Monday, October 19, 2009

How To Buy Balloons In Sims 3


Nell’affrontare il tema della violenza sull’infanzia non possiamo non partire da un ‘ analisi sia pure sommaria delle radici di un simile fenomeno.
E’ innanzi tutto da rilevare che la violenza sull’infanzia non è un fenomeno del tutto autonomo dal più generale fenomeno della violenza di cui è imbevuta la societ
E questo non solo o non tanto perché chi subisce quotidianamente violenza tende ineluttabilmente a scaricare le proprie frustrazioni sui soggetti più deboli, quanto perché sono identiche le cause culturali di ogni forma di violenza. Si often discover the political, sociological and psychological aggression generating almost human, but little is analyzing cultural factors that fuel or at least do not contradict the 'explosion of the thousands of violence that make our lives difficult and bitter-yet to be formally while spreading the' ideology of "non vilenza and pacifism does not care that Altuna contemporaneamante divendneo hegemonic cultures that are essentially should understand that the relationship between uomni are violent.

Culture of human diversity that is fully man only if you have power, by force if it is actively introduced into the production process if it is homologous to the stereotype of efficient men touted by the media culture of negativity
that there was no identity of man's life does not make sense not 'learned from a past nor a future to build it' s just a present to be exploited to obtain the maximum of pleasure skin that everyone can capture
Culture of catastrophe that denies the story progress and ridicule each other daily commitment and effort in the works and days of man. The social life is just sad need more rampant individualism must prevail at all costs and travel companions are just objects to use and exploit.
Culture omnipotence staff because everything is due to himself and not to any other limit is arbitrary and "castrating" because "I'm on top of the essence I do what I want the Hell is other people" (Sartre)
Culture dell'infantilizzazione based on emotion rather than rationality on the aggregation group as a tool rather than looking for a secured personal growth on the possession of many things rather than on mutual exchange for mutual most complete human growth on an obscure desire of annihilation rather than the determination to build yourself and the world in which we are called to live. What

you can do to reduce violence?
The problem is not so much to increase the services specialists and make them more sophisticated (although it is still essential to their better organization and efficiency) because the happiest country is not what it multiplies professionals pathology me what it better can do without having created a social fabric that can be prevented through a real understanding of their functions is to give the adults through a network of human solidarity he will help to identify the needs of people and give them immediate answers


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