Friday, September 3, 2010

Poem Money Tree Birthday

Asked to come to trial by three judges who stopped investigations Louis De Magistris

Antonio Massari

Done by The Daily of September 3, 2010

The Prosecutor of Salerno "Investigation unlawfully removed" . On
"Why not" and "Poseidon" war is with the judicial office of Catanzaro

Investigations "Why Not" and "Poseidon" were unlawfully removed from Luigi De Magistris, in 2007, when he was a token of the prosecution of Catanzaro: this is the argument of the Prosecutor of Salerno, after closing the investigation, requested the indictment of three judges Calabria, the Parliamentary Assembly of the PDL Giancarlo Pittelli, former Undersecretary for Productive Activities Pino Galati (UDC) and the strong man of Communion and Liberation in Calabria, Antonio Saladino.

The first responses to the judicial "De Magistris case" come November 3, when the investigating magistrate Vincenzo Pellegrino will decide on the requests of three pm (Rocco Alfano, Minerva and Maria Chiara Cantarella Antonio) who "inherited" the investigation by prosecutors Gabriella Nuzzi and Dionysius Verasani, then punished, with the transfer from CSM.

storage instead sought - in the morning, first published yesterday, the news - for another four judges - Enzo Iannelli, Alfredo Garbati, Domenico de Lorenzo and Salvatore Curcio - facing charges of aiding and acts of omission ' : office had refused to transmit the files of Poseidon and Why Not to Salerno pm (Nuzzi and Verasani) who were investigating the theft of files from De Magistris. A refusal that resulted, first, in the seizure of documents, work by prosecutors Salerno. It took poi, proprio a causa del sequestro, alla punizione di Nuzzi, Verasani e del loro capo Luigi Apicella.

Oltre che sulla richiesta di archiviazione, però, il gip dovrà deciderà sul rinvio a giudizio degli altri magistrati: l’ex procuratore capo Mariano Lombardi (fu lui ad avocare Poseidone a De Magistris), il procuratore generale reggente Dolcino Favi (avocò l’inchiesta Why Not) e il procuratore aggiunto Salvatore Murone.

Le indagini della procura di Salerno ipotizzano, tra vari reati, anche la corruzione in atti giudiziari.

A trarre vantaggio dalla revoca di Poseidone, secondo l’accusa, furono Pittelli e Galati che, negli atti della chiusura d’indagine, appaiono as "instigators" of "misconduct" and Murone Lombardi.

"The inevitable stagnation of the preliminary investigation in progress" , had written to the prosecution in closing the investigation, led to "encourage those involved in investigations, particularly Pittelli and Galatians, which, in a wider corruptive environment (...) had worked to receive both Lombardi, and his son Pierre Greek, money or other benefits ". Illegal

also the avocation of Why Not: de Magistris, had entered in the register of the former suspects Minister Clemente Mastella (later filed by the prosecutor of Catanzaro).

Combs moved the trial assuming the investigation to de Magistris, a "conflict of interest" as Mastella had opened an investigation on disciplinary pm. "Conflict of Interest" , according to the Prosecutor of Salerno, has never occurred, so as to argue that "was certified by a public act, a situation contrary to the true" .

For this line are investigated Combs and Saladin, at the time, was the main accused (later convicted) Why Not investigation.

"The Prosecutor of Salerno - said De Magistris, now MEP IDV - Why Not confirms that Poseidon and I were taken away illegally, due to a corrupt agreement between the heads of the offices of prosecutors and some suspects ".

"Despite being advised by the CSM time - he continues - serious about the illegal scheme and that concerned the leaders of the courts of Catanzaro, has never considered having to do so. Today Murone is the holder of the investigation into the attacks to the attorney general of Reggio Calabria. That same CSM has instead demonstrated an extraordinary zeal when, after trials disciplinary farce, carried out enforcement professional myself and my colleagues of Salerno ".

Pittelli replies "De Magistris should know, but it would be asking too much from its legal culture, that the request for indictment indictment is only a hypothesis to be verified. The most interesting part of the whole story has yet to be written. And the truth, on groups and pencils, will soon re-establish the exact contours of the most shameful imposture ever happened in the judicial-political ".

Pending the "shameful imposture" evoked by Pittelli be demonstrated, or at meno accennata, bisogna registrare questa storia annovera la punizione, da parte del Csm, di almeno quattro pm. Ai quali va aggiunta Clementina Forleo che, (anche) per aver difeso De Magistris durante Annozero, fu prima incolpata e poi trasferita (per incompatibilità ambientale) dalla Procura di Milano.

Oltre alle richieste di rinvio a giudizio (e di archiviazione), quindi, in questa vicenda pesa anche il ruolo del Csm dell’epoca, soprattutto se consideriamo che in questi giorni, altri tre pm, confermano (nelle sue parti essenziali) l’impianto accusatorio di Nuzzi e Verasani e, con esso, il “complotto” per sottrarre, in maniera illegale, le indagini all’ex pm napoletano.


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