Sunday, September 19, 2010

Cute Butterfly Saying

In Reggio Zù Ntònu

Francesco Siciliano
(Lawyer at the Court of Cosenza)

At the proposal of the Director Cosenza, I would try it, by quisque de populo , to give an answer of adhesion arguing a small view of things.

Back from vacation and back down again to normal daily life with its problems and also with his charm. At the time of vacation, though, there goes astray, you think you look. In a few days I saw faces and thoughts of the conscious and the unconscious.

I saw Zù Ntònu, upright man, plowing the land, had a job went to the cellar to play cards and drink a glass of wine, he never failed to lend anything to his children and his family just as it has never denied a salute to Don Ciccio.

He always said good vespers to the gentleman who was passing. His son emigrated to Peppino, now earns a better America Jobb for him and his family, and I remember as a child, had a shower in the bathroom.

Zu Ntònu has always voted for democracy, for the Socialists, although those of socialist democracy or knew who he was Don Cicco, when it came to Don Ciccio or some big shot, he said figliu Ntònu Zu, makes you think in your life, dog eat dog.

In a moment of returning to reality, I remember I saw a politician changed my friend and Zù Ntònu, there was alluring and aloof, had the votes to be elected.

was obsessed and consumed by doubt and uncertainty: where do you a favor if it was available.

He knew that revolved around him many friends of Don Ciccio, so, without risk, the important thing was to do the favor for a friend of a friend of Don Ciccio, so he knew that the political, however, was not contrary .

I also reviewed many of my friends and Zù Ntonu, 80 years, attending estate of Don Ciccio - somehow had to spend his money - normally, without doubts and, above all, without parental prohibitions.

I remembered when had to do a building where there was the house of Zù Ntònu, upright man, went to Don Ciccio, built a beautiful palace, gave him two flats was a beautiful building, bought an apartment even the sergeant.

I have reviewed, sometimes in doubt, Zù Ntònu as if winking at Don Ciccio, or otherwise comply, I could perhaps live better.

's the drama of this land, or perhaps the nation, have no doubt that a friend of the friends I probably should have it.

At sunset behind me I Pinuccia reappeared, the nephew of Zu Ntònu, embraced the grandson of Don Ciccio, the evening came with large machinery, Pinuccia was beautiful, but none of us could afford to look at her and she, I remember, was very happy to be feared and guarded in secret.

Nobody ever said, look at what is the grandson of Don Ciccio, even Zù Ntònu, honest worker.

I could not understand why. One evening, I hugged him again Zù Ntònu I tried to tell him that the synergy between the best parts of the institutions and society, combined with the roadmap of law on the part of the policy, they could avoid a repeat of his plays, fighting for the restoration values \u200b\u200babove the law by building antibodies within the ruling class in order to prevent the infiltration of politics uomini delle cosche era assolutamente necessario; insomma gli ho sbattuto in faccia la verità, gli ho spiegato che tutto quello che ha determinato l’imbarbarimento della situazione calabrese che perpetua lo sfruttamento delle classi deboli e l’intangibilità dei poteri mafiosi rafforzata dall’umanità grigia dei sodalizi criminali da domani troverà forti contrasti e non sarà più possibile; mi ha guardato, un po’ stranito, e mi ha chiesto cosa volessi dire.

La sua vita, i suoi sogni, in realtà, si sono fermati, con le continue richieste di elargizione di lavoro per suo figlio Peppino poi con la sua partenza, da quel momento non ha più avuto proiezione è come se il tempo si fosse fermato, and as long as he greeted Don Ciccio and the Lord has become eternal, after all "The Calabrian put their patriotism in the simplest things, like the goodness of their fruits and their wines. Hopeless love of their country, of which recognize the harsh life that have escaped, but remained in their state of memory and legend of the Child ".

Zù Ntònu could never see his son walk the streets he had already crossed, he who for a job had to bow his head, he sees that since the same Nazarenes (except variations on the Name) meting out future, has become immutable, insensitive, continued to vote, when He goes, for democracy or for the Socialists and has never denied a salute to Don Ciccio, nor thought of not buying something from him.

You buy something from him, because for some 'time, Don Ciccio stopped turning in cloth cap, and in tricolor sash or 3.20, today, he sells, manufactures, find rare books, go to the theater.

At some point, I really hated, I took him by the neck and told him: zu nt, but you need to plow the land, not to leave anything to your children, if we buy everything from Don Ciccio telling you to vote for democracy and socialist and Pepper to go to America for jobb? You are the first that has come to Reggio, I recommend not to miss.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Poem Money Tree Birthday

Asked to come to trial by three judges who stopped investigations Louis De Magistris

Antonio Massari

Done by The Daily of September 3, 2010

The Prosecutor of Salerno "Investigation unlawfully removed" . On
"Why not" and "Poseidon" war is with the judicial office of Catanzaro

Investigations "Why Not" and "Poseidon" were unlawfully removed from Luigi De Magistris, in 2007, when he was a token of the prosecution of Catanzaro: this is the argument of the Prosecutor of Salerno, after closing the investigation, requested the indictment of three judges Calabria, the Parliamentary Assembly of the PDL Giancarlo Pittelli, former Undersecretary for Productive Activities Pino Galati (UDC) and the strong man of Communion and Liberation in Calabria, Antonio Saladino.

The first responses to the judicial "De Magistris case" come November 3, when the investigating magistrate Vincenzo Pellegrino will decide on the requests of three pm (Rocco Alfano, Minerva and Maria Chiara Cantarella Antonio) who "inherited" the investigation by prosecutors Gabriella Nuzzi and Dionysius Verasani, then punished, with the transfer from CSM.

storage instead sought - in the morning, first published yesterday, the news - for another four judges - Enzo Iannelli, Alfredo Garbati, Domenico de Lorenzo and Salvatore Curcio - facing charges of aiding and acts of omission ' : office had refused to transmit the files of Poseidon and Why Not to Salerno pm (Nuzzi and Verasani) who were investigating the theft of files from De Magistris. A refusal that resulted, first, in the seizure of documents, work by prosecutors Salerno. It took poi, proprio a causa del sequestro, alla punizione di Nuzzi, Verasani e del loro capo Luigi Apicella.

Oltre che sulla richiesta di archiviazione, però, il gip dovrà deciderà sul rinvio a giudizio degli altri magistrati: l’ex procuratore capo Mariano Lombardi (fu lui ad avocare Poseidone a De Magistris), il procuratore generale reggente Dolcino Favi (avocò l’inchiesta Why Not) e il procuratore aggiunto Salvatore Murone.

Le indagini della procura di Salerno ipotizzano, tra vari reati, anche la corruzione in atti giudiziari.

A trarre vantaggio dalla revoca di Poseidone, secondo l’accusa, furono Pittelli e Galati che, negli atti della chiusura d’indagine, appaiono as "instigators" of "misconduct" and Murone Lombardi.

"The inevitable stagnation of the preliminary investigation in progress" , had written to the prosecution in closing the investigation, led to "encourage those involved in investigations, particularly Pittelli and Galatians, which, in a wider corruptive environment (...) had worked to receive both Lombardi, and his son Pierre Greek, money or other benefits ". Illegal

also the avocation of Why Not: de Magistris, had entered in the register of the former suspects Minister Clemente Mastella (later filed by the prosecutor of Catanzaro).

Combs moved the trial assuming the investigation to de Magistris, a "conflict of interest" as Mastella had opened an investigation on disciplinary pm. "Conflict of Interest" , according to the Prosecutor of Salerno, has never occurred, so as to argue that "was certified by a public act, a situation contrary to the true" .

For this line are investigated Combs and Saladin, at the time, was the main accused (later convicted) Why Not investigation.

"The Prosecutor of Salerno - said De Magistris, now MEP IDV - Why Not confirms that Poseidon and I were taken away illegally, due to a corrupt agreement between the heads of the offices of prosecutors and some suspects ".

"Despite being advised by the CSM time - he continues - serious about the illegal scheme and that concerned the leaders of the courts of Catanzaro, has never considered having to do so. Today Murone is the holder of the investigation into the attacks to the attorney general of Reggio Calabria. That same CSM has instead demonstrated an extraordinary zeal when, after trials disciplinary farce, carried out enforcement professional myself and my colleagues of Salerno ".

Pittelli replies "De Magistris should know, but it would be asking too much from its legal culture, that the request for indictment indictment is only a hypothesis to be verified. The most interesting part of the whole story has yet to be written. And the truth, on groups and pencils, will soon re-establish the exact contours of the most shameful imposture ever happened in the judicial-political ".

Pending the "shameful imposture" evoked by Pittelli be demonstrated, or at meno accennata, bisogna registrare questa storia annovera la punizione, da parte del Csm, di almeno quattro pm. Ai quali va aggiunta Clementina Forleo che, (anche) per aver difeso De Magistris durante Annozero, fu prima incolpata e poi trasferita (per incompatibilità ambientale) dalla Procura di Milano.

Oltre alle richieste di rinvio a giudizio (e di archiviazione), quindi, in questa vicenda pesa anche il ruolo del Csm dell’epoca, soprattutto se consideriamo che in questi giorni, altri tre pm, confermano (nelle sue parti essenziali) l’impianto accusatorio di Nuzzi e Verasani e, con esso, il “complotto” per sottrarre, in maniera illegale, le indagini all’ex pm napoletano.

Why Cant Uk People Be On Disney Channel

Thieves of hope and life

di Felice Lima
(Giudice del Tribunale di Catania)

da Il Fatto Quotidiano online dell’1 settembre 2010

Nel mio ultimo post qui ho cercato di illustrare le ragioni per le quali è un errore gravissimo ridurre il tema della legalità alla questione della impunità per il dott. Berlusconi e i suoi amici e sodali.

La legalità non è solo “dare una giusta pena” those who violate the law.

The legality - or, as in the case of our country, the lawlessness - features and function - or disqualify - the whole life of society and its hopes for the future.

Perhaps two examples may make it more convincing than what I have written in recent days.

The son of a dear friend's twenty-four. He graduated in physics, a field he loved, despite the many say that it would be easier to have an economically sustainable future work on other studies.

After graduation he did an internship in the U.S. at the end of which he wrote an article that was hosted on a magazine science.

University of Lausanne have read the article and invited him for an interview, after which they made a contract researcher and have given a whole lab of which today is responsible.

Meanwhile, he also obtained a research post at Harvard University, to which he had participated in the contest, post to which he had to give up, having already "signed" to Lausanne.

E 'common ground that this was possible because in Lausanne and Harvard have a rate of legality definitely much higher than in Italy.

In Italy, unfortunately, no university is dreams of "invite" on its own initiative a talented scholar nor give place to a young researcher is not recommended by anyone, and even stranger.

In Switzerland and the United States, by contrast, no one dreams of giving their position as a research professor of the lover rather than a scholar capable: would be immediately removed and immediately denounced and condemned.

The other story that I want to tell is that of a company that manufactures polyethylene bags (plastic grocery bags). He had evaded taxes

for a billion dollars.

tax assessments, court appeals, my decision of a court society to pay the amount evaded.

During the appeal proceedings coming one of the amnesties of Dr. Berlusconi and the company terminated its debt by paying only 20% of the amount due.

Everyone thinks that the issue here is only the theft - to the detriment of us all taxpayers - the eight hundred million remitted.

But it is not.

In the small town where the company operates now in question there are two companies that produce shopping bags.

A - honest - who has always paid taxes.

This company has built its own warehouse and bought the machinery for making a loan to the bank and pay the monthly installments of this loan.

So, when he sells his bags to make them pay a price that includes a small portion allocated to the mortgage.

The other company - dishonest - the shed and machinery if they are bought with the money he evaded taxes. With our money.

This company has no mortgages to pay and can sell his bags at a price a bit 'lower than the other.

Therefore, the dishonest company quickly put out of business the company honest.

As the company gets contracts for public works not by merit but by dirty connections - bribes, whores or otherwise - with this or that minister, Assessor, Deputy, Mayor, etc.. put in a short time off-market companies do not pay bribes and are committed to improving the quality of their product.

Ultimately, the lawlessness ravaging the structures of society.

It makes no sense to talk about university reform and procurement if not pursued with sincerity and determination of its legality.

Whatever system presupposes respect for the rules on which it relies.

The legality, efficiency of the prosecution and the courts (just the opposite of the last program year-old incumbent governments in our country) are the prerequisite of any model social.

Switzerland and the United States are countries with their faults, some of them serious. With things that work and others that do not work.

But there can hope. Why did they even scholars chosen for their quality, companies working on their own merits, politicians who were really "elected" .

What hope can have, instead, a country like ours, in which, with impunity assured to all the rich and powerful, the elite universities have unique qualities as the baronial relatives, employers are only able to take whores for third parties and politicians are moving forward with the power of blackmail by the press?

Un paese così dovrebbe desiderare la legalità più di ogni altra cosa. Un paese così dovrebbe pretendere che la legge non si tocchi e che si ricreino le condizioni perché essa sia applicata.

Un paese così dovrebbe rendere assolutamente impensabile qualsiasi ulteriore attentato a quel poco di legalità che resta.

Invece il nostro Parlamento è da anni impegnato sui temi della giustizia, ma non per ottenere ai cittadini più giustizia, ma ai delinquenti più impunità.

Tutte le leggi e i progetti di leggi portati avanti da molti anni a questa parte servivano e servono solo a proteggere chi vive di illegalità e nella illegalità.

E a neutralizzare the work of judges and justice, reduced to a pile of rubble, only to wonder when this or hypocritically murderer back free from the effects of this or that law "SalvaSilvio" or "SalvaCesare" or "SalvaMarcello ".

All peoples have their difficulties, but in Lausanne and Harvard, a young man responsible has its title and it is recognized that he was entitled.

In Italy a young man can only exercise jurisdiction to lick the c ... the politician in office and even then is unlikely to have the place, since "not entitled" , because in Italy there are no rights but only "boss promises" .

And, therefore, there is no more hope, but only illusions.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Pedicure And Itchy Legs

a short process by magic

Massimo Vaccari
(Judge of the Court of Verona)

In the last few days is come back powerfully to the fore the debate on the cd short trial, after the government announced its intention to quickly approve the draft law, which was fired by the Senate in January of this year, the Chamber.

The impact that this latest reform, if it enters into force in its current form, will have on the criminal trial were discussed by leading experts on newspapers. Less known are the negative effects it can have in civil proceedings and I therefore consider it appropriate to offer some food for thought in this regard, based on my experience as a prosecutor dedicated to the civilian sector.

First you should clarify that the bill under consideration does not alter the code of civil procedure but the law 89/2001, better known as the Pinto Act, which recognizes a compensation to those who have suffered process of no longer reasonable.

In a nutshell, the law will set the process in two short years, increasing to three, the maximum period within which this must take place each of the different degrees of civil proceedings (first instance, appeal and cassation), taking as a starting point of the first hearing and the final moment of the measure that defines the legal proceedings.

Once this deadline has passed without that there has been a decision by the judge, the process will continue normally, but its duration is no longer reasonable and that the party may seek compensation under the Pinto Act, provided that has previously submitted to the competent court instance Urges the definition of the proceedings that you regretted the slow pace.

E 'this instance that, in practice, the intentions of the legislature, should determine the acceleration of the proceedings because, if it is submitted, the court will be required to set the hearings that were required at intervals not exceeding fifteen days apart.

Now this mechanism does not take into account that the length of civil proceedings depends not only on the attitude of the parties and the court but also by a number of unpredictable variables and objectively unavoidable, as the complexity of the facts to be established, the number of shares, the procedural flaws that may occur during them. E 'for this reason that, at present, to determine if a process has had a reasonable time or not one can not ignore an examination of the case.

The new rules however do not consider the peculiarities of each process and its application will be increasingly problematic in those processes that require a larger asset evidence, it is impossible to contain pre-defined times, if not at risk of gaps and errors.

In these cases the rules approved by the Senate, if not amended, not only compress the time of trial but also the right of defense that had an interest, or necessity of a thorough and timely investigation activities reasonable, but can not oppose the request for acceleration of the process, not being provided their consent on that point.

In this perspective even the instance of acceleration can be exploited by the party, knowing that he was wrong, he did not want to fully establish the facts.

yet the bill is likely to lead to disparities in treatment are difficult to justify.

The judge, in fact, may be in the position to give priority to causes of low value, to the detriment of other, more important, economically or socially, if only in the first instance should be presented to the acceleration.

It 'easy to predict, then, that where the bodies were to be numerous, will be almost impossible to meet the deadlines set by the bill, because they will all be treated with equal speed, with the further consequence that, for all accrued the right to obtain compensation under Pinto Act.

Given these many problems really do not see what would be the benefits of the rules currently in gestation, especially if one considers that only in July 2009, entered into force a reform of the Code of Civil Procedure which, among the main purpose, to shorten the civil action (think of the possibility for the court to impose financial penalties to the party that has acted or resisted in bad faith or opinion with gross negligence, the reduction of time limits for carrying out certain procedural activities, the introduction of the summary trial).

However many commentators have agreed that even the latter will change in the law to make good the delay of civil justice that often, though not always, are objectively intolerable.

fact, to determine the current conditions of civil justice, as has been shown several times on several levels, competing on the one hand, the high rate of litigation of the Italians and, second, the chronic shortage of personnel of the registry , a distribution over the territory of the courts and, in some districts of the Court of Appeals, inadequate staffing of the judiciary than the number of population.

To affect such structural and organizational factors are needed in deep there was no indication in the draft law on the process soon.

Transfer Commercial Insurence Ncb To Private

How do you kill an investigation

Gabriella Nuzzi
(Judge of the Court of Latina)

Done by The Daily of August 6, 2010

Ho scelto di percorrere in questi mesi la strada della riflessione e del silenzio.

Non certo per timore, né per rassegnazione. L’esame introspettivo degli eventi consente di trovare soluzioni, le migliori possibili, per sé e per gli altri.

Di fronte all’ingiustizia, e più di tutto se gli è inflitta, un magistrato, che sia davvero tale, non cerca vie di fuga, né comodi ripari. Perciò, ho continuato a credere nella magistratura e nel suo operato.

La Grande Bugia della guerra tra le procure di Salerno e Catanzaro, creata ad arte per sottrarre a me e ai colleghi salernitani le inchieste sugli uffici giudiziari calabresi e privarci delle funzioni inquirenti, non can not find legal and judicial responses.

boulders and obstacles on the truth

When December 2, 2008 were carried out the seizure of evidence in the file "Why Not" and searches the magistrates who had managed to shock and excerpts of filings, it accused the Public Salerno ministries have drawn up measures "abnormal" and subversive, thereby demonstrating "an exceptional lack of balance, and absolute impartiality in the performance of institutions and lack of a sense of respect for the Order record ".

For these reasons, the January 8, 2009, at the proposal of Chief Inspector Archibald Miller, Alfano asked the Minister of Justice, as a matter of urgency, to the disciplinary section of the CSM, Nicola Mancino, chaired by the application of " precautionary measures " disciplinary towards me, and my colleague the Attorney Verasani Apicella.

Speech announced in Parliament by the Secretary for Justice James Caliendo to his party friends Laboccetta Amedeo & Co., who, in defense of Calabria, calling for the head dr. De Magistris and we his other "associates" .

The entire political-judicial spalleggiato dalla grande “libera” stampa, che scatenò una tempesta mediatica, condannò la nostra scelta investigativa come un atto di “terrorismo giudiziario” , un attacco “senza precedenti” alle istituzioni democratiche, ispirato al perseguimento di fini personalistici e politici, di pericolosità tale da esigere una repressione esemplare e immediata.

La Prima Commissione del Csm presieduta da Ugo Bergamo avviò il trasferimento d’ufficio per incompatibilità ambientale, poi sospeso in attesa degli esiti disciplinari.

L’Associazione Nazionale Magistrati accettò di buon grado l’epurazione, nell’illusione of a future peace of mind.

Holy Inquisition of the millennium

After just ten days, with a job from the Inquisition, we tore their investigative functions, away from our region. A curtain of silence and indifference soared around the "case Salerno" .

Judges Calabrese investigated, the authors of the counter-sequestration "Why Not" , establish a criminal in our charge, and Mr.. De Magistris, then sending it to the Public Prosecutor of Rome, with the added Achille Toro, began to investigate freely on our private lives, without any foundation. United

Sections of the Supreme Court presided over by Dr. Vincenzo Carbone hastily closed the chapter on the subject of a preliminary summary, the historical example of how it is possible in terms of judicial ethics, say everything and its opposite.

were opened at our expense further criminal proceedings and disciplinary brandished like clubs, so we felt under constant threat.

On October 19, 2009, the same disciplinary section on a report Att. Michele Saponara, received disciplinary action brought by the Attorney General of the Supreme Court Edwards, inflicting on me and my colleague Verasani the sanction of loss of seniority (respectively, six and four months) and transfer office Seat and function.

It was not easy to resist such undue influence.

a result of violence will, he indecently trampled each rule, without even back in front of the judicial recognition of the legality and necessity of our behavior.

The de-legitimization, isolation and removal are methods of destruction Masonic Mafia.

And we paid for daring to shed light on the political-judicial Freemasonry.

Since then, patiently, I waited to speak were the facts.

And the facts, over time, as pieces of an incomprehensible puzzle are slowly rearranging.

Lodges caps and large old

Some of those who have contributed to our cleansing seems to have meetings with alleged membership of a secret association.

So, faced with undeniable evidence, to speak today on Masonic factions also internal to the judiciary is no longer scandalous or subversive act.

extensive debates were opened on "moral issue" of our institutions.

The National Association of Magistrates, remembering our own story, has condemned the "fall on deaf ears" rigor of its demands, and cry loudly. So

against the umpteenth hypocrisy of the "system" shattered today my silence.

I turn to the distinguished judicial activists of the account, those who have never been touched by a doubt or second thoughts, finding no need even to articulate the thought.

express in their purity, and preferably with knowledge of the facts, a firm position on what the offense was committed against us, on ' "ethics" that would inspire on a scandalous injustice " system that, even today, incredibly, endorses impunity, leaving the powerful, corrupt or collusive, remain ai loro posti o peggio, siano premiati.

Non sono i loro rappresentanti più degni a spartirsi gli scranni del nostro “autogoverno” , a decidere nomine, promozioni, trasferimenti, punizioni disciplinari?

O forse l’associazionismo sta dissociandosi da se stesso?

Non vi sono oggi “questioni morali” che non lo fossero anche ieri.

E allora occorre ripartire da zero, passando attraverso un profondo mea culpa .

Questa pericolosa caduta libera di credibilità può arrestarsi soltanto con il ripristino del primato del Diritto e il ripudio definitivo delle logiche di appartenenza e protezionismo.

Solo proponendosi tali obiettivi e scegliendo figure di guida autorevoli, per integrità, indipendenza e competenza, l’Ordine giudiziario può sperare in un autentico rinnovamento morale, nell’interesse supremo del popolo e della democrazia.

Cervical Mucus Creamy Period

man and beast

di Felice Lima
(Giudice del Tribunale di Catania)

da Il Fatto Quotidiano online del 28 agosto 2010

E’ veramente difficile vivere e discutere in un Paese in cui judicial impunity - now substantially complete for the rich and powerful - is added the disgusting moral impunity for which the head of government can easily set as a condition to the continuation of the legislature that will smash what little is left of justice and to save him his friends and associates from criminal trials in which defendants are shameful crimes committed not by politicians but by private citizens.

At this point in the path of self-china group, the amount of lies and deceptions that are spread out and repeated as if they were the most normal thing in the world is so big that groped to reconstruct a common sense somehow grounded in reality appears to be an enormous task.

One aspect of this that I wish to emphasize here is that related to the fact that people are led to believe that the question of legality can be reduced to whether or not to give safe passage to Dr. Berlusconi and his friends.

The question, then, seems only the following: acceptable or not you think that Dr. Berlusconi, the lawyer. Previti, Senator. Dell'Utri, the Hon. Verdini, attempted Brancher Minister, Undersecretary Bertolaso \u200b\u200band the large crowd of relatives, friends and various leisure girlie get away?

Put that way, many (albeit large and wrong) think that after all conti non si tratta di cosa troppo importante. E si rendono di fatto disponibili a consentire quella impunità.

Si rendono complici di essa, come lo sono stati per anni e molto attivamente quei “finiani” che oggi “scoprono” cosa hanno contribuito a costruire e blindare. Mentre ancora si dichiarano disponibili a un “Lodo Alfano costituzionale” (??!!).

La tragedia è che la questione non è affatto quella.

Il tema della legalità, il fabbisogno di legalità di un paese non è affatto problema riducibile alla giusta pena per chi commette reati.

La legge serve a caratterizzare e qualificare la vita stessa dell’intera comunità.

Perché i rapporti fra le persone possono essere regolati solo in due modi. Non esiste – nonostante provino con tutte le loro forze a farcelo credere – una “terza via” .

I rapporti fra le persone in qualsiasi società possono essere regolati solo o dalla legge o dalla forza.

O si farà secondo le regole o si farà come vuole il più forte.

O l’appalto lo vince l’impresa in grado di fare il lavoro meglio e con meno spesa, o lo vince l’impresa che ha i soldi per pagare le mazzette pretese dal politicante di turno e la spregiudicatezza per pagare una donna a un amministratore pubblico che non riesce ad avere una vita sentimentale e sessuale decente.

O il posto di primario ospedaliero si dà al medico più titolato e più capace o a quello che ha la tessera del partito più potente.

O gli appalti per la ricostruzione de L’Aquila si danno all’impresa più titolata, o li prende l’imprenditore che è capace di ridere sulla morte dei terremotati ed è pronto a pagare questo e quello e magari comprare case all’insaputa (!!??) dei beneficiati.

E così via.

In una società complessa la forza, in alternativa alla legge, ha moltissime facce.

C’è la forza delle armi dei mafiosi, ma c’è - And is much more common - that of money, the membership of a party or social class (because we are still largely class-) or a race (because we are more and more disgustingly racist) and so on.

then, or is there and you can enforce the law always wins or the strongest.

And this is the distinction between a society of humans and a herd of cattle.

Among the animals the strongest wins, the baddest, the most cunning. The Caiman.

Among humans who have had more reason or reasons.

So, who takes away the law - repeal or defeat, making the fatti inapplicabile o inutile (come fa da anni massicciamente la classe politica al potere) – ci toglie umanità e speranza. Ci trasforma in bestie.

Perché una società senza legge e senza giustizia non ha niente di umano.

Né gli ipermercati e le new town possono rendere umane bestie che ridono alle tre di notte, mentre la radio comunica che decine di persone muoiono sotto le macerie di un terremoto.

In qualunque altro paese il Capo del Governo, per restare al suo posto, promette più giustizia, più legalità, la persecuzione degli evasori fiscali, la cacciata dal Governo e dal Parlamento di corrotti e magnacci.

Nel nostro paese il Capo del Governo, to remain at his post, he promises, in substance, the exact opposite.

This tells us a lot about him, but also on all of us.

In any other country is called a murderess Mafia "Mafia murderess" and judges who fight against crime heroes .

In our country the mafia murderess to be called a hero at the most intimate collaborator of the Head of Government and Head of Government personally think the judges: "Those judges are doubly mad! First, because they are politically, and second are mad anyway. To do that job you have to be mentally disturbed, you have to have mental disorders. If they do that job is because they are anthropologically different from the rest of the human race " (Silvio Berlusconi, September 4, 2003).

The crisis of our country at this point is defined by this problem: to identify easily and tend shared the "human race" , so that you can easily distinguish a man from a beast.

And so we can realize that, we believe we are smart, we are made to steal - in the nose and with our complicity - for the second time in a century, dignity, hope, life itself.