not deal with the prison is wasting a chance to know the health of our democracy.

A missed opportunity, not only for society, but also because many experts think the justice system that this world does not know him at all.

And all this while tanti benpensanti ritengono che tutti i cattivi stiano bene e stabilmente lì: al sicuro dietro le sbarre.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Can You Store Pokemon Online?

Love and Law

di Felice Lima
(Giudice del Tribunale di Catania)

da Il Fatto Quotidiano online del 31 ottobre 2010

Mi scuso se quella che segue apparirà una digressione – ma solo apparentemente tale – dai temi che tratto di solito (giustizia e legalità), ma spero di riuscire a convincervi della pertinenza di queste righe with the issues I deal with regularly.

My humble opinion on the crisis in which our country will pay is that it is a crisis of leadership or formal instrument of administration and government, but a deep and widespread crisis of values \u200b\u200band content of social life.

Imagining the social body in a manner similar to a human body, we are not victims of a virus that attacks a single organ, but a decay of the overall welfare of the body, with reference to the fundamental vital signs.

If a man does not eat, if you take a few foods and more polluted, if you are always lying on a couch and not make any kind of physical training, the return to health does not pass by saving formulas, to be more or less brilliant ideas, from little blue pills or pink, but a demanding and tiring work tonic.

There are no formal solutions to substantive problems.

What we need is not (only) a different political government, but a collective moral and cultural reconstruction. The

"resist, resist, resist" Francesco Saverio Borrelli, that we love so much, it should be understood as a new war of liberation. Inculturation, the intellectual and moral coarseness. From barbarism.

One of the most serious problems we have is the substantial loss of ideas and values \u200b\u200bthat produces (And through) the consumption, and finally the abuse of words.

Carlo Levi wrote that "words are stones" . Why give "body" to the ideas and values. A society is

values \u200b\u200b(and negative values), which actually lives and on which it feeds.

One of the meanings of the word "culture" that is in vocabulary is' all the manifestations of material life, social and spiritual life of a people or an ethnic group ... ".

Yesterday the Prime Minister - "our President" , as rightly called him Peter Gomez on TV, and stressed its duty to be aware of his actions - the highest representative of our country, after the President of the Republic, said yet another scandal with prostitutes and minors that involves and implicates us, saying: "I love women," .

The word "love" is used by us in a non-unique. say "I love my wife" but "I love my motorcycle" , and still "provola sweet , " sleep ", " play ball ", " Mom " Etc. ..

In this country, in which the idolaters decerebration "god Po continually evoke the" Christian roots ", which does not even know what they are, considering that probably a matter botany buried under a mountain of manure immoral and illegal, I would like to evoke St. Thomas, which distinguished the ' "love of concupiscence" from' "love of benevolence" .

And he explained that the ' "love of concupiscence" is the desire for something good that we get, while the' "love of benevolence" is the transportation for someone who leads us to desire the good.

The nature of things requires a love of lust things (because they do not make any sense to desire the good of my motorcycle for himself, even though I love my bike a lot), and loving kindness of the people.

Because people are inherently valuable and an absolute value and use them is the most immoral thing you could do.

Jesus ( "the" Christian roots ) said: "You shall love the Lord your God [and not yourself, nor money, nor sex, nor the" god Po "or the" sun of the Alps " ] with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets " (Matthew 22: 37-40).

And on this - although it is something completely forgotten - are based also the Italian Constitution, our laws and our hope to create a human society.

Only respect for others, their essence and their rights, can, in fact, the existence of a human society . The alternative is the herd of cattle.

Our Constitution does not draw only (As stated in the our Prime Minister) a system power management, and organizes a cultural and moral collective, based on deep respect and sincere people, of every person, not a "flock" of voters / consumers.

Remember always that the Church has excommunicated Marxism. And it's true and it is right, because that of Marx (I mean the philosophical doctrine and not this or that party that the recall) is a radically materialist doctrine, in which man does not exist as a person ( "rationalis naturae individua substantia "), but only as an individual functional herd. But

non si ricorda mai che la Chiesa ha scomunicato con uguale convinzione il liberalismo. La teoria dell’egoismo reso valore fondante. L’idea che si sta insieme solo perché conviene. L’idea che l’uomo sia naturalmente rapace. L’idea hobbesiana dell’ “homo homini lupus” . L’idea del puttaniere.

Dunque, amare qualcuno e anche “amare le donne” vuol dire rispettarle, godere della loro esistenza ( “come è bello che tu sia” è lo stupore che sta all’origine della filosofia), desiderare il loro bene e la loro felicità, sperare di condividerla per sempre (il sempre umano e, per chi ci crede, the eternal).

"I love you" in its proper sense does not mean "I love you" (even the rapist "wants" the woman who rapes), but "I want to make you happy" , "I want your own good ".

Article. 609 d of the Criminal Code punishes "corruption of minors" precisely because the law considers a value of respect for the individual and his inner world, values \u200b\u200bthat we want to have and that we should not destroy her.

Therefore, based on what he says about himself, it seems clear che il nostro Presidente, il nostro Capo che ci rappresenta tutti, non ama le donne, le vuole , le usa . Come dice lui, per passare delle serate di svago dopo le fatiche del potere.

Dall’insieme delle cose che dice sembra anche, purtroppo, che non solo non ami, ma che non sia capace di farlo e che, come accade a tanti, vittime dell’abuso e dell’usura delle parole di cui ho detto, neppure si renda conto di questa sua “disumana” (questo aggettivo duro lo traggo dalla rivista Famiglia Cristiana) incapacità, tanto da dire: «Questo fa parte della mia personalità e nessuno mi farà cambiare uno stile di vita di cui are absolutely proud ".

All this seems foreign to the question of law but, instead, is in the deepest heart of it.

save you learned to be concise and philosophical quotations, I refer you to a nice page of cinema.

In "Mission ", Father Gabriel (played by Jeremy Irons), when Rodrigo (played by Robert De Niro) tells him that he decided to fight with the Indians, says, "If that is the force that determines the right, then there is no room for love in this world " .

It is plain to everyone that these are years in which the force, only the strength, the most arrogant and power an end in itself, determines the content of the laws. That's

"party of love" is a clear lie, and unfortunately, not a lot of that fill every day news and parliamentary reports, but the worst and most dangerous.

I have two teenage children. I am not so concerned that we make mischief , who commit this or that sin (I hope they do this, but sin is human). I'm terrified of the danger they do not know what it means to love, because that would lead them to a greedy and selfish, then, inevitably violent. The foundation

della legge è il rispetto degli altri e non ci può essere rispetto senza amore e non ci può essere amore senza conoscenza e verità.

Per questo un governo, una televisione, un intero Paese bugiardi sono un corpo malato come più gravemente non si potrebbe.


P.S. – Per coloro che usano l’espressione priva di senso “antiberlusconismo” , preciso che non ho nulla contro il Presidente del Consiglio e che mi occupo di lui solo perché tutto ciò che lui fa per un verso ci rappresenta tutti, in quanto Capo del nostro Governo, e, per altro verso, incide massicciamente nella cultura diffusa del mio Paese.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Extreme Eye Rescue Isabella Pelle Australia

Building the future: a bridge between today and tomorrow. A key

Nobody has doubts about what a child and, basically, we are led to believe that a concept so obvious has maintained the same meaning in the history and civilization. Instead the concept linked to the image of "child" is a reality that history has been viewed in very different ways and has also undergone significant changes, following the evolution of society.

Feuerstein grandfather to great-grandson

You could say that there are many concepts of how many children are civilizations and cultures.

Several settings of thought lead apparently, to different educational settings. However, despite their diversity, many of the historical views on children shared a common view: the idea that in the early years of the most characteristically human ability (cognition, awareness, need to support logical and so were still missing and, therefore, could not set a time educational relationship to lay the foundations for the future. Every action, every event, every action in favor of the young child was, therefore, an end in itself, aimed all'accudimento quell'intenzionalità educational material and devoid of useful meaning to give him a deep and lasting and to create the conditions for future learning. Today, however, are more recognized the enormous potential that the child's mental with the very first hours of life , indeed, it was found that the plastictà of the human brain is greatest in early childhood and the consequent possibility of learning is increased as soon as possible is done, especially in cases of special educational needs.
The development of cognitive structure is the product of two modes of interaction between person and environment: the first is by direct exposure to stimuli, the second is in exhibition led by an adult who acts with intention and create the report educational Feuerstein calls "Mediated Learning." Direct exposure to stimuli is the most common, but can not exhaust itself, the educational needs of human beings, especially those who need special care to express their own inner resources.
There is nothing in our biological make-up that requires thought abstract thought dependent on high-level mental processes such as cognitive understanding, processing and use of symbols. Such thinking is apparent in response to interpersonal needs, which are expressed primarily in the relationship between one generation and another as the transmission of cultural values. E 'Mediated Learning Experience to promote the functions that go beyond the biological needs of' individual creating a wide variety of behaviors that crystallize and form a solid structure on which to build future learning.

Mediation of Transcendence
Among the elements that make it an educational relationship is particularly significant the appearance that Feuerstein calls Transcendence.
To promote the transcendence of the mediator transforms the activity into a series of behavior patterns through which children can learn the general principles that can be used beyond the immediate event. When you find yourself has learned to use these principles in different situations, they will be endorsed and will no longer be dependent, to use them, the presence of an external point of reference. The immediate objectives of which is focusing on becoming the springboard for goals that transcend the here and now. "
Through transcendence is detached from the event context in which it is produced and it exceeds the immediate ends in favor of more distant goals, overcoming the momentary needs, expanding and diversifying, so the system needs of the subject. Transcendence is the bridge between ideas and activities seemingly unrelated to each other by increasing the flexibility of thought and the capacity for abstraction. It starts from the immediate need to reach ever broader and far targets, while providing the tools to do so.
Through transcendence is possible to promote abstract thinking in different ways.
One might, for example:
- develop, strengthen and better cognitive functioning.
connecting a certain activity or event to other situations distant in time and space, the child learns to form a relationship with something that is not concrete and can not be manipulated. It must, therefore, create links based on comparisons internalized and will need to use the representational thinking el 'imagination.
develop spatial-temporal orientation
placing questions that relate to the past, leading to make comparisons between experiences in the present and events that have already passed, the mediator causes the person to use their memory and learn to build sequences, place events in a time continuum that references in different parts of reality. The child will realize that, even if every event is unique because it is situated in a space-time only, have, however, elements of continuity and connection with the events he has already experienced or can imagine in the future.

- develop the need to understand
When accompanying information, directions, delivery, addressing the child with explanations that clarify the motives that lie at the base, promotes the need to support logical you create the habit of seeking an explanation for the events that punctuate their existence. Your child will learn to seek its own or with the help of the adult correlations cause - effect and a half - fine, learn to ask and to question in detail and finalized by enriching their experience and their knowledge.
- Understanding the relationship between task, object or event and the system to which it refers.
Children often relate to events as if they were disconnected from the context and do not perceive the relationships that connect them to each other. This creates difficulties in identifying the rules that govern the world and to plan accordingly, through the transcendence of the mediator helps the parties to identify the relationships that connect the different stimoli dando loro un ordine logico, con un effetto rassicurante.

Per ottenere la mediazione della trascendenza è necessario:
- Trovare una regola generale che sia applicabile anche ad altri contesti.
- Collegare gli eventi del presente ad altri del passato o del futuro , certi o possibili, reali o fantastici.
- Cimentarsi nel pensiero riflessivo con l’obiettivo di raggiungere una più profonda comprensione delle situazioni in cui si è coinvolti.
- Riflettere in modo divergente sulle esperienze che si vivono e sugli argomenti che si trattano.
- Collegare abilità acquisite in ambiti specifici, trasferendole ad altri contesti ed a situazioni di vita daily.
- promote the acquisition of a large vocabulary and appropriate that allows you to create links between different concepts.
- promote the search for possible causes and possible consequences activities undertaken, reasons and consequences that may be common problems of that kind.
- Connect difficulties present to past experiences with the aim of finding possible solutions.

Each task contains potentially useful information to transcendence, and it is never too early to start children in realizing it.

From: Kindergarten - publisher school

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Celebrity Atomic Wedgi

The constitutional right to the truth

Felice Lima
(Judge of the Court of Catania)

Done by The online newspaper of October 24, 2010

It 'difficult to comment on yet another proposal "bullshit law ad personam" . The latest (in the sense of "most recent" ) of that group (now there are about several tens) of shameful laws (many of which declared unconstitutional) without in the last fifteen years to promote a single person and / or his associates. This time the

"Alfano law" (please, stop calling "award" : at least a minimum of respect for the Italian language).

These laws are all founded on the shameful lies and misconduct that the Government and Parliament to the Constitution and "justice" (understood not as authorities but as a moral value).

List all aspects of falsehood and injustice is impossible here, because it would take a book of a thousand pages. This affront, therefore, only one: that of the right of the people the truth.

They say - lying brazenly - that "Alfano law constitutional serve to defend the high offices of state from abuse of the judiciary. The false story of the power he has to defend itself from another power.

If this was the problem, what you could do would be to amend the Constitution as follows:

1. MPs, ministers, the Head of Government and the Head of State are treated by the administration of justice as all citizens: you can investigate them, may be indicted, they can be intercepted, searched (this - the search - it is already possible today), and so on without limit, just like all other citizens (Article satisfaction. 3 of the Constitution that would feel less depressed);

2. whether in respect of any of these people are given a final ruling at the time and must be carried out the sentence the offender occupies one of "High Offices" above, Parliament acquires a copy of every document the process and decide if the sentence should be performed or not.

If the problem was really to prevent the judiciary, abusing his power to prevent legislation, governing, controlling who at one time legislates, controls or comanda, la soluzione che propongo sarebbe perfetta: senza il consenso finale del Parlamento nessuna sentenza potrebbe mandare in galera (ovviamente ci vorrebbe il consenso del Parlamento anche per eseguire una misura cautelare personale) o destituire chi ha una delle cariche pubbliche predette.

Questa soluzione – che propongo a tutti quei politici che si dicono sinceramente preoccupati di regolare meglio l’equilibrio fra i poteri – avrebbe un grandissimo pregio: non impedirebbe l’accertamento della verità.

Farebbe salvo il sacrosanto diritto del popolo alla verità.

Le indagini e i processi si potrebbero fare e le sentenze sarebbero a disposizione di tutti, insieme agli atti del processo, per essere giudicate.

Il Parlamento potrebbe leggere tutti gli atti e dire che la sentenza gli appare emessa all’esito di un giusto processo – e farla eseguire – oppure che la sentenza appare il frutto di una abietta congiura – e non farla eseguire.

Il Popolo, che tutti dicono di volere sovrano, potrebbe leggere gli atti e dire se il Parlamento che lo rappresenta ha difeso la giustizia o l’ha negata.

Con il sistema attuale e con quello ancora peggiore che Alfano vuole instaurare non si ha e non si avrà solo l’impunità dei potenti (quella, di fatto, ce l’hanno già).

Si avrà soprattutto l’assassinio della verità su di loro.

And this is the real objective of the regime pursues.

The current head of government and its associates are not afraid of prison. Why is it certain that they will never go to jail there.

legislation of our country was so devastated for the private purposes of the powerful that Previti (finally judged) is free and Dell'Utri and Cuffaro (both sentenced at first instance and on appeal to the facts that have to do with the mafia) are in Parliament.

80% of the prison population is made up of Italian and non-addicts.

In Italy no rich and powerful person ends up in jail in expiation of a sentence. In cases more desperate, he went to Santo Domingo or Hammameth.

The campaign of the Ministry of Justice (Justice ??!!) Alfano on behalf of the Prime Minister is not actually against justice, but against the truth.

What we want to achieve is not impunity: that, in fact, have it for years.

What we want to achieve is the right not to know what you do not want you to know.

In the information age, media, TV and says he knows all about the poor Scazzi Sara, what you want is a constitutional right not to know what the powerful do not want the people know.

Alcuni ricordano che i costituenti avevano previsto l’autorizzazione a procedere nei confronti dei Parlamentari. Ma quelli erano altri tempi, erano tempi nei quali anche solo essere imputati portava alle immediate dimissioni. Dunque, si doveva controllare anche solo l’inizio del procedimento.

Ora che può restare tranquillamente in Parlamento anche uno (Cosentino) a carico del quale pende una ordinanza di custodia cautelare – confermata da tutti i giudici dinanzi ai quali è stata impugnata – per concorso in associazione mafiosa (a proposito, a questo link c’è il testo integrale dell’ordinanza), la sola pendenza di un procedimento non può nuocere ad alcuno (a volte Paradoxically, it seems that even a title of respect: they did Minister Aldo Brancher because defendant).

So, yes the scrutiny of Parliament on the activities of the judiciary, but only at the end of the process.

So are guaranteed the rights of all.

If ' "High Load" will be innocent, will be paid.

And if it is ordered, no one can carry out the sentence without the consent of Parliament. But the people will know the truth.

I sent you there to take care of my dearest things of my country. I have a right to know who you are and what you did.

Well, that Alfano, Di Pietro, Fini, Bersani, Casini stand up to let in the Constitution the people's right to the truth.

The impunity of the powerful would be assured, but the people would have a new sacred constitutional right.

I have not seen here since the topic "we must stop the process, because the head of government does not have time to defend themselves" , because this is really an insult to reason.

Given that the head of government has anything to lawyers involved in his defense and also said that all the time - and he has - to go to hell (though without his knowledge, the fact that they are whores non che ci vada), per duettare con Aznavour, per scrivere canzoni ad Apicella e per andare ai compleanni delle diciottenni che trova carine, migliaia sono i cittadini impegnati in cose importantissime che, però, trovano il tempo per difendersi nei processi.

Ho conosciuto fior di chirurghi che, tra un’operazione e l’altra, alternano il salvare vite umane con il presentarsi, come è giusto che sia, dinanzi ai giudici delle decine di processi che questo o quel paziente – a volte fondatamente altre volte infondatamente – intentano loro. Nessuno si sogna di fare approvare una legge che dica che i chirurghi non possono essere processati, perché non hanno tempo.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Collection Letters Dental

Law Alfano

From Spinoza

The new immunity law is retroactive . Now yes that is constitutional.

"And now let us work" said Goebbels. Finian

I say yes to retroactive immunity law. "At that time we were still friends" .

Future and Freedom held a position consistent with what we had always said ". ie "obey" .

The award will block the processes of the President of Council and the head of state. Always manages to get away with this Napolitano!

Berlusconi says that he never asked the Lodo Alfano. It was in an old wedding list.

Bersani spoke barricades, some sipping schnapps.

The Secretary of the Democratic Party promises battle "We will oppose with all our strength that we had" .

Fini: "Never read a personal basis. I start Monday ".

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Cute Butterfly Saying

In Reggio Zù Ntònu

Francesco Siciliano
(Lawyer at the Court of Cosenza)

At the proposal of the Director Cosenza, I would try it, by quisque de populo , to give an answer of adhesion arguing a small view of things.

Back from vacation and back down again to normal daily life with its problems and also with his charm. At the time of vacation, though, there goes astray, you think you look. In a few days I saw faces and thoughts of the conscious and the unconscious.

I saw Zù Ntònu, upright man, plowing the land, had a job went to the cellar to play cards and drink a glass of wine, he never failed to lend anything to his children and his family just as it has never denied a salute to Don Ciccio.

He always said good vespers to the gentleman who was passing. His son emigrated to Peppino, now earns a better America Jobb for him and his family, and I remember as a child, had a shower in the bathroom.

Zu Ntònu has always voted for democracy, for the Socialists, although those of socialist democracy or knew who he was Don Cicco, when it came to Don Ciccio or some big shot, he said figliu Ntònu Zu, makes you think in your life, dog eat dog.

In a moment of returning to reality, I remember I saw a politician changed my friend and Zù Ntònu, there was alluring and aloof, had the votes to be elected.

was obsessed and consumed by doubt and uncertainty: where do you a favor if it was available.

He knew that revolved around him many friends of Don Ciccio, so, without risk, the important thing was to do the favor for a friend of a friend of Don Ciccio, so he knew that the political, however, was not contrary .

I also reviewed many of my friends and Zù Ntonu, 80 years, attending estate of Don Ciccio - somehow had to spend his money - normally, without doubts and, above all, without parental prohibitions.

I remembered when had to do a building where there was the house of Zù Ntònu, upright man, went to Don Ciccio, built a beautiful palace, gave him two flats was a beautiful building, bought an apartment even the sergeant.

I have reviewed, sometimes in doubt, Zù Ntònu as if winking at Don Ciccio, or otherwise comply, I could perhaps live better.

's the drama of this land, or perhaps the nation, have no doubt that a friend of the friends I probably should have it.

At sunset behind me I Pinuccia reappeared, the nephew of Zu Ntònu, embraced the grandson of Don Ciccio, the evening came with large machinery, Pinuccia was beautiful, but none of us could afford to look at her and she, I remember, was very happy to be feared and guarded in secret.

Nobody ever said, look at what is the grandson of Don Ciccio, even Zù Ntònu, honest worker.

I could not understand why. One evening, I hugged him again Zù Ntònu I tried to tell him that the synergy between the best parts of the institutions and society, combined with the roadmap of law on the part of the policy, they could avoid a repeat of his plays, fighting for the restoration values \u200b\u200babove the law by building antibodies within the ruling class in order to prevent the infiltration of politics uomini delle cosche era assolutamente necessario; insomma gli ho sbattuto in faccia la verità, gli ho spiegato che tutto quello che ha determinato l’imbarbarimento della situazione calabrese che perpetua lo sfruttamento delle classi deboli e l’intangibilità dei poteri mafiosi rafforzata dall’umanità grigia dei sodalizi criminali da domani troverà forti contrasti e non sarà più possibile; mi ha guardato, un po’ stranito, e mi ha chiesto cosa volessi dire.

La sua vita, i suoi sogni, in realtà, si sono fermati, con le continue richieste di elargizione di lavoro per suo figlio Peppino poi con la sua partenza, da quel momento non ha più avuto proiezione è come se il tempo si fosse fermato, and as long as he greeted Don Ciccio and the Lord has become eternal, after all "The Calabrian put their patriotism in the simplest things, like the goodness of their fruits and their wines. Hopeless love of their country, of which recognize the harsh life that have escaped, but remained in their state of memory and legend of the Child ".

Zù Ntònu could never see his son walk the streets he had already crossed, he who for a job had to bow his head, he sees that since the same Nazarenes (except variations on the Name) meting out future, has become immutable, insensitive, continued to vote, when He goes, for democracy or for the Socialists and has never denied a salute to Don Ciccio, nor thought of not buying something from him.

You buy something from him, because for some 'time, Don Ciccio stopped turning in cloth cap, and in tricolor sash or 3.20, today, he sells, manufactures, find rare books, go to the theater.

At some point, I really hated, I took him by the neck and told him: zu nt, but you need to plow the land, not to leave anything to your children, if we buy everything from Don Ciccio telling you to vote for democracy and socialist and Pepper to go to America for jobb? You are the first that has come to Reggio, I recommend not to miss.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Poem Money Tree Birthday

Asked to come to trial by three judges who stopped investigations Louis De Magistris

Antonio Massari

Done by The Daily of September 3, 2010

The Prosecutor of Salerno "Investigation unlawfully removed" . On
"Why not" and "Poseidon" war is with the judicial office of Catanzaro

Investigations "Why Not" and "Poseidon" were unlawfully removed from Luigi De Magistris, in 2007, when he was a token of the prosecution of Catanzaro: this is the argument of the Prosecutor of Salerno, after closing the investigation, requested the indictment of three judges Calabria, the Parliamentary Assembly of the PDL Giancarlo Pittelli, former Undersecretary for Productive Activities Pino Galati (UDC) and the strong man of Communion and Liberation in Calabria, Antonio Saladino.

The first responses to the judicial "De Magistris case" come November 3, when the investigating magistrate Vincenzo Pellegrino will decide on the requests of three pm (Rocco Alfano, Minerva and Maria Chiara Cantarella Antonio) who "inherited" the investigation by prosecutors Gabriella Nuzzi and Dionysius Verasani, then punished, with the transfer from CSM.

storage instead sought - in the morning, first published yesterday, the news - for another four judges - Enzo Iannelli, Alfredo Garbati, Domenico de Lorenzo and Salvatore Curcio - facing charges of aiding and acts of omission ' : office had refused to transmit the files of Poseidon and Why Not to Salerno pm (Nuzzi and Verasani) who were investigating the theft of files from De Magistris. A refusal that resulted, first, in the seizure of documents, work by prosecutors Salerno. It took poi, proprio a causa del sequestro, alla punizione di Nuzzi, Verasani e del loro capo Luigi Apicella.

Oltre che sulla richiesta di archiviazione, però, il gip dovrà deciderà sul rinvio a giudizio degli altri magistrati: l’ex procuratore capo Mariano Lombardi (fu lui ad avocare Poseidone a De Magistris), il procuratore generale reggente Dolcino Favi (avocò l’inchiesta Why Not) e il procuratore aggiunto Salvatore Murone.

Le indagini della procura di Salerno ipotizzano, tra vari reati, anche la corruzione in atti giudiziari.

A trarre vantaggio dalla revoca di Poseidone, secondo l’accusa, furono Pittelli e Galati che, negli atti della chiusura d’indagine, appaiono as "instigators" of "misconduct" and Murone Lombardi.

"The inevitable stagnation of the preliminary investigation in progress" , had written to the prosecution in closing the investigation, led to "encourage those involved in investigations, particularly Pittelli and Galatians, which, in a wider corruptive environment (...) had worked to receive both Lombardi, and his son Pierre Greek, money or other benefits ". Illegal

also the avocation of Why Not: de Magistris, had entered in the register of the former suspects Minister Clemente Mastella (later filed by the prosecutor of Catanzaro).

Combs moved the trial assuming the investigation to de Magistris, a "conflict of interest" as Mastella had opened an investigation on disciplinary pm. "Conflict of Interest" , according to the Prosecutor of Salerno, has never occurred, so as to argue that "was certified by a public act, a situation contrary to the true" .

For this line are investigated Combs and Saladin, at the time, was the main accused (later convicted) Why Not investigation.

"The Prosecutor of Salerno - said De Magistris, now MEP IDV - Why Not confirms that Poseidon and I were taken away illegally, due to a corrupt agreement between the heads of the offices of prosecutors and some suspects ".

"Despite being advised by the CSM time - he continues - serious about the illegal scheme and that concerned the leaders of the courts of Catanzaro, has never considered having to do so. Today Murone is the holder of the investigation into the attacks to the attorney general of Reggio Calabria. That same CSM has instead demonstrated an extraordinary zeal when, after trials disciplinary farce, carried out enforcement professional myself and my colleagues of Salerno ".

Pittelli replies "De Magistris should know, but it would be asking too much from its legal culture, that the request for indictment indictment is only a hypothesis to be verified. The most interesting part of the whole story has yet to be written. And the truth, on groups and pencils, will soon re-establish the exact contours of the most shameful imposture ever happened in the judicial-political ".

Pending the "shameful imposture" evoked by Pittelli be demonstrated, or at meno accennata, bisogna registrare questa storia annovera la punizione, da parte del Csm, di almeno quattro pm. Ai quali va aggiunta Clementina Forleo che, (anche) per aver difeso De Magistris durante Annozero, fu prima incolpata e poi trasferita (per incompatibilità ambientale) dalla Procura di Milano.

Oltre alle richieste di rinvio a giudizio (e di archiviazione), quindi, in questa vicenda pesa anche il ruolo del Csm dell’epoca, soprattutto se consideriamo che in questi giorni, altri tre pm, confermano (nelle sue parti essenziali) l’impianto accusatorio di Nuzzi e Verasani e, con esso, il “complotto” per sottrarre, in maniera illegale, le indagini all’ex pm napoletano.