Saturday, December 26, 2009

How Do You Make Someone's Life Miserable

I can do it! That is the choice to be optimistic.

The mind is what drives our lives.
Nothing is more our of our mind and nothing is more mysterious in its processes.
many memories are hidden in the depths of our brain seemingly lost forever, but ready to emerge in the most unexpected moments?
How many cases we can do towards the future, those dreams, fantasies, how we can create in this brief moment?
How many skill mastered without even realizing, as many as we could if we were able to master the best use of our resources?
There is no time of life when the thought stops, there is no moment where you take rest. Yet its capabilities are far superior to those used by us, far beyond even what we believe.

Respect for this enormous asset that we have, the desire not to waste it, the desire to help those in need, who, for various reasons, can not, by itself, to properly use their resources, us to seek ways of interacting more and more proactive and dynamic, more personalized . The awareness of potential effects on future results
because the individual is changed is that spring to put forward all the necessary resources.
Intelligence is something you can teach.
This is done by driving to observe and to ask questions, inspiring them to compare objects and events, to find connections between seemingly unrelated facts together, leading to use vocabulary correctly and appropriately; encouraging to abstract from the situation that existed at the time for imagine future events or past, or only some possible real or imaginary.
This is done by teaching you to trust in themselves, to assess objectively their successes, to learn from mistakes, to realize that cooperation leads to mutual enrichment, sharing that helps to overcome the difficulties.
This is done through the preparation of an active lifestyle modifying, through mediation, according to Feuerstein, everyone should use if they want to be effective in their intervention.
So you can teach to draw, read and write, to do the math, you can educate the movement, to appreciate music and sport, can be prepared to share experiences with others, you can do the analysis of its past, plan for the future, you can deal with the discomfort, strengthen the personality, all building on the fundamental premise of Feuerstein: full confidence in the modifiability of the human cognitive . A deep belief in recent years has been strongly supported by research in neurophysiology. An evolutionary process
blocked or interrupted by negative events of life can be restarted at any time, provided environmental conditions are favorable and the subject has the opportunity to make appropriate learning experiences. There is no situation in which we might need to stop saying enough, I have nothing to learn, I have no goals to be achieved, there is nothing to be done. There is still a possibility, if we really want.

The choice between different perspectives, to focus their thoughts on the most optimistic is the very essence of mediation.

From: Nursery School for Education of the Child. The School House editrce

Feldenkrais was an engineer and physicist, who collaborated with Joliot-Curie in research on subatomic particles, first European to win the black belt Judo expert body human. She was able to connect the discoveries of Pavlov, Freud's theories, knowledge of ethology, biology, psychophysics, physiology and knowledge on posture, body techniques and Eastern martial arts, applications of concepts of physics and engineering to the human structure . His great capacity for synthesis has allowed him to develop a method of intervention on human function that stands out as an example of scientific rigor, educational and therapeutic capacity. Basa, as Feuerstein, his speech on faith in human potential. He possessed, and sent its students to become teachers themselves, the ability to touch the right to bring forth resources hidden in everyone, even in who is severely impaired, because our nervous system is so incredibly rich that allow everyone to learn something new and to improve their conditions.

For a mother who told how her baby, who suffers from cerebral palsy, would be delayed due to a defect in DNA, Feldenkrais had said: "She would be delayed if it had been held nell'ovatta property for ten years without no contact with the outside world except the food. The DNA would be able to make it jump? A well-preserved DNA in the laboratory can endure for centuries, but this could not learn English or Chinese would not even know to be stupid. "

Moshe Feldenkrais (1996) The Body and Mature Behavior. Publisher Astrolabe

It 's only through action, through the intervention of a conviction based on the possible improvement that the environment can really make its contribution to the individual growth

Saturday, November 21, 2009

80′s Workout Costume


Memory is a necessary element for survival. The neurologist Oliver Sachs argues that it is the memory to ensure that the body adapts and survives in the environment that is constantly evolving. The survival of each organism depends on its memory.

The desire not to depend on objects has always been very strong and vital in a people forced to wander from place to place. What you have in your mind will take you wherever you go, not heavy and does not slow the march if you have to carry. That's why Jews have always known that to protect their traditions had to rely on something that nobody could ever destroy: the memory of every human individual who is part of the collective Jewish memory.

And if the memory is related to a learning situation, ie whether voluntarily preparing the mind to remember information that we need / want to learn, prepare our hearts to do so is a nice trick happy and profitable. In the book "Netivot Hochma" we read: "You can not learn in a place that is unwelcome

study is always in the company, mostly in pairs. Every student has the task of explaining their point of view, to assert their views, highlighting the mental journey done to reach certain conclusions by quotations, examples, comparisons and so on. This not only enhances memory, but it enriches the language (communication tool and thought), increases the need for clear exposition of his logical thinking, enhances the ability to understand the other is to understand their point of view, it is useful to find hooks to make people understand their own.

To remember the best, you must have understood the meaning of what you are storing. Not always aware of aspects of a topic not clear. If we have the impression that he has grasped the general sense we are satisfied, while some details (such as a word, a phrase) is not understood and ignored aspect may change to an entire argument, making it more easily fits on what is already known. But this is not enough, once you understand it is useful to add something personal, opinion, point of view. who manages to bring sth new in the report con quanto ha studiato si sente appagato e quindi ricorda meglio perché c’è qlc di suo. Le innovazioni hanno un grosso impatto sulla mente e sull’immaginazione, ed è l’immaginazione il vero segreto alla base delle tecniche mnemoniche

La memoria è essenzialmente la capacità del nostro spirito di organizzare tutte queste immagini e di richiamarle facilmente e velocemente. Ecco perché per ricordare qlc dobbiamo trasformarla in un’immagine potente e straordinaria.

trasmettere il passato alle generazioni future è la base essenziale per la propria libertà.
abbi fiducia nella tua memoria, conta su di lei ed utilizzala per perpetuare il your past. The future needs of the past, go together hand in hand throughout the history of the Jewish people.
Sometimes there arises the question whether it would be better to forget the facts very sad, raw, violent, distressing .... The Bible (such as psychoanalysis) has an answer for that too. Detereunomio says: "erase the memory of Amalek from under heaven: do not you forget it!" [1] Here is a paradox! We are given two conflicting orders: remembering and forgetting at the same time. This verse answers to your questions about the need to keep alive the most tragic memories: "It is forbidden to forget the bitter past but we must delete le cicatrici in modo da vivere la nostra vita senza il peso di un incontrollabile desiderio di inutile vendetta. Ricorda e dimentica Amalek per vivere una vita sana ed equilibrata.” [2]
[1] Deut. 25,19
[2] Vera Schwartz Bridge Across Broken Time Yale University Press 1998. pag. 59

Sunday, November 8, 2009

1974 Harley Davidson Snowmobile History

"Resource Parents" Another hole in the wall

M ercoledì 18 novembre h 17,30

at the headquarters

the Rowing Club Saturnia

Viale Miramare 36

Barcola - (Trieste )

conference will be held

Resource parents

mediation according to the thought of Feuerstein:

a resource for everyone,

opportunity in case of specific educational needs.

Argomenti trattati

Diventare consapevoli delle potenzialità proprie

e dei propri figli

Acquire tools and means of self-analysis

useful for inclusion in the report and

You want to introduce the concept of mediation. There is proposed to give "recipes" on how to do for those who work, when to act, where to start, how long to proceed. The ready-made answers do not solve any problem. You want to know and share a way of thinking that is part of the educational intention, reciprocity of the relationship with the mediated (those who use mediation).

The objectives of the Experience Mediated Learning aims are flexible and elastic analysis based on actual needs, but have a common thread: to achieve a better quality of life through the acquisition of a progressive self-awareness.

Being able to observe their children and the environment they live in, with respect, but through a conscious eye to plan interventions, helps parents in their arduous task, even promoting the acquisition of languages \u200b\u200band operating procedures that will allow a more in-depth exchange information with the figures of the external reference.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Does Water Help Pregnancy Cramps

The company danceable, directed by Sabina Smith, arrives at Monfalcone (GO) for the theatrical exhibition EXPRESSIVENESS OTHER '

WEDNESDAY 'November 11 - h 11.15 - 10.30 Theatre MUNICIPAL preceded by another show


The show concerns the "convertibility" expressive and emotional elements, made through music, movement, images and the 4 elements: earth, air, water, fire. Simple boxes will initially be used as drums and then as a brick which will be built with the bars of a prison and a wall. We do not know who's in and who out, who on this side and those beyond, if the Company or the public. Each of us is both prisoner and free, able and disabled, same and different. The wall itself may be an element of separation, border, backing and can be painted, demolished, constructed. "Walls" is also the cable that holds fast to the sailing boats in such a way that resists gusts of wind. So the wall of a boat sailing become imaginary, and represent the resilience, the ability to "hold" and in turn limits opportunities of "forward movement" and growth for themselves and for those who around us.
Finally, a circle dance in honor of Hephaestus, the god Vulcan thrown down from Olympus by his mother (as born crippled and deformed) and then became a craftsman so skilled and creative to make him fall in love with the most beautiful goddesses.

link to the interview made to Dr. Vito, artistic director of the festival: watch? v = wtiGUjY_J_0 player_embedded & feature = # t = 65

The Company was founded in January 2007 on the initiative of Dr. Sabine Bianchi, psychologist, apply the Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment Program and danzamovimentoterapeuta, in collaboration with two groups Genoese Progetto80 Sampierdarena (transport disabled motor spirit) and Echidna (self-help for families of disabled and sick rare). The choice of the name "danceable" wants to make two key concepts: the "feasibility" of integration and the fact that we are all "disabled in the dance" can be overcome the limitations of each and enrichment for all. They are part of the company people with physical and / or mental / sensory and non-disabled people, covering a span of three generations. Last year the company won the competition "Participation and the Common Good" organized by the Municipality of Genoa and debuted in the presence More than 1300 people in a dance show. Currently working with the association a key to the mind and the District Prison of Chiavari. In May 2009, the Company has participated, with the show "Another hole in the wall", the Third National Exhibition "Theater and Disabilities at Rovigo, getting the nomination.

The show is included in the review ESPRESSIVTA OTHER '

Working with and for the weak and, in particular, persons with disabilities or social disadvantage, is continually institutions , services and operators before looking for new ways of intervening more and more able to respond to the needs of people and the need to innovate ways of relating, creating and offering them new opportunities for social integration and active participation.
The theater is in this perspective a "strong" form of communication and expression that "open" to new processes of social relationship. It 'a tool of difficulties, or who experience various forms of discomfort, to express, through the assumption of stage roles and group relations, resources and potential living social relations "equal".
E 'in this context that several years, the Province of Gorizia in collaboration with the CISI with associations of disabled people, with the Institute S. Maria della Pace of Medea, the Health, cultural associations, voluntary associations, the municipalities of Monfalcone, Cormons, Gradisca Isonzo, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Gorizia, is organizing a theater festival called "OTHER EXPRESSIVENESS '"

This review has become an important reference on a regional and national levels, for all those theatrical experiences of the territory involving the "inconvenience". The goals are to help establish the principle of the richness of diversity through the opportunities offered to local theater groups, regional and national authorities to find a space for expression and visibility and to promote a positive image of those moments through the integration exceeds their discomfort artistically and culturally enriching the social context of belonging.
This opportunity offers, to social reality, encouragement of cultural change, a different attitude towards those who find themselves living an uneasy variously problematic, but also brings an artistic and cultural enrichment. The theater
social or social, in fact, according to much of the literary and artistic world, is the process of renewal of the theater for ideas, for expressiveness, for artistic value, and the technical solutions implemented and scenic.
This year the Festival provides an opportunity for interaction and reflection with the people throughout the world and in particular young people.
The Festival brings together a wide range of companies (well 15) that come and work in different areas of discomfort (from disabilities and psychological problems, social exclusion, to the world of hardship and adolescent academic) experiences in different theatrical genres' integration with a variety of modes of expression (music, dance, photography, video images, set design) is home as usual to two theater groups of Slovenian culture. Interesting is the proposal of two companies theater, a scene that will bring Puglia discomfort of violence against women outside the EU, the other local, Gorizia, who play with their proposal won the prize of the National Theatre and Disability. A bill, however, which blend a significant presence of groups of the province (five) with those from the region (two) integrated by the presence of national companies (seven) and a Slovenian.

The review, first of all, who wants to be a time of integration and networking of resources and initiatives taking place in the territory, is accompanied by a series of initiatives that are designed to support a process of cultural awareness.
These are represented by workshops conducted by local services which have in turn acquired a valuable skill training in the theater who are now able to make available to the territory. Particular emphasis should be placed on the fact that they are professionals who come from all areas of services (social welfare, health, educational, public and private) who have trained together and that together across institutional affiliations operate.
Laboratories last a day and are open to anyone interested.
The relationship with the School maintains a special focus on the organization of the review, in the knowledge that the pursuit of the objectives he outlined first of all need a widespread cultural sensitivity from younger generations.
So here is the proposal made to students in a process that involves them actively and directly introduce an approach to these theatrical forms that face better understand the experiences and events that will be proposed. Wishing to be appreciated that the shows presented by the public, a heartfelt thanks goes to those workers, members of associations, volunteers have contributed to its realization. A special thanks to the operators and Erica Vito Dalò Gasparinic of CISI who handled the art direction and the organization and the Consortium as a whole has put in place the conditions che hanno permesso agli stessi di fornire il loro apporto alla Rassegna

Monday, October 19, 2009

How To Buy Balloons In Sims 3


Nell’affrontare il tema della violenza sull’infanzia non possiamo non partire da un ‘ analisi sia pure sommaria delle radici di un simile fenomeno.
E’ innanzi tutto da rilevare che la violenza sull’infanzia non è un fenomeno del tutto autonomo dal più generale fenomeno della violenza di cui è imbevuta la societ
E questo non solo o non tanto perché chi subisce quotidianamente violenza tende ineluttabilmente a scaricare le proprie frustrazioni sui soggetti più deboli, quanto perché sono identiche le cause culturali di ogni forma di violenza. Si often discover the political, sociological and psychological aggression generating almost human, but little is analyzing cultural factors that fuel or at least do not contradict the 'explosion of the thousands of violence that make our lives difficult and bitter-yet to be formally while spreading the' ideology of "non vilenza and pacifism does not care that Altuna contemporaneamante divendneo hegemonic cultures that are essentially should understand that the relationship between uomni are violent.

Culture of human diversity that is fully man only if you have power, by force if it is actively introduced into the production process if it is homologous to the stereotype of efficient men touted by the media culture of negativity
that there was no identity of man's life does not make sense not 'learned from a past nor a future to build it' s just a present to be exploited to obtain the maximum of pleasure skin that everyone can capture
Culture of catastrophe that denies the story progress and ridicule each other daily commitment and effort in the works and days of man. The social life is just sad need more rampant individualism must prevail at all costs and travel companions are just objects to use and exploit.
Culture omnipotence staff because everything is due to himself and not to any other limit is arbitrary and "castrating" because "I'm on top of the essence I do what I want the Hell is other people" (Sartre)
Culture dell'infantilizzazione based on emotion rather than rationality on the aggregation group as a tool rather than looking for a secured personal growth on the possession of many things rather than on mutual exchange for mutual most complete human growth on an obscure desire of annihilation rather than the determination to build yourself and the world in which we are called to live. What

you can do to reduce violence?
The problem is not so much to increase the services specialists and make them more sophisticated (although it is still essential to their better organization and efficiency) because the happiest country is not what it multiplies professionals pathology me what it better can do without having created a social fabric that can be prevented through a real understanding of their functions is to give the adults through a network of human solidarity he will help to identify the needs of people and give them immediate answers

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Replacing Hyundai Starter

us in time

us in time: to give meaning to life.

Our relationship with the world through the senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell and through a "sixth sense" is often ignored or at least underestimated. The sixth sense is not what is traditionally presented as the ill-defined ability to "catch" from the external signs to prefigure what is to happen, but it is the essential and very real ability to "hear yourself" and identify the location of their individual bodies in space and to recognize their relationships (proprioceptive sense). Yet there
dimension of fundamental importance that rule our lives but that does not head specifically to any organ of sense, although crucial to our survival: the temporal dimension.
Along with mass and distance, time is crucial to define any aspect of the Universe is taken into account. Over time, more than any other dimension, gives the events a specific identity and makes them completely unique. The causal relationships and transformations can be conceived only by reference to their temporal dimensions. The quality of the time accompanies the contents of all human experiences as man exists in time and evolves with it. A child learns enough

easy to recognize and identify the most natural divisions of time and know whether it is day or night, summer or winter. It reaches, however, only gradually and through an effort brokered by an adult cognitive capacity to go beyond the "here" and "now", projecting himself into situations that are not perceptually present. An appropriate time orientation is based on relational thinking and is essential for the acquisition of cognitive skills such as object permanence and primary relationships of cause and effect, the middle / end.
Inadequate learning experience mediated solely the result of direct exposure to stimuli, so without the support a broker, may result in un'indistinta and confused perception of quality and time intervals, an understanding of reality episodic with no attempt to project reports to identify links and connections, an imprecise use of concepts of time and a limited awareness of the significance time in its different aspects. It will be an attitude characterized by lack of need to compare, add, organize, sort sequences, in other words the shortcomings will focus on everything that depends on a deliberate act. Both need the ability to use temporal concepts are the result of adequate educational work of the mediator. This leads us to emphasize the importance of transmission of the past and planning for the future. What we would know the distant past if there was not transmitted by a broker? How could foreshadow the future without the support of external elements? Traditions and culture connect us and our time to a past personal and / or collectively, which can be up to us only through mediated learning experience and give meaning to life as a link in a chain in which the present moment is part of a time continuum made up of past-present-future.
reconstruction of the past and predicting the future is only the result of mediation
assigning specific times to the appearance / disappearance of certain stimuli, the meaning of the time factor sarà accentuato: esso aiuta a stabilire implicitamente concetti di distanze temporali, ordini temporali ed azione.
L’aver rilevato l’importanza degli aspetti culturali per l’instaurarsi di un elemento essenziale alla crescita cognitiva quale il concetto temporale ci porta a formulare un interrogativo specifico:
quali sono i meccanismi con cui il patrimonio genetico, le condizioni organiche, la stimolazione ambientale influiscono sulla capacità dell’individuo di usare il pensiero astratto e/o riflessivo? Il fatto di trovare una grande varietà di risultati tra popolazioni diverse, nonostante la relativa uniformità dei fattori eziologici, rende, secondo Feuerstein, evidente che l’Esperienza di Apprendimento Mediated is the foundation upon which we build cognitive structures. This is certainly in early infancy, but significant changes are possible even later. Through the mediation
operating systems are established that determine new ways to interact with the sensory world, very different from those derived from direct experience of the world.
The Bible tells us that the first day light was created, but the sun and the moon are created at a later time. The Bible does not say anything by accident, this apparent contradiction, according to the Masters, has its own function.
In the biblical description of creation of the solar system not only provides adequate light to be alive, but allows man di scandire il tempo e di usarlo per il suo orientamento. Nella tradizione biblica non solo si presta attenzione al ritmo della vita associandolo a funzioni biologiche e naturali, ma si promuove la consapevolezza del ruolo fondamentale che il tempo ha per l’Universo introducendo fattori che nel Tempo espletano funzioni sacre, sociali e politiche.
Dato che le azioni sono organizzate attorno a segmenti temporali, la suddivisione della giornata in “porzioni” riconoscibili e prevedibili diviene una nozione implicita anche a livello pre-verbale. Il bambino piccolo che riesce ad individuare delle regole costanti nel succedersi degli avvenimenti, comincerà a costruire dentro di sé un proprio schema di riferimento anche se non è ancora in grado talk about it. With the verbal interaction, the ability to master the concepts of time extends progressively involving an increasingly wide range of abstraction. In a world organized and, to some extent, so do not predictable anxiety, novelty el'imprevisto are tolerated better, not to say welcome and appreciated, to delay gratification is an achievable goal.

temporal concept
Time is an abstract element that requires thought and representative relationships. E 'characterized by the need to sort, collate, put in sequence. This is initially produced by a volitional act by the individual.

A good understanding of concepts of time leads to:
- Understanding the sequence and the order in which events follow each other.
- Understand how the time units are organized and structured (minutes, hours, days ...)
- Use a spontaneous comparative behavior that allows a comparison between their concepts related to the time factor to achieve a full understanding of the facts.
- Understand how the past influences the present and how present actions will have consequences in the future.
- Use past experience or the ability to anticipate future events in order to organize time effectively and control their behavior.
Carenza di concetti temporali può portare alcune dei seguenti problemi:
- Percepire gli avvenimenti senza riuscire a collegarli al contesto in cui si verificano.
- Non essere in grado di rispettare i tempi prestabiliti.
- Non saper pianificare o comprendere un orario.
- Non rendersi conto del risultato delle azioni o degli eventi e manifestare, di conseguenza, comportamenti problematici.
- Aspettare un’immediata ricompensa per le proprie azioni, non essendo in grado di posporre la gratificazione.
- Non rendersi conto che risultati negative possono essere conseguenza .di cause remote nel tempo.
- Non riuscire ad essere sistematici nell’esplorazione dell’ambiente quando si è alla ricerca something.
strategies to correct a deficiency in the use of concepts of the meaning
Mediation The mediator helps the children become aware of "time" as an abstract concept and as a concrete reality.
- promotes activities that allow you to use words related to time (before / after, early / late) stress, when necessary, their relativity.
- Helps kids discover the value of order and sequence the information received (eg, using diagrams and tables to organize activities).
Mediation of behavioral control
The teacher provides examples of events in the lives of children related by chains of cause and effect.
- discusses the relationship of cause and effect in order to show that every action carries with it consequences.
- encourages you to plan activities and to deal with the objectives of providing clear time limits.
- encouraged to tackle problems in a systematic manner by providing that each step is preparatory to the next, and based on the previous one. Mediation of Transcendence

The teacher promotes discussions centered on this time in relation to subjective experience: "What do you mean by saying:
- Door as a topic of conversation in situations where time is viewed differently according to culture membership, the professional involvement or objective situations (the time for an artist or the driver of an ambulance).
- Describes a number of devices or strategies to measure time.
- Identify different methods of evaluation of time (cyclical, linear).
- Includes activities that will make people think about growth and changes derived from the passage of time.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Baby Throat Infection Rash

24/06/2009 A key conference for the Mind

A key to the mind

why this name?

The mind is what drives our lives.
Nothing is more our of our mind and nothing is more mysterious in its processes.
How many skill mastered without even realizing?
How many do we master if we were able to better utilize our resources?
many memories are hidden in the depths of our brains are ready to emerge in the most unexpected or seemingly lost forever?
There is no moment in life when the thought stops,
not exist when you take off.

Yet its capabilities are far beyond what we normally believe.
A key to the mind arises from
respect for this great asset that we have, comes from

desire not to waste it, comes mainly with

will help those in need, who, for various reasons, can not, by itself, to use their resources properly.
Feuerstein takes up the words that we wrote as a wish for the activities of the association:

a key that allows you to learn, dedicating all his life to open the doors of knowledge and (if) he uses his mind with a view to open it just with a key, since pronto ad imparare e ad arricchire costantemente se stesso.
Ma che cosa è il metodo Feuerstein?
Una risposta non certo esauriente ma, quanto meno, indicatrice delle linee generali che lo delineano potrebbe essere:
"Un metodo educativo per il potenziamento delle capacità mentali basato sul principio che l’intelligenza non è un fattore predeterminato e stabile ma un elemento passibile di evoluzione. Feuerstein esplicita le condizioni che permettono il potenziamento delle capacità mentali providing information about the environment in which to operate, the approach to education by establishing and providing practical, useful to overcome any possible cognitive impairment. "
This explanation, however, does not render full account of its essence: the Feuerstein method is something more: it is a philosophy of life is an incentive to work and act according to criteria of relevance, practicality, dynamism and optimism. Everyone is editable on the cognitive level as the human body is an open system, characterized by great plasticity.
Feuerstein talking about intelligence, says: "It 's time to stop measuring what is measurable, it is time to enhance what is upgradeable.

E 'can produce structural changes, regardless of age, the kind of problem, from the limitations that characterize endogenous and exogenous the person. This leads to search tools and methods to produce the modifiability also where he initially does not seem possible.

why we are venturing in this initiative because we believe that the use of tools designed by Feuerstein, albeit extremely effective, absolutely do not cover its own educational, but ... The instruments themselves, if not entered in a modifying the environment to use mediation have no meaning.
Our motion is based on this principle:
enrich the professionalism of which we carry through the proposals Feuerstein, Feuerstein use proposals within the our training.
In many situations where someone met difficulties often said with conviction, no commitment ... ... not interested in anything ... not motivated ...
Thus can teach movement, music, sports, can be taught to read and write, do calculations, to share experiences with others, you can do an analysis of its past and plan for the future, we can address the discomfort, strengthen the personality, everything will build on the fundamental premise Feuerstein: full confidence in the human cognitive modifiability. A deep belief in recent years has been strongly supported by the research of neurophysiology
Intelligence is something you can teach.
This is done by driving to observe and to ask questions, inspiring them to compare objects and events, to find connections between seemingly unrelated facts together, leading to use vocabulary correctly and appropriately, encouraging to abstract from the situation that existed at the time to imagine past or future events, or only some possible real or imaginary.
This is done by teaching you to trust in themselves, to assess objectively their successes, to learn from mistakes to realize that collaboration brings mutual enrichment that sharing helps to overcome the difficulties.
This is done through the preparation of an active lifestyle modifier, thanks to the mediation, according to Feuerstein, everyone should use if they want to be effective in their intervention.
here are some photos of the conference:

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

How Long Can Tonsils Stay Swollen With Mono

closing fiscal year

Wednesday, June 24 at 17.30 at the Rowing Club Saturnia
Viale Miramare Trieste 36,
You are invited to the closing conference of the fiscal year of '08-'09 'Association
A key to the mind
Institute for Development and Integration
The event will illustrate the activities for 2009 -2010
with particular interest in the activities for parents.
followed by a carouse

Friday, May 22, 2009

Pregnant, Why Does Chocolate Give Me Heart Burn

danceable: Disability and Theatre in Rovigo

The group was founded in January 2007 on the idea of \u200b\u200bSabina White, psychologist and danzamovimentoterapeuta applicators PAS and PAS Basic), in collaboration with two associative reality in Genoa: Echidna (self-help group for disabled family members) and Progetto80Sampierdarena (Association for the carriage of motor disability).

This is a laboratory of physical expression open to all, regardless of age or "skill". The only requirement for participants is to .. participate! Or are not those who participate as "companions" of someone else.

In March 2007 we participated in a competition organized by the Municipality of Genoa: "Participation and the Common Good." In October, our ideas is one of the winners, so we get a funding by the City allowing them to make free participation in the alboratorio (which had started with the self-financing by the first participants).

four parties are now in their thirties. The youngest participant was three years, the largest ... 84! Among the participants there are people who come from outside Genoa, Como, La Spezia, Ivrea.

On Facebook there is a group: "those who participate in danceable and who share the spirit" which currently has 113 members.

We were invited by the USL of Rovigo to participate as representatives of the Liguria III and Disability Theatre Festival to be held in Rovigo from 25 to May 30, 2009.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Which Better Garnier Or Olay?

May 13 - All in the same boat

The pool for Membership rowing adapted "All in the same boat," is an association formed by three rowing clubs in the city: Adria Canoe, Canoe Saturnia, Canoe Trieste, el 'Cultural Association "A key to the mind. Institute for Development and the' integration ".

The Association promotes sporting activity pool with a program of integration of children with different abilities. The educational goal is achieved through the principles of the Feuerstein Method which is based on mediation, with the conviction that human beings can be varied in a positive and educational relationships that can lead to useful changes in the operator so as reciprocal to the user. The operator will find strategies to capture the concepts that serve to activate the motor coordination needed for rowing, but will also aim to promote the skills needed in society and the growth expectations of achieving success, boosting confidence in themselves and their ability to get involved.

The initiative, including the two and a half years of experience, is being pursued through the work of young volunteers who, in turn, engaged at first in sport as athletes racing teams. All the young volunteers are supervised by professional operators constantly present as points of reference, advice and support.

integration between peers with different abilities led us to reflect on the concept of integration, stimulating our desire to reach out to neighboring countries. We therefore invited boys Slovenia and Croatia, creating opportunities for cultural exchange and intervention methods which we hope will be the beginning of a wider future collaboration.

These following are some pictures of the event held at the Rowing Club Saturnia May 13 last year.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Gentle Leader For Dobermans

do it! That is the alternative to be optimistic

La mente è ciò che guida la nostra vita. Nulla è più nostro della nostra mente e nulla è più misterioso dei suoi processi.
Quanti ricordi sono nascosti nei meandri del nostro cervello apparentemente persi per sempre, ma pronti ad emergere nei momenti più impensati?
Quante ipotesi possiamo fare proiettandoci nel futuro, quanti sogni, quante fantasie riusciamo a creare nel breve attimo presente?

Quante abilità padroneggiamo senza neanche accorgerci, quante ne potremmo padroneggiare se fossimo in grado di utilizzare al meglio le nostre risorse?
Non esiste momento della vita in cui il pensiero si fermi, non c’è istante in cui si prenda riposo. Eppure le sue possibilità sono molto superiori a quelle da noi utilizzate, molto superiori a quanto riusciamo anche solo a credere.

Il rispetto per questo bene enorme che abbiamo a disposizione, il desiderio di non sprecarlo, la voglia di aiutare chi ne ha bisogno, chi, per i motivi più disparati, non riesce, da solo, ad utilizzare adeguatamente le proprie risorse, ci spinge a cercare modalità di interazione sempre più propositive e dinamiche, più personalizzate. La consapevolezza di poter incidere sui risultati
futuri perché l’individuo è modificabile è quella molla che permette di porre in campo tutte le risorse necessarie.

L’intelligenza è qualcosa che si può anche insegnare.
Lo si fa guidando ad osservare ed a porsi domande; stimolandolo a confrontare oggetti ed eventi, a cercare collegamenti tra fatti in apparenza non correlati tra loro; inducendo ad utilizzare un vocabolario corretto ed appropriato; incoraggiando ad astrarre dalla situazione vissuta al momento per immaginare fatti futuri o passati, certi o solo possibili, reali o fantastici.
Lo si fa insegnando ad aver fiducia in se stessi, a valutare in maniera obiettiva i propri successi, a far tesoro degli errori, a rendersi conto che la collaborazione porta un arricchimento reciproco, che la sharing helps to overcome the difficulties.
This is done through the preparation of an active lifestyle modifier, thanks to the mediation, according to Feuerstein, everyone should use if they want to be effective in their intervention.
So you can teach to draw, read and write, to do the math, you can educate the movement, to appreciate music and sport, can be prepared to share experiences with others, you can do an analysis of its past, plan for the future, you can deal with the discomfort, strengthen the personality, all building on the fundamental premise of Feuerstein: the full confidence of being in cognitive modifiability human. A deep belief in recent years has been strongly supported by research in neurophysiology. An evolutionary process
blocked or interrupted by negative events of life can be restarted at any time, provided environmental conditions are favorable and the subject has the opportunity to make appropriate learning experiences. There is no situation in which we might need to stop saying enough, I have nothing to learn, I have no goals, there is nothing to be done. There is still a possibility, if we really want.

The choice between different perspectives, to focus their thoughts on the most optimistic is the very essence of mediation. Identification of the alternative

Risk is an integral part of life deal only activity whose success is taken for granted is neither useful nor interesting. Remain anchored to what is already completely mastered is a defense mechanism of insecure people, so many children with learning disabilities love to repeat endlessly the same games.
If, when faced with unusual and challenging activities is excluded a priori to be able to reach the goal, the work will be considered an unnecessary waste of energy and should be avoided. If, on the contrary, we imagine that success is attainable, it will address Colore testo with all the effort possible.

Mediation gives the alternative optimistic stressing that you need not be categorically sure to get success in a new business venture. The more demanding and requires much responsibility the task that we are called to work, the less certain we can achieve fast and good outcome expected and hoped. So trying to assess objectively, but with optimism, what you should do, is the first step to tackle the job, which will require conscious effort but that effort and hard work and effort, if well spent, will be rewarded by the achievement of predetermined .

mediate the identification of alternative optimist is like putting a colored lens in front of our eyes allows us to look through a filter that shows the world more pleasant, without, however, hide what is actually there.

For the mediation of the alternative optimistic the Ombudsman may:
- propose activities curious, original and creative the outcome of which is not granted. "Let's try these new games, I do not know as facts go, but it will be fun to try. The result is to be seen! "
- instill the knowledge that is not automatically make it a success as a result of our work, but the means to reach there.
- Ensure that people focus attention on the positive possibility in order to better utilize their resources, without feeling diminished if the problems turn out to be larger than expected.
- Refer to previous successes achieved in seemingly impossible situations.
- Emphasize the positive aspects of the course you are going to take, these issues even if not at goal (How about if we participate in this contest? Join people from all over Italy, will not be easy to win, but if you do not you can not test for sure. And then it will be really funny all the work we will do, even if we do not finish in the top!)