di Felice Lima
(Giudice del Tribunale di Catania)
da Il Fatto Quotidiano online dell’1 settembre 2010
Nel mio ultimo post qui ho cercato di illustrare le ragioni per le quali è un errore gravissimo ridurre il tema della legalità alla questione della impunità per il dott. Berlusconi e i suoi amici e sodali.
La legalità non è solo “dare una giusta pena” those who violate the law.
The legality - or, as in the case of our country, the lawlessness - features and function - or disqualify - the whole life of society and its hopes for the future.
Perhaps two examples may make it more convincing than what I have written in recent days.
The son of a dear friend's twenty-four. He graduated in physics, a field he loved, despite the many say that it would be easier to have an economically sustainable future work on other studies.
After graduation he did an internship in the U.S. at the end of which he wrote an article that was hosted on a magazine science.
University of Lausanne have read the article and invited him for an interview, after which they made a contract researcher and have given a whole lab of which today is responsible.
Meanwhile, he also obtained a research post at Harvard University, to which he had participated in the contest, post to which he had to give up, having already "signed" to Lausanne.
E 'common ground that this was possible because in Lausanne and Harvard have a rate of legality definitely much higher than in Italy.
In Italy, unfortunately, no university is dreams of "invite" on its own initiative a talented scholar nor give place to a young researcher is not recommended by anyone, and even stranger.
In Switzerland and the United States, by contrast, no one dreams of giving their position as a research professor of the lover rather than a scholar capable: would be immediately removed and immediately denounced and condemned.
The other story that I want to tell is that of a company that manufactures polyethylene bags (plastic grocery bags). He had evaded taxes
for a billion dollars.
tax assessments, court appeals, my decision of a court society to pay the amount evaded.
During the appeal proceedings coming one of the amnesties of Dr. Berlusconi and the company terminated its debt by paying only 20% of the amount due.
Everyone thinks that the issue here is only the theft - to the detriment of us all taxpayers - the eight hundred million remitted.
But it is not.
In the small town where the company operates now in question there are two companies that produce shopping bags.
A - honest - who has always paid taxes.
This company has built its own warehouse and bought the machinery for making a loan to the bank and pay the monthly installments of this loan.
So, when he sells his bags to make them pay a price that includes a small portion allocated to the mortgage.
The other company - dishonest - the shed and machinery if they are bought with the money he evaded taxes. With our money.
This company has no mortgages to pay and can sell his bags at a price a bit 'lower than the other.
Therefore, the dishonest company quickly put out of business the company honest.
As the company gets contracts for public works not by merit but by dirty connections - bribes, whores or otherwise - with this or that minister, Assessor, Deputy, Mayor, etc.. put in a short time off-market companies do not pay bribes and are committed to improving the quality of their product.
Ultimately, the lawlessness ravaging the structures of society.
It makes no sense to talk about university reform and procurement if not pursued with sincerity and determination of its legality.
Whatever system presupposes respect for the rules on which it relies.
The legality, efficiency of the prosecution and the courts (just the opposite of the last program year-old incumbent governments in our country) are the prerequisite of any model social.
Switzerland and the United States are countries with their faults, some of them serious. With things that work and others that do not work.
But there can hope. Why did they even scholars chosen for their quality, companies working on their own merits, politicians who were really "elected" .
What hope can have, instead, a country like ours, in which, with impunity assured to all the rich and powerful, the elite universities have unique qualities as the baronial relatives, employers are only able to take whores for third parties and politicians are moving forward with the power of blackmail by the press?
Un paese così dovrebbe desiderare la legalità più di ogni altra cosa. Un paese così dovrebbe pretendere che la legge non si tocchi e che si ricreino le condizioni perché essa sia applicata.
Un paese così dovrebbe rendere assolutamente impensabile qualsiasi ulteriore attentato a quel poco di legalità che resta.
Invece il nostro Parlamento è da anni impegnato sui temi della giustizia, ma non per ottenere ai cittadini più giustizia, ma ai delinquenti più impunità.
Tutte le leggi e i progetti di leggi portati avanti da molti anni a questa parte servivano e servono solo a proteggere chi vive di illegalità e nella illegalità.
E a neutralizzare the work of judges and justice, reduced to a pile of rubble, only to wonder when this or hypocritically murderer back free from the effects of this or that law "SalvaSilvio" or "SalvaCesare" or "SalvaMarcello ".
All peoples have their difficulties, but in Lausanne and Harvard, a young man responsible has its title and it is recognized that he was entitled.
In Italy a young man can only exercise jurisdiction to lick the c ... the politician in office and even then is unlikely to have the place, since "not entitled" , because in Italy there are no rights but only "boss promises" .
And, therefore, there is no more hope, but only illusions.
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