Sunday, November 8, 2009

1974 Harley Davidson Snowmobile History

"Resource Parents" Another hole in the wall

M ercoledì 18 novembre h 17,30

at the headquarters

the Rowing Club Saturnia

Viale Miramare 36

Barcola - (Trieste )

conference will be held

Resource parents

mediation according to the thought of Feuerstein:

a resource for everyone,

opportunity in case of specific educational needs.

Argomenti trattati

Diventare consapevoli delle potenzialità proprie

e dei propri figli

Acquire tools and means of self-analysis

useful for inclusion in the report and

You want to introduce the concept of mediation. There is proposed to give "recipes" on how to do for those who work, when to act, where to start, how long to proceed. The ready-made answers do not solve any problem. You want to know and share a way of thinking that is part of the educational intention, reciprocity of the relationship with the mediated (those who use mediation).

The objectives of the Experience Mediated Learning aims are flexible and elastic analysis based on actual needs, but have a common thread: to achieve a better quality of life through the acquisition of a progressive self-awareness.

Being able to observe their children and the environment they live in, with respect, but through a conscious eye to plan interventions, helps parents in their arduous task, even promoting the acquisition of languages \u200b\u200band operating procedures that will allow a more in-depth exchange information with the figures of the external reference.


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