of the address delivered by Andrea Reale, Judge of the Court of Ragusa , the XXX Congress ANM. The speech by Andrea
consists of two lists, such as a TV broadcast that has been very successful in recent days.
List of some reasons which must be renewed for the ANM
Why, to really turn the page, it is necessary to overcome the climate of closure, of prejudice and lack of communication already existing within the various groups that animate the ANM, and that killed the internal debate, and why it is no longer silent witness to some internal strife, which would fatally weaken the ANM, and that show most eloquently degeneration correntizia;
because one no longer understands what the real difference between individual membership groups within ANM and few, even among those who call themselves the founding fathers of associations giudiziario, te li sanno spiegare in modo chiaro e credibile;
perché l’A.N.M. è troppo vicina al C.S.M. e troppo forte è il loro legame, pur dovendo essere due realtà ontologicamente diverse;
perché è strano che i vertici di una associazione non sappiano indire in sette anni una assemblea ordinaria o pubblicizzare adeguatamente tutti i verbali delle riunioni degli organismi rappresentativi;
perché non è credibile un’associazione che non sappia dare seguito ai suoi deliberati e che non sappia organizzare le primarie per la scelta dei propri rappresentanti all’autogoverno, pur dopo avere deliberato la loro indizione a maggioranza assoluta;
perché è difficile accettare il fatto che si possa fare associazione soltanto all’interno di un gruppo e non si dia alcuna importanza e non si valorizzi l’impegno di chi non ha voglia di schierarsi;
perché è intollerabile che oggi chi non aderisce ad un gruppo dell’A.N.M., ma intenda partecipare attivamente all’Associazione, venga isolato, deriso e screditato, professionalmente ed anche personalmente, persino cancellato da una mailinglist;
perché bisogna interrogarsi su quel senso totale di disaffezione all’A.N.M. che si respira alla base, tra i colleghi, e derivante dalla sfiducia nei suoi rappresentanti, e dall’idea, molto diffusa, che l’A.N.M. sia cosa di pochi selected and serve for a career;
because you can not allow the ANM and the groups within it to behave as current political parties, from choosing the future representatives in all bodies of institutional representation of the judiciary and sometimes give rise to inhumane forms of housing development;
because you do not understand how it can be considered "antibody" a hasty and draconian disciplinary justice, that would undermine the internal independence of the judiciary;
because it can not be more than one union that, often, rather than to protect its agents, is on the side of those who administer them.
List some reasons why it is important to strive for the renewal and within ANM ANM
Because you can only criticize the ANM and never participate in community life;
because it is enormously gratifying to feel useful for a colleague and solve his problem, not expecting anything, without asking for a vote in exchange
because you have to go back to the original spirit ANM, because it is right to undertake free and selflessly for our association ;
because it is vital to combat and denounce the vices of a judicial system, including self-government, that does not work;
because you can not resign ourselves to the idea that our ANM become an oligarchy;
because you have to recapture the town house ANM and consider our union as the place of strong defense of the rights and legitimate interests of all and of each individual judge;
because it is right to honor the commitment made by the men and women judges who sacrificed even their lives to defend the values \u200b\u200bin which all of us, even as Associated all'ANM, we believe, is exciting because
organize a day of justice open to the public and explain , Especially young people, how does a civil or criminal, and because it takes time, and make known to the civil society in the judiciary there are no red robes or politicized, or that judges are human anthropologically different from the human race, or that they are the metastasis of democracy, but on the contrary, that the jurisdiction and the practitioner are the backbone of the rule of law;
because it is extraordinary to be appointed a member of the Commission to reform the code of ethics for judges to see Italian and translated into principles the ideas of renewal necessary for a real change;
why we need a commitment made to ensure the practical donne in magistratura pari opportunità in ambito lavorativo;
perché è bello che l’impegno associativo diventi parte importante della nostra vita professionale;
perché la nostra idea di rinnovamento non si raffigura in un’onda alta e travolgente, ma è meglio descritta da una goccia lenta, ma inesorabile, che sappia perforare la pietra (GUTTA CAVAT LAPIDEM ), e che sia metafora di una ferrea volontà con la quale si possono conseguire obiettivi altrimenti impossibili.
perché, come diceva Gandhi, la forza non deriva dalle capacità fisiche, ma da una volontà indomita;
perché forse è giunto il momento in cui chi la pensa diversamente si organize and come together to give strength to a new concept of partnerships, ready to dialogue with all the components associated with the institutions, with the other elements of jurisdiction, the community, and as a rule that places the fundamental incompatibility of office ' charge associated with any other commitment in institutional roles and / or administrative and political, because you do not go away, better to stop here and now and give their small contribution to change and to demonstrate by deeds, not with words or titles high-flown renewal.
Andrea Reale
consists of two lists, such as a TV broadcast that has been very successful in recent days.
List of some reasons which must be renewed for the ANM
Why, to really turn the page, it is necessary to overcome the climate of closure, of prejudice and lack of communication already existing within the various groups that animate the ANM, and that killed the internal debate, and why it is no longer silent witness to some internal strife, which would fatally weaken the ANM, and that show most eloquently degeneration correntizia;
because one no longer understands what the real difference between individual membership groups within ANM and few, even among those who call themselves the founding fathers of associations giudiziario, te li sanno spiegare in modo chiaro e credibile;
perché l’A.N.M. è troppo vicina al C.S.M. e troppo forte è il loro legame, pur dovendo essere due realtà ontologicamente diverse;
perché è strano che i vertici di una associazione non sappiano indire in sette anni una assemblea ordinaria o pubblicizzare adeguatamente tutti i verbali delle riunioni degli organismi rappresentativi;
perché non è credibile un’associazione che non sappia dare seguito ai suoi deliberati e che non sappia organizzare le primarie per la scelta dei propri rappresentanti all’autogoverno, pur dopo avere deliberato la loro indizione a maggioranza assoluta;
perché è difficile accettare il fatto che si possa fare associazione soltanto all’interno di un gruppo e non si dia alcuna importanza e non si valorizzi l’impegno di chi non ha voglia di schierarsi;
perché è intollerabile che oggi chi non aderisce ad un gruppo dell’A.N.M., ma intenda partecipare attivamente all’Associazione, venga isolato, deriso e screditato, professionalmente ed anche personalmente, persino cancellato da una mailinglist;
perché bisogna interrogarsi su quel senso totale di disaffezione all’A.N.M. che si respira alla base, tra i colleghi, e derivante dalla sfiducia nei suoi rappresentanti, e dall’idea, molto diffusa, che l’A.N.M. sia cosa di pochi selected and serve for a career;
because you can not allow the ANM and the groups within it to behave as current political parties, from choosing the future representatives in all bodies of institutional representation of the judiciary and sometimes give rise to inhumane forms of housing development;
because you do not understand how it can be considered "antibody" a hasty and draconian disciplinary justice, that would undermine the internal independence of the judiciary;
because it can not be more than one union that, often, rather than to protect its agents, is on the side of those who administer them.
List some reasons why it is important to strive for the renewal and within ANM ANM
Because you can only criticize the ANM and never participate in community life;
because it is enormously gratifying to feel useful for a colleague and solve his problem, not expecting anything, without asking for a vote in exchange
because you have to go back to the original spirit ANM, because it is right to undertake free and selflessly for our association ;
because it is vital to combat and denounce the vices of a judicial system, including self-government, that does not work;
because you can not resign ourselves to the idea that our ANM become an oligarchy;
because you have to recapture the town house ANM and consider our union as the place of strong defense of the rights and legitimate interests of all and of each individual judge;
because it is right to honor the commitment made by the men and women judges who sacrificed even their lives to defend the values \u200b\u200bin which all of us, even as Associated all'ANM, we believe, is exciting because
organize a day of justice open to the public and explain , Especially young people, how does a civil or criminal, and because it takes time, and make known to the civil society in the judiciary there are no red robes or politicized, or that judges are human anthropologically different from the human race, or that they are the metastasis of democracy, but on the contrary, that the jurisdiction and the practitioner are the backbone of the rule of law;
because it is extraordinary to be appointed a member of the Commission to reform the code of ethics for judges to see Italian and translated into principles the ideas of renewal necessary for a real change;
why we need a commitment made to ensure the practical donne in magistratura pari opportunità in ambito lavorativo;
perché è bello che l’impegno associativo diventi parte importante della nostra vita professionale;
perché la nostra idea di rinnovamento non si raffigura in un’onda alta e travolgente, ma è meglio descritta da una goccia lenta, ma inesorabile, che sappia perforare la pietra (GUTTA CAVAT LAPIDEM ), e che sia metafora di una ferrea volontà con la quale si possono conseguire obiettivi altrimenti impossibili.
perché, come diceva Gandhi, la forza non deriva dalle capacità fisiche, ma da una volontà indomita;
perché forse è giunto il momento in cui chi la pensa diversamente si organize and come together to give strength to a new concept of partnerships, ready to dialogue with all the components associated with the institutions, with the other elements of jurisdiction, the community, and as a rule that places the fundamental incompatibility of office ' charge associated with any other commitment in institutional roles and / or administrative and political, because you do not go away, better to stop here and now and give their small contribution to change and to demonstrate by deeds, not with words or titles high-flown renewal.
Andrea Reale
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