Memory is a necessary element for survival. The neurologist Oliver Sachs argues that it is the memory to ensure that the body adapts and survives in the environment that is constantly evolving. The survival of each organism depends on its memory.
The desire not to depend on objects has always been very strong and vital in a people forced to wander from place to place. What you have in your mind will take you wherever you go, not heavy and does not slow the march if you have to carry. That's why Jews have always known that to protect their traditions had to rely on something that nobody could ever destroy: the memory of every human individual who is part of the collective Jewish memory.
And if the memory is related to a learning situation, ie whether voluntarily preparing the mind to remember information that we need / want to learn, prepare our hearts to do so is a nice trick happy and profitable. In the book "Netivot Hochma" we read: "You can not learn in a place that is unwelcome
study is always in the company, mostly in pairs. Every student has the task of explaining their point of view, to assert their views, highlighting the mental journey done to reach certain conclusions by quotations, examples, comparisons and so on. This not only enhances memory, but it enriches the language (communication tool and thought), increases the need for clear exposition of his logical thinking, enhances the ability to understand the other is to understand their point of view, it is useful to find hooks to make people understand their own.
To remember the best, you must have understood the meaning of what you are storing. Not always aware of aspects of a topic not clear. If we have the impression that he has grasped the general sense we are satisfied, while some details (such as a word, a phrase) is not understood and ignored aspect may change to an entire argument, making it more easily fits on what is already known. But this is not enough, once you understand it is useful to add something personal, opinion, point of view. who manages to bring sth new in the report con quanto ha studiato si sente appagato e quindi ricorda meglio perché c’è qlc di suo. Le innovazioni hanno un grosso impatto sulla mente e sull’immaginazione, ed è l’immaginazione il vero segreto alla base delle tecniche mnemoniche
La memoria è essenzialmente la capacità del nostro spirito di organizzare tutte queste immagini e di richiamarle facilmente e velocemente. Ecco perché per ricordare qlc dobbiamo trasformarla in un’immagine potente e straordinaria.
trasmettere il passato alle generazioni future è la base essenziale per la propria libertà.
abbi fiducia nella tua memoria, conta su di lei ed utilizzala per perpetuare il your past. The future needs of the past, go together hand in hand throughout the history of the Jewish people.
Sometimes there arises the question whether it would be better to forget the facts very sad, raw, violent, distressing .... The Bible (such as psychoanalysis) has an answer for that too. Detereunomio says: "erase the memory of Amalek from under heaven: do not you forget it!" [1] Here is a paradox! We are given two conflicting orders: remembering and forgetting at the same time. This verse answers to your questions about the need to keep alive the most tragic memories: "It is forbidden to forget the bitter past but we must delete le cicatrici in modo da vivere la nostra vita senza il peso di un incontrollabile desiderio di inutile vendetta. Ricorda e dimentica Amalek per vivere una vita sana ed equilibrata.” [2]
[1] Deut. 25,19
[2] Vera Schwartz Bridge Across Broken Time Yale University Press 1998. pag. 59
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