La mente è ciò che guida la nostra vita. Nulla è più nostro della nostra mente e nulla è più misterioso dei suoi processi.
Quanti ricordi sono nascosti nei meandri del nostro cervello apparentemente persi per sempre, ma pronti ad emergere nei momenti più impensati?
Quante ipotesi possiamo fare proiettandoci nel futuro, quanti sogni, quante fantasie riusciamo a creare nel breve attimo presente?
Quanti ricordi sono nascosti nei meandri del nostro cervello apparentemente persi per sempre, ma pronti ad emergere nei momenti più impensati?
Quante ipotesi possiamo fare proiettandoci nel futuro, quanti sogni, quante fantasie riusciamo a creare nel breve attimo presente?
Quante abilità padroneggiamo senza neanche accorgerci, quante ne potremmo padroneggiare se fossimo in grado di utilizzare al meglio le nostre risorse?
Non esiste momento della vita in cui il pensiero si fermi, non c’è istante in cui si prenda riposo. Eppure le sue possibilità sono molto superiori a quelle da noi utilizzate, molto superiori a quanto riusciamo anche solo a credere.
Il rispetto per questo bene enorme che abbiamo a disposizione, il desiderio di non sprecarlo, la voglia di aiutare chi ne ha bisogno, chi, per i motivi più disparati, non riesce, da solo, ad utilizzare adeguatamente le proprie risorse, ci spinge a cercare modalità di interazione sempre più propositive e dinamiche, più personalizzate. La consapevolezza di poter incidere sui risultati
futuri perché l’individuo è modificabile è quella molla che permette di porre in campo tutte le risorse necessarie.
L’intelligenza è qualcosa che si può anche insegnare.
Lo si fa guidando ad osservare ed a porsi domande; stimolandolo a confrontare oggetti ed eventi, a cercare collegamenti tra fatti in apparenza non correlati tra loro; inducendo ad utilizzare un vocabolario corretto ed appropriato; incoraggiando ad astrarre dalla situazione vissuta al momento per immaginare fatti futuri o passati, certi o solo possibili, reali o fantastici.
Lo si fa insegnando ad aver fiducia in se stessi, a valutare in maniera obiettiva i propri successi, a far tesoro degli errori, a rendersi conto che la collaborazione porta un arricchimento reciproco, che la sharing helps to overcome the difficulties.
This is done through the preparation of an active lifestyle modifier, thanks to the mediation, according to Feuerstein, everyone should use if they want to be effective in their intervention.
So you can teach to draw, read and write, to do the math, you can educate the movement, to appreciate music and sport, can be prepared to share experiences with others, you can do an analysis of its past, plan for the future, you can deal with the discomfort, strengthen the personality, all building on the fundamental premise of Feuerstein: the full confidence of being in cognitive modifiability human. A deep belief in recent years has been strongly supported by research in neurophysiology. An evolutionary process
blocked or interrupted by negative events of life can be restarted at any time, provided environmental conditions are favorable and the subject has the opportunity to make appropriate learning experiences. There is no situation in which we might need to stop saying enough, I have nothing to learn, I have no goals, there is nothing to be done. There is still a possibility, if we really want.
The choice between different perspectives, to focus their thoughts on the most optimistic is the very essence of mediation. Identification of the alternative
Risk is an integral part of life deal only activity whose success is taken for granted is neither useful nor interesting. Remain anchored to what is already completely mastered is a defense mechanism of insecure people, so many children with learning disabilities love to repeat endlessly the same games.
If, when faced with unusual and challenging activities is excluded a priori to be able to reach the goal, the work will be considered an unnecessary waste of energy and should be avoided. If, on the contrary, we imagine that success is attainable, it will address with all the effort possible.
Mediation gives the alternative optimistic stressing that you need not be categorically sure to get success in a new business venture. The more demanding and requires much responsibility the task that we are called to work, the less certain we can achieve fast and good outcome expected and hoped. So trying to assess objectively, but with optimism, what you should do, is the first step to tackle the job, which will require conscious effort but that effort and hard work and effort, if well spent, will be rewarded by the achievement of predetermined .
mediate the identification of alternative optimist is like putting a colored lens in front of our eyes allows us to look through a filter that shows the world more pleasant, without, however, hide what is actually there.
For the mediation of the alternative optimistic the Ombudsman may:
- propose activities curious, original and creative the outcome of which is not granted. "Let's try these new games, I do not know as facts go, but it will be fun to try. The result is to be seen! "
- instill the knowledge that is not automatically make it a success as a result of our work, but the means to reach there.
- Ensure that people focus attention on the positive possibility in order to better utilize their resources, without feeling diminished if the problems turn out to be larger than expected.
- Refer to previous successes achieved in seemingly impossible situations.
- Emphasize the positive aspects of the course you are going to take, these issues even if not at goal (How about if we participate in this contest? Join people from all over Italy, will not be easy to win, but if you do not you can not test for sure. And then it will be really funny all the work we will do, even if we do not finish in the top!)
Il rispetto per questo bene enorme che abbiamo a disposizione, il desiderio di non sprecarlo, la voglia di aiutare chi ne ha bisogno, chi, per i motivi più disparati, non riesce, da solo, ad utilizzare adeguatamente le proprie risorse, ci spinge a cercare modalità di interazione sempre più propositive e dinamiche, più personalizzate. La consapevolezza di poter incidere sui risultati
futuri perché l’individuo è modificabile è quella molla che permette di porre in campo tutte le risorse necessarie.
L’intelligenza è qualcosa che si può anche insegnare.
Lo si fa guidando ad osservare ed a porsi domande; stimolandolo a confrontare oggetti ed eventi, a cercare collegamenti tra fatti in apparenza non correlati tra loro; inducendo ad utilizzare un vocabolario corretto ed appropriato; incoraggiando ad astrarre dalla situazione vissuta al momento per immaginare fatti futuri o passati, certi o solo possibili, reali o fantastici.
Lo si fa insegnando ad aver fiducia in se stessi, a valutare in maniera obiettiva i propri successi, a far tesoro degli errori, a rendersi conto che la collaborazione porta un arricchimento reciproco, che la sharing helps to overcome the difficulties.
This is done through the preparation of an active lifestyle modifier, thanks to the mediation, according to Feuerstein, everyone should use if they want to be effective in their intervention.
So you can teach to draw, read and write, to do the math, you can educate the movement, to appreciate music and sport, can be prepared to share experiences with others, you can do an analysis of its past, plan for the future, you can deal with the discomfort, strengthen the personality, all building on the fundamental premise of Feuerstein: the full confidence of being in cognitive modifiability human. A deep belief in recent years has been strongly supported by research in neurophysiology. An evolutionary process
blocked or interrupted by negative events of life can be restarted at any time, provided environmental conditions are favorable and the subject has the opportunity to make appropriate learning experiences. There is no situation in which we might need to stop saying enough, I have nothing to learn, I have no goals, there is nothing to be done. There is still a possibility, if we really want.
The choice between different perspectives, to focus their thoughts on the most optimistic is the very essence of mediation. Identification of the alternative
Risk is an integral part of life deal only activity whose success is taken for granted is neither useful nor interesting. Remain anchored to what is already completely mastered is a defense mechanism of insecure people, so many children with learning disabilities love to repeat endlessly the same games.
If, when faced with unusual and challenging activities is excluded a priori to be able to reach the goal, the work will be considered an unnecessary waste of energy and should be avoided. If, on the contrary, we imagine that success is attainable, it will address with all the effort possible.
Mediation gives the alternative optimistic stressing that you need not be categorically sure to get success in a new business venture. The more demanding and requires much responsibility the task that we are called to work, the less certain we can achieve fast and good outcome expected and hoped. So trying to assess objectively, but with optimism, what you should do, is the first step to tackle the job, which will require conscious effort but that effort and hard work and effort, if well spent, will be rewarded by the achievement of predetermined .
mediate the identification of alternative optimist is like putting a colored lens in front of our eyes allows us to look through a filter that shows the world more pleasant, without, however, hide what is actually there.
For the mediation of the alternative optimistic the Ombudsman may:
- propose activities curious, original and creative the outcome of which is not granted. "Let's try these new games, I do not know as facts go, but it will be fun to try. The result is to be seen! "
- instill the knowledge that is not automatically make it a success as a result of our work, but the means to reach there.
- Ensure that people focus attention on the positive possibility in order to better utilize their resources, without feeling diminished if the problems turn out to be larger than expected.
- Refer to previous successes achieved in seemingly impossible situations.
- Emphasize the positive aspects of the course you are going to take, these issues even if not at goal (How about if we participate in this contest? Join people from all over Italy, will not be easy to win, but if you do not you can not test for sure. And then it will be really funny all the work we will do, even if we do not finish in the top!)
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