Felice Lima
(Judge of the Court of Catania)
Done by The online newspaper of October 24, 2010
It 'difficult to comment on yet another proposal "bullshit law ad personam" . The latest (in the sense of "most recent" ) of that group (now there are about several tens) of shameful laws (many of which declared unconstitutional) without in the last fifteen years to promote a single person and / or his associates. This time the
"Alfano law" (please, stop calling "award" : at least a minimum of respect for the Italian language).
These laws are all founded on the shameful lies and misconduct that the Government and Parliament to the Constitution and "justice" (understood not as authorities but as a moral value).
List all aspects of falsehood and injustice is impossible here, because it would take a book of a thousand pages. This affront, therefore, only one: that of the right of the people the truth.
They say - lying brazenly - that "Alfano law constitutional serve to defend the high offices of state from abuse of the judiciary. The false story of the power he has to defend itself from another power.
If this was the problem, what you could do would be to amend the Constitution as follows:
1. MPs, ministers, the Head of Government and the Head of State are treated by the administration of justice as all citizens: you can investigate them, may be indicted, they can be intercepted, searched (this - the search - it is already possible today), and so on without limit, just like all other citizens (Article satisfaction. 3 of the Constitution that would feel less depressed);
2. whether in respect of any of these people are given a final ruling at the time and must be carried out the sentence the offender occupies one of "High Offices" above, Parliament acquires a copy of every document the process and decide if the sentence should be performed or not.
If the problem was really to prevent the judiciary, abusing his power to prevent legislation, governing, controlling who at one time legislates, controls or comanda, la soluzione che propongo sarebbe perfetta: senza il consenso finale del Parlamento nessuna sentenza potrebbe mandare in galera (ovviamente ci vorrebbe il consenso del Parlamento anche per eseguire una misura cautelare personale) o destituire chi ha una delle cariche pubbliche predette.
Questa soluzione – che propongo a tutti quei politici che si dicono sinceramente preoccupati di regolare meglio l’equilibrio fra i poteri – avrebbe un grandissimo pregio: non impedirebbe l’accertamento della verità.
Farebbe salvo il sacrosanto diritto del popolo alla verità.
Le indagini e i processi si potrebbero fare e le sentenze sarebbero a disposizione di tutti, insieme agli atti del processo, per essere giudicate.
Il Parlamento potrebbe leggere tutti gli atti e dire che la sentenza gli appare emessa all’esito di un giusto processo – e farla eseguire – oppure che la sentenza appare il frutto di una abietta congiura – e non farla eseguire.
Il Popolo, che tutti dicono di volere sovrano, potrebbe leggere gli atti e dire se il Parlamento che lo rappresenta ha difeso la giustizia o l’ha negata.
Con il sistema attuale e con quello ancora peggiore che Alfano vuole instaurare non si ha e non si avrà solo l’impunità dei potenti (quella, di fatto, ce l’hanno già).
Si avrà soprattutto l’assassinio della verità su di loro.
And this is the real objective of the regime pursues.
The current head of government and its associates are not afraid of prison. Why is it certain that they will never go to jail there.
legislation of our country was so devastated for the private purposes of the powerful that Previti (finally judged) is free and Dell'Utri and Cuffaro (both sentenced at first instance and on appeal to the facts that have to do with the mafia) are in Parliament.
80% of the prison population is made up of Italian and non-addicts.
In Italy no rich and powerful person ends up in jail in expiation of a sentence. In cases more desperate, he went to Santo Domingo or Hammameth.
The campaign of the Ministry of Justice (Justice ??!!) Alfano on behalf of the Prime Minister is not actually against justice, but against the truth.
What we want to achieve is not impunity: that, in fact, have it for years.
What we want to achieve is the right not to know what you do not want you to know.
In the information age, media, TV and says he knows all about the poor Scazzi Sara, what you want is a constitutional right not to know what the powerful do not want the people know.
Alcuni ricordano che i costituenti avevano previsto l’autorizzazione a procedere nei confronti dei Parlamentari. Ma quelli erano altri tempi, erano tempi nei quali anche solo essere imputati portava alle immediate dimissioni. Dunque, si doveva controllare anche solo l’inizio del procedimento.
Ora che può restare tranquillamente in Parlamento anche uno (Cosentino) a carico del quale pende una ordinanza di custodia cautelare – confermata da tutti i giudici dinanzi ai quali è stata impugnata – per concorso in associazione mafiosa (a proposito, a questo link c’è il testo integrale dell’ordinanza), la sola pendenza di un procedimento non può nuocere ad alcuno (a volte Paradoxically, it seems that even a title of respect: they did Minister Aldo Brancher because defendant).
So, yes the scrutiny of Parliament on the activities of the judiciary, but only at the end of the process.
So are guaranteed the rights of all.
If ' "High Load" will be innocent, will be paid.
And if it is ordered, no one can carry out the sentence without the consent of Parliament. But the people will know the truth.
I sent you there to take care of my dearest things of my country. I have a right to know who you are and what you did.
Well, that Alfano, Di Pietro, Fini, Bersani, Casini stand up to let in the Constitution the people's right to the truth.
The impunity of the powerful would be assured, but the people would have a new sacred constitutional right.
I have not seen here since the topic "we must stop the process, because the head of government does not have time to defend themselves" , because this is really an insult to reason.
Given that the head of government has anything to lawyers involved in his defense and also said that all the time - and he has - to go to hell (though without his knowledge, the fact that they are whores non che ci vada), per duettare con Aznavour, per scrivere canzoni ad Apicella e per andare ai compleanni delle diciottenni che trova carine, migliaia sono i cittadini impegnati in cose importantissime che, però, trovano il tempo per difendersi nei processi.
Ho conosciuto fior di chirurghi che, tra un’operazione e l’altra, alternano il salvare vite umane con il presentarsi, come è giusto che sia, dinanzi ai giudici delle decine di processi che questo o quel paziente – a volte fondatamente altre volte infondatamente – intentano loro. Nessuno si sogna di fare approvare una legge che dica che i chirurghi non possono essere processati, perché non hanno tempo.
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