Sunday, November 1, 2009

Does Water Help Pregnancy Cramps

The company danceable, directed by Sabina Smith, arrives at Monfalcone (GO) for the theatrical exhibition EXPRESSIVENESS OTHER '

WEDNESDAY 'November 11 - h 11.15 - 10.30 Theatre MUNICIPAL preceded by another show


The show concerns the "convertibility" expressive and emotional elements, made through music, movement, images and the 4 elements: earth, air, water, fire. Simple boxes will initially be used as drums and then as a brick which will be built with the bars of a prison and a wall. We do not know who's in and who out, who on this side and those beyond, if the Company or the public. Each of us is both prisoner and free, able and disabled, same and different. The wall itself may be an element of separation, border, backing and can be painted, demolished, constructed. "Walls" is also the cable that holds fast to the sailing boats in such a way that resists gusts of wind. So the wall of a boat sailing become imaginary, and represent the resilience, the ability to "hold" and in turn limits opportunities of "forward movement" and growth for themselves and for those who around us.
Finally, a circle dance in honor of Hephaestus, the god Vulcan thrown down from Olympus by his mother (as born crippled and deformed) and then became a craftsman so skilled and creative to make him fall in love with the most beautiful goddesses.

link to the interview made to Dr. Vito, artistic director of the festival: watch? v = wtiGUjY_J_0 player_embedded & feature = # t = 65

The Company was founded in January 2007 on the initiative of Dr. Sabine Bianchi, psychologist, apply the Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment Program and danzamovimentoterapeuta, in collaboration with two groups Genoese Progetto80 Sampierdarena (transport disabled motor spirit) and Echidna (self-help for families of disabled and sick rare). The choice of the name "danceable" wants to make two key concepts: the "feasibility" of integration and the fact that we are all "disabled in the dance" can be overcome the limitations of each and enrichment for all. They are part of the company people with physical and / or mental / sensory and non-disabled people, covering a span of three generations. Last year the company won the competition "Participation and the Common Good" organized by the Municipality of Genoa and debuted in the presence More than 1300 people in a dance show. Currently working with the association a key to the mind and the District Prison of Chiavari. In May 2009, the Company has participated, with the show "Another hole in the wall", the Third National Exhibition "Theater and Disabilities at Rovigo, getting the nomination.

The show is included in the review ESPRESSIVTA OTHER '

Working with and for the weak and, in particular, persons with disabilities or social disadvantage, is continually institutions , services and operators before looking for new ways of intervening more and more able to respond to the needs of people and the need to innovate ways of relating, creating and offering them new opportunities for social integration and active participation.
The theater is in this perspective a "strong" form of communication and expression that "open" to new processes of social relationship. It 'a tool of difficulties, or who experience various forms of discomfort, to express, through the assumption of stage roles and group relations, resources and potential living social relations "equal".
E 'in this context that several years, the Province of Gorizia in collaboration with the CISI with associations of disabled people, with the Institute S. Maria della Pace of Medea, the Health, cultural associations, voluntary associations, the municipalities of Monfalcone, Cormons, Gradisca Isonzo, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Gorizia, is organizing a theater festival called "OTHER EXPRESSIVENESS '"

This review has become an important reference on a regional and national levels, for all those theatrical experiences of the territory involving the "inconvenience". The goals are to help establish the principle of the richness of diversity through the opportunities offered to local theater groups, regional and national authorities to find a space for expression and visibility and to promote a positive image of those moments through the integration exceeds their discomfort artistically and culturally enriching the social context of belonging.
This opportunity offers, to social reality, encouragement of cultural change, a different attitude towards those who find themselves living an uneasy variously problematic, but also brings an artistic and cultural enrichment. The theater
social or social, in fact, according to much of the literary and artistic world, is the process of renewal of the theater for ideas, for expressiveness, for artistic value, and the technical solutions implemented and scenic.
This year the Festival provides an opportunity for interaction and reflection with the people throughout the world and in particular young people.
The Festival brings together a wide range of companies (well 15) that come and work in different areas of discomfort (from disabilities and psychological problems, social exclusion, to the world of hardship and adolescent academic) experiences in different theatrical genres' integration with a variety of modes of expression (music, dance, photography, video images, set design) is home as usual to two theater groups of Slovenian culture. Interesting is the proposal of two companies theater, a scene that will bring Puglia discomfort of violence against women outside the EU, the other local, Gorizia, who play with their proposal won the prize of the National Theatre and Disability. A bill, however, which blend a significant presence of groups of the province (five) with those from the region (two) integrated by the presence of national companies (seven) and a Slovenian.

The review, first of all, who wants to be a time of integration and networking of resources and initiatives taking place in the territory, is accompanied by a series of initiatives that are designed to support a process of cultural awareness.
These are represented by workshops conducted by local services which have in turn acquired a valuable skill training in the theater who are now able to make available to the territory. Particular emphasis should be placed on the fact that they are professionals who come from all areas of services (social welfare, health, educational, public and private) who have trained together and that together across institutional affiliations operate.
Laboratories last a day and are open to anyone interested.
The relationship with the School maintains a special focus on the organization of the review, in the knowledge that the pursuit of the objectives he outlined first of all need a widespread cultural sensitivity from younger generations.
So here is the proposal made to students in a process that involves them actively and directly introduce an approach to these theatrical forms that face better understand the experiences and events that will be proposed. Wishing to be appreciated that the shows presented by the public, a heartfelt thanks goes to those workers, members of associations, volunteers have contributed to its realization. A special thanks to the operators and Erica Vito Dalò Gasparinic of CISI who handled the art direction and the organization and the Consortium as a whole has put in place the conditions che hanno permesso agli stessi di fornire il loro apporto alla Rassegna


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