Gabriella Nuzzi
(Judge of the Court of Latina)
Done by The Daily of August 6, 2010
Ho scelto di percorrere in questi mesi la strada della riflessione e del silenzio.
Non certo per timore, né per rassegnazione. L’esame introspettivo degli eventi consente di trovare soluzioni, le migliori possibili, per sé e per gli altri.
Di fronte all’ingiustizia, e più di tutto se gli è inflitta, un magistrato, che sia davvero tale, non cerca vie di fuga, né comodi ripari. Perciò, ho continuato a credere nella magistratura e nel suo operato.
La Grande Bugia della guerra tra le procure di Salerno e Catanzaro, creata ad arte per sottrarre a me e ai colleghi salernitani le inchieste sugli uffici giudiziari calabresi e privarci delle funzioni inquirenti, non can not find legal and judicial responses.
boulders and obstacles on the truth
When December 2, 2008 were carried out the seizure of evidence in the file "Why Not" and searches the magistrates who had managed to shock and excerpts of filings, it accused the Public Salerno ministries have drawn up measures "abnormal" and subversive, thereby demonstrating "an exceptional lack of balance, and absolute impartiality in the performance of institutions and lack of a sense of respect for the Order record ".
For these reasons, the January 8, 2009, at the proposal of Chief Inspector Archibald Miller, Alfano asked the Minister of Justice, as a matter of urgency, to the disciplinary section of the CSM, Nicola Mancino, chaired by the application of " precautionary measures " disciplinary towards me, and my colleague the Attorney Verasani Apicella.
Speech announced in Parliament by the Secretary for Justice James Caliendo to his party friends Laboccetta Amedeo & Co., who, in defense of Calabria, calling for the head dr. De Magistris and we his other "associates" .
The entire political-judicial spalleggiato dalla grande “libera” stampa, che scatenò una tempesta mediatica, condannò la nostra scelta investigativa come un atto di “terrorismo giudiziario” , un attacco “senza precedenti” alle istituzioni democratiche, ispirato al perseguimento di fini personalistici e politici, di pericolosità tale da esigere una repressione esemplare e immediata.
La Prima Commissione del Csm presieduta da Ugo Bergamo avviò il trasferimento d’ufficio per incompatibilità ambientale, poi sospeso in attesa degli esiti disciplinari.
L’Associazione Nazionale Magistrati accettò di buon grado l’epurazione, nell’illusione of a future peace of mind.
Holy Inquisition of the millennium
After just ten days, with a job from the Inquisition, we tore their investigative functions, away from our region. A curtain of silence and indifference soared around the "case Salerno" .
Judges Calabrese investigated, the authors of the counter-sequestration "Why Not" , establish a criminal in our charge, and Mr.. De Magistris, then sending it to the Public Prosecutor of Rome, with the added Achille Toro, began to investigate freely on our private lives, without any foundation. United
Sections of the Supreme Court presided over by Dr. Vincenzo Carbone hastily closed the chapter on the subject of a preliminary summary, the historical example of how it is possible in terms of judicial ethics, say everything and its opposite.
were opened at our expense further criminal proceedings and disciplinary brandished like clubs, so we felt under constant threat.
On October 19, 2009, the same disciplinary section on a report Att. Michele Saponara, received disciplinary action brought by the Attorney General of the Supreme Court Edwards, inflicting on me and my colleague Verasani the sanction of loss of seniority (respectively, six and four months) and transfer office Seat and function.
It was not easy to resist such undue influence.
a result of violence will, he indecently trampled each rule, without even back in front of the judicial recognition of the legality and necessity of our behavior.
The de-legitimization, isolation and removal are methods of destruction Masonic Mafia.
And we paid for daring to shed light on the political-judicial Freemasonry.
Since then, patiently, I waited to speak were the facts.
And the facts, over time, as pieces of an incomprehensible puzzle are slowly rearranging.
Lodges caps and large old
Some of those who have contributed to our cleansing seems to have meetings with alleged membership of a secret association.
So, faced with undeniable evidence, to speak today on Masonic factions also internal to the judiciary is no longer scandalous or subversive act.
extensive debates were opened on "moral issue" of our institutions.
The National Association of Magistrates, remembering our own story, has condemned the "fall on deaf ears" rigor of its demands, and cry loudly. So
against the umpteenth hypocrisy of the "system" shattered today my silence.
I turn to the distinguished judicial activists of the account, those who have never been touched by a doubt or second thoughts, finding no need even to articulate the thought.
express in their purity, and preferably with knowledge of the facts, a firm position on what the offense was committed against us, on ' "ethics" that would inspire on a scandalous injustice " system that, even today, incredibly, endorses impunity, leaving the powerful, corrupt or collusive, remain ai loro posti o peggio, siano premiati.
Non sono i loro rappresentanti più degni a spartirsi gli scranni del nostro “autogoverno” , a decidere nomine, promozioni, trasferimenti, punizioni disciplinari?
O forse l’associazionismo sta dissociandosi da se stesso?
Non vi sono oggi “questioni morali” che non lo fossero anche ieri.
E allora occorre ripartire da zero, passando attraverso un profondo mea culpa .
Questa pericolosa caduta libera di credibilità può arrestarsi soltanto con il ripristino del primato del Diritto e il ripudio definitivo delle logiche di appartenenza e protezionismo.
Solo proponendosi tali obiettivi e scegliendo figure di guida autorevoli, per integrità, indipendenza e competenza, l’Ordine giudiziario può sperare in un autentico rinnovamento morale, nell’interesse supremo del popolo e della democrazia.
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