Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Bumps On My Babys Foot

Tu quoque Brute wire me! About the "companion" Purposes and surrounding areas.

Francesco Siciliano
(Lawyer at the Court of Cosenza)

The prosecution, for the Chairman of the House, becoming the companion Fini " began when were the first distinguish on many issues.

Consumed ripping the companion Fini " has become simply a conspirator and, according to the Minister Bondi, the ungrateful son who also rages with a knife (the reference is supposed son of Caesar to Brutus).

The latest indictment is based primarily on one of the rags that most flies in this period: the Hon. Silvio Berlusconi has a duty paid on the right side than ever, in the absence of Berlusconi would be able to enter nell'alveo party of State and Government, except that along the way that the right has become communist or communist-captive perhaps worse.

of treason had already talked to colonels and betrayal also spoke Donna Assunta figure that, for those who belong to the area, has great significance.

short, the President Fini has become for some communist, traitor, conspirator while others come to his senses, makes tactical or worse games First Republic.

the background, now, or Monte Carlo events intranee Egypt the game has moved on mutual accusations and the latest plot twist: the possible dissolution of House of Representatives alone.

In this maelstrom that would be much easier to define the political crisis of the coalition that won the election, everyone brings his contribution, the first mold is electioneering: the electorate will weigh area of \u200b\u200bthe alleged attitude of the courtier Fini, His betrayal of the history of the MSI, its communism (even on the pages of the newspaper's front-page column in Calabria is Fini urged to say something right) and the other is the position of a constitutional question entirely new, perhaps , almost, not imagined, at least from this perspective the founding fathers.

betrayal I remember a small page of history which perhaps helps to understand that in fact of treason, if the time allowed, he would have to talk a long time ago.

Sifting through the archives of the network can read "Woe to leave the monopoly of the subversive anti-fascism! Not only is the risk that when the inevitable crisis that will be ready for them, but they end up letting the public identification of anti-fascism with communism, with the result that anyone who has interests to defend prefer ultimately resigned to Fascism . This is

un testo rinvenibile in un bollettino quindicinale edito da un’associazione clandestina antifascista italiana, dal nome ALLEANZA NAZIONALE fondata dal poeta Lauro De Bosis nel 1930 (all’associazione aderirono tra gli altri Benedetto Croce e Umberto Zanotti Bianco; De Bosis, stesso fu poi protagonista di un episodio spettacolare in cui trovò la morte mentre altri furono incarcerati dal regime fascista) e tale richiamo evocativo della scelta di Fiuggi nonché i continui richiami a Benedetto Croce rappresentano forse un strappo e un “tradimento” maggiore di Fini rispetto alla sua area e alla storia di MSI.

Insomma se di tradimento si tratta questo c’è stato nel momento in cui ci si è richiamati association with illegal right-wing who wanted to make himself right between the anti-fascists.

mutatis mutandis history perhaps today the "Futurists" care not to let the first hour of the equation antiberlusconiani antiberlusconiani alternative-a after also placing in the public right.

This argument, however, also has a specific gravity of the conspiracy and "Tu quoque Brute wire me" , since the clearance pass from the choice of anti-fascist Fiuggi while the government by the mere electoral alliance.

reading prof. Angelo Panebianco Corriere della Sera, I discovered, in spite of myself, of being together with others in their insaputa, un sostenitore della democrazia acefala che si contrappone al modello della democrazia leaderistica (modello evidentemente preferito dal prof. nel fondo citato) e, in definitiva, a me pare che in realtà Fini non tradisca alcunché ma si confermi nella scelta della democrazia acefala che andrebbe più tecnicamente definita democrazia parlamentare che è concetto statuale diverso dalla democrazia leaderistica in cui, evidentemente, i poteri sono maggiormente concentrati nel leader.

Allo stesso modo, confesso di non essere un esperto, non mi è mai parso che Fini o i suoi abbiano mai detto cose di sinistra.

La legalità non può certo dirsi un concetto non intrinseco alla destra liberale e costituzionale although it is true that the liberal state following the French Revolution was a state based on law, constitution and the division of powers, all issues underlying the distinction in recent months.

not enough, the intricate tangle of betrayals and relocation came the last constitutional revolution of recent years.

After an urgent decree contrary to law, after a recurrence of an action quashed by the Constitutional Court, came the idea of \u200b\u200bseparation of a single room, which is obviously not related, at least in the sensationalistic intentions of those who propose the government crisis.

The point-by-case lawyer it must be said that if you were to define the power of dissolution of Parliament by the President of the Republic (power that is connected to a central location and security of the President with respect to the fiduciary relationship between the Government and Parliament so that it is covered by a different and single article - 88 - than they expected all the other powers), it is solely aimed at a "resolution function of a crisis not otherwise overcome the trust relationship" it follows that nothing points to any trust in a Houses of Parliament in a bicameral system in place that just the lack of trust of a single room to highlight a crisis of trust between Parliament and Government.

The case has a precedent even in a different regulatory regime in the dissolution of the Senate in 1953 (See Guarino The dissolution of the Senate, FI, 1953, IV, 91 s.), however, is part of a regulatory regime that starting already provided for a different length between the two chambers and, above all, coincided in that moment with the expiry of the mandate of the chamber reached the end of term.

hear the Pres Alberto Capotosti Emeritus of the Constitutional Court, in short, the hypothesis, among other schools, it is merely that a lack of functioning of the House, however, is different from the problem of relationship of trust with pace of one who has evoked this possibility.

Ultimately what counts is the breaking of trust between the government and its majority, regardless of their numbers.

government crisis, then, even with the emergence of some new leaders such as Mouton but that of Fli.


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