Sunday, September 19, 2010

Cute Butterfly Saying

In Reggio Zù Ntònu

Francesco Siciliano
(Lawyer at the Court of Cosenza)

At the proposal of the Director Cosenza, I would try it, by quisque de populo , to give an answer of adhesion arguing a small view of things.

Back from vacation and back down again to normal daily life with its problems and also with his charm. At the time of vacation, though, there goes astray, you think you look. In a few days I saw faces and thoughts of the conscious and the unconscious.

I saw Zù Ntònu, upright man, plowing the land, had a job went to the cellar to play cards and drink a glass of wine, he never failed to lend anything to his children and his family just as it has never denied a salute to Don Ciccio.

He always said good vespers to the gentleman who was passing. His son emigrated to Peppino, now earns a better America Jobb for him and his family, and I remember as a child, had a shower in the bathroom.

Zu Ntònu has always voted for democracy, for the Socialists, although those of socialist democracy or knew who he was Don Cicco, when it came to Don Ciccio or some big shot, he said figliu Ntònu Zu, makes you think in your life, dog eat dog.

In a moment of returning to reality, I remember I saw a politician changed my friend and Zù Ntònu, there was alluring and aloof, had the votes to be elected.

was obsessed and consumed by doubt and uncertainty: where do you a favor if it was available.

He knew that revolved around him many friends of Don Ciccio, so, without risk, the important thing was to do the favor for a friend of a friend of Don Ciccio, so he knew that the political, however, was not contrary .

I also reviewed many of my friends and Zù Ntonu, 80 years, attending estate of Don Ciccio - somehow had to spend his money - normally, without doubts and, above all, without parental prohibitions.

I remembered when had to do a building where there was the house of Zù Ntònu, upright man, went to Don Ciccio, built a beautiful palace, gave him two flats was a beautiful building, bought an apartment even the sergeant.

I have reviewed, sometimes in doubt, Zù Ntònu as if winking at Don Ciccio, or otherwise comply, I could perhaps live better.

's the drama of this land, or perhaps the nation, have no doubt that a friend of the friends I probably should have it.

At sunset behind me I Pinuccia reappeared, the nephew of Zu Ntònu, embraced the grandson of Don Ciccio, the evening came with large machinery, Pinuccia was beautiful, but none of us could afford to look at her and she, I remember, was very happy to be feared and guarded in secret.

Nobody ever said, look at what is the grandson of Don Ciccio, even Zù Ntònu, honest worker.

I could not understand why. One evening, I hugged him again Zù Ntònu I tried to tell him that the synergy between the best parts of the institutions and society, combined with the roadmap of law on the part of the policy, they could avoid a repeat of his plays, fighting for the restoration values \u200b\u200babove the law by building antibodies within the ruling class in order to prevent the infiltration of politics uomini delle cosche era assolutamente necessario; insomma gli ho sbattuto in faccia la verità, gli ho spiegato che tutto quello che ha determinato l’imbarbarimento della situazione calabrese che perpetua lo sfruttamento delle classi deboli e l’intangibilità dei poteri mafiosi rafforzata dall’umanità grigia dei sodalizi criminali da domani troverà forti contrasti e non sarà più possibile; mi ha guardato, un po’ stranito, e mi ha chiesto cosa volessi dire.

La sua vita, i suoi sogni, in realtà, si sono fermati, con le continue richieste di elargizione di lavoro per suo figlio Peppino poi con la sua partenza, da quel momento non ha più avuto proiezione è come se il tempo si fosse fermato, and as long as he greeted Don Ciccio and the Lord has become eternal, after all "The Calabrian put their patriotism in the simplest things, like the goodness of their fruits and their wines. Hopeless love of their country, of which recognize the harsh life that have escaped, but remained in their state of memory and legend of the Child ".

Zù Ntònu could never see his son walk the streets he had already crossed, he who for a job had to bow his head, he sees that since the same Nazarenes (except variations on the Name) meting out future, has become immutable, insensitive, continued to vote, when He goes, for democracy or for the Socialists and has never denied a salute to Don Ciccio, nor thought of not buying something from him.

You buy something from him, because for some 'time, Don Ciccio stopped turning in cloth cap, and in tricolor sash or 3.20, today, he sells, manufactures, find rare books, go to the theater.

At some point, I really hated, I took him by the neck and told him: zu nt, but you need to plow the land, not to leave anything to your children, if we buy everything from Don Ciccio telling you to vote for democracy and socialist and Pepper to go to America for jobb? You are the first that has come to Reggio, I recommend not to miss.


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