modify our cognitive and emotional capacity through action, thought and interaction with the environment, optimizing the experiences and opportunities for formal and informal learning that the world offers, is uniquely human ability.
Many of the features usually considered to be innate intelligence and can be stable, however, considered the result and learning are promoted and strengthened by what is called Mediated Learning Experience [1] , whose imitation is an essential component.
Education is much more effective if accompanied by the putting into practice what you want to teach, the effective sharing of theoretical principles and experiences, and including significant participation from within the socio-cultural environment in which we live.
in Western countries in recent decades profound changes have taken place in the family. In particular there has been a general shift increasingly to nuclear family, the decrease in the number of children, the increase in women working outside the family. This involves a very different structures of the life of a growing child: a lot of time "active" during the day is spent outdoors at home, while at home le possibilità di far riferimento a figure da prendere come esempio si riduce spesso ad un numero molto ridotto se non addirittura ad una persona sola, come nel caso di figli unici di genitori separati. La famiglia allargata, seppure esistente, è spesso marginale.
Contemporaneamente è in evoluzione proprio il concetto stesso del ruolo che gli adulti assumono nella loro veste educativa, a partire proprio dai genitori. Il ruolo normativo del padre è in caduta, l’immagine antica di “capo famiglia” spesso servito dalla moglie e temuto dai figli, non corrisponde all’immagine attuale dove i ruoli della coppia genitoriale sono spesso intercambiabili e raramente autorevoli. Nella società Welfare is developing a model parental weak, a father or a mother wishing to be considered permissive friends of their children, largely unwilling to make the rules, while the need or desire to delegate to others their management.
Therefore the parent is sometimes marginal figure even absent , which taken as a waiver of those who transmit values \u200b\u200bthrough-life examples to help design a balanced and independent personality.
In practice this without the new generations of those reference points from which to draw solid and safe example, while being an example is a basic task of the educator.
But what is linked to the ability to learn outside the example? What sources did the imitative behavior?
The ability to identify role models, to choose or reject them, to play what differences in appreciation for everything else, to select what is useful for ignoring what is believed can not return to their needs or can not be profitable to reach its objectives, is acquired with the attainment of higher cognitive stages but has a root in early childhood. The development of Chinese (that is, the expressive movements of the Child) is an integral part of the system of evolutionary phenomena that accompany the growth is linked to child relationship - broker and has positive effects on later stages of learning.
The mediator's role is therefore also seen as key figure to be taken as an example . The mode of interaction environment-baby-broker-broker- environment is the basis of most of the structural changes involved in the appearance human cognition. Imitation early in the first days of life, is another example of the extraordinary potential of the human mind has the ability to integrate different sensors and equipment between sensory input and motor output, both as a way for the achievement of abstract thought, is as a basis for social cognition. [i]
In the first period of life the mother, or another mediator, is present and available for a wide range of interactions. The relationship between mother - child is expressed through many ways, including the active search for the value of eye contact to enhance the look, the transmission of emotional content as smiling, physical contact and a warm and friendly voice to help make the child feel included in a meaningful context and hospitable.
kinesthetic schemas, especially in the aspects of expressive and receptive communication, are the result of exposure to role models.
to promote a specific imitative behavior, the exposure must be characterized by certain levels of intensity and frequency as by the observer, there must be proper attention. All elements combine to produce the person who observes and imitates a behavior more or less similar to that emitted by the model, so the Chinese experience can be considered the direct product of imitation. Several studies show that its establishment and its development are influenced and influence the learning abilities of the individual. This reciprocal effect contributes to enhance capacity to benefit from the increasing the modifiability of cognitive functions and allowing the achievement of higher levels of cognitive and social skills.
Imitation may be considered the product of direct exposure to stimuli, activated automatically dall'incidentale observation of a model perceptually present,
but it is more likely that the 'efficiency of the imitation process is influenced by the experience of Mediated Learning. In the first period of the child, the Ombudsman is not limited to being available, but does so with intent and attention to produce the optimal conditions of imitation. Therefore, you will enter the visual field in appropriate ways to gain interest, follow the eye, draw the attention, preferring those that will eliminate disturbing stimuli that meet the needs of the moment. The stimuli will be presented to imitate, not so random and messy, but in an organic and functional, will be repeated with rate and dependent on specific situations, will be paid attention to the relevance of some parts than others, affecting the overall tone of the behavior-pattern . Once you have the involvement and child mediator and adapt to each other, demonstrating that both are active and intentional in their interaction.
Imitation is a learning tool that is established and consolidated through the processes of mediation, allows the creation of new patterns of behavior, gradually acquires efficiency and awareness, becoming a pervasive pattern of interaction with the world. The acquisition of both the Chinese as the verbal language depend on the size and nature of the imitative behavior made available to the child's interaction with the mediator.
Feuerstein believes in cognitive modifiability, it began to lay the foundations of his education proposal, considering a possible enhancement of performance thanks to their more structured and more efficient use them, but in recent years, scientific research has shown that beliefs are confirmed by Feuerstein of something deeper. Kandel won the Nobel prize for medicine and psychology thanks to research that has demonstrated the ability of the human mind to create new structures and neuronal Michael Merzenich, a professor at University of California San Francisco argues that "sophisticated research techniques allow us to demonstrate that neural through specific exercises can produce changes in brain structures"
"In collective There is the idea that the collective be slow, clumsy, clever, intelligent, have characteristics that are inherited, "said Dr. Merzenich" The belief that these aspects are predestined and stable is deeply inherent in [the minds of many] But I believe which are basically derived from what is taught to the brain and are also subject to substantial changes throughout life.
"This is important," he continues, "because you can use this powerful process to guide the expansion. That it is possible to obtain large-scale development in ability of children and adults through a proper and intensive exercise program is something we have done well and we have proved over and over again.
In one way or another, understand the profound implications of the plasticity of the brain affects virtually every aspect of the understanding and treatment of learning disabilities and neurological disorders.
( A Learning Revolution: Dr. Michael Merzenich and 'Brain Plasticity')
[i] Meltzoff and Moore have shown that infants of 18 hours are able to reproduce the movements exhibited by adults, even when it comes to the face or in particular mouth. Then use the body parts which have no visual access. Visual information on the observed behavior is translated into motor commands required to reproduce the behavior. Meltzoff AN Moore MK Explaining facial imitation: a model theroetical 1997 Early development and parenting
Meltzoff and Borton, in turn, have found that babies three weeks are able to visually identify that had previously pacifier into your mouth to see them: in practice what had been experienced tactilely recognized visually. (AN Meltzoff. Borton RW Intermodal matching by human neonates, Nature 1979
[i] View articles on mediation 1,3,9,11,13,15,16 / 2006 - 2,4,6,8,10,12 / 2007
Adapted from Publisher NURSERY School
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