Saturday, January 22, 2011

How Much A Office Desk Beige

The inevitable punishment of history

Felice Lima
(Judge of the Court of Catania)

Done by The online newspaper of January 22, 2011

My wife and I are both judges and we pay our service for twenty-five years in Sicily.

In the past it was only in the most turbid of ill repute and crime more odious judges (and therefore us) we become apostrophe with insulting remarks - type "cop" , "curnutu" , and others - who, being a criminal, he wanted to make a difference for so ontological say with whom, in his universe of reference, it served the enemy, ie, the state.

And yet, these criminals and even the worst of them pronounced the injuries only when they spoke to each other or in environments where they had shared system of values \u200b\u200b so to speak.

Why anywhere else other than a slum also the most squalid mugs were referring to the judges with formal respect even insincere, but aware of the fact that living in a civil society or at least vaguely civil or aspiring, would say Cetto, any civil requires at least feign a certain minimum respect for the State.

For several years now, however, the typical language of the worst thugs of the most squalid slums and in use at the Head of Government and is broadcast on all media at all times and preferably to one relying on television generalist.

So my wife and I we are forced to ban the use of television - and supremely in the news several times - to Our teenage children, so that their souls disoriented on a simple showing of ideas that parents have instilled in some way: that judges are at the service of the State and have an honorable job.

Neither would make sense to deny the President of the Council before our children, because it seems clear that if the Prime Minister, like any hardened criminal, says that judges are enemies of the state, each person will be easily induced to believe that we can not escape the alternative lies in the fact that if the prime minister was right, the judges would be really the Anti-State, but if he was wrong, then no doubt the Anti-State it would be him. And it's hard to say which of the two alternatives is worse.

That said, to show some - I think legitimate - indignation at what has happened and still happens, I thought yesterday that a normal man is subject, in his act at various different constraints and inhibitions, whose effectiveness varies depends on the intellectual and moral qualities of the person.

Faced with the proffer of something dishonorable, the man of noble mind will refuse because what is proposed is not right.

morally depraved man refuses for fear of criminal punishment.

Finally, the man and depraved indifferente alle sanzioni giuridiche rifiuterà per istinto di conservazione quando l’interlocutore non dia garanzie di reggere la necessaria complicità.

Dunque, nessun malavitoso psicologicamente equilibrato accetterebbe proposte criminali da chi si offrisse come complice senza dare le necessarie garanzie di tenuta.

Tanto per dire, nessun lestofante compos sui farebbe accordi con una diciottenne, perché avrebbe la lucidità di rendersi conto che, anche se poi le dicesse “Ti copro d’oro purché tu taccia” , non sarebbe affatto certo che lei tacesse.

Scoprire che il Presidente del Consiglio ha instaurato con una prostituta minorenne un tipo di relazione tale da consentire alla prostituta minorenne di fargli telefonare direttamente mentre è intento in impegni di Stato all’estero (in Francia) per chiedergli di intervenire presso una Questura per farla liberare e che il Presidente del Consiglio ha ritenuto di telefonare direttamente alla Questura chiedendo la liberazione della ragazza, aggiungendo all’inqualificabilità del suo comportamento anche la assurda menzogna di spacciare la prostituta per la nipote di un capo di stato estero (Mubarak) è veramente sconcertante, perché colloca il Presidente del Consiglio in una catalogazione ulteriore e inferiore rispetto ai tre tipi umani sopra illustrati.

L’esistenza di un tipo umano come questo – indifferente to moral precepts, indifferent to the precepts of the law and the evidence indifferent to the risk of blackmail, first, and a svergognatura world, then by the unlikely accomplice underage prostitute - is possible only in the presence of a psychological condition very seriously compromised but also, unfortunately, a particular condition of political, civil and social life of the host country. And that's what I want to emphasize.

In a normal country, those who propose to serve the state, including obviously his duty to adapt itself to the needs of the service.

So who, for instance, devotes itself to make the magistrate, now includes a duty to stop attending - Which never had happened before to do it - people of ill repute, people involved in crimes and more horrible crimes in relating to events because of mafia and / or abuse of public office.

The case of our Prime Minister and his associates that he placed in different functional roles to his needs (directions news, regional councils, the Parliament of the Republic) is characterized by the fact that they think is the rule that if want to be served by this "habitual user" must adapt its laws to the needs of the user.

So, for more than fifteen years, assisted by the magistrate to the constant changing of the laws of my country to respond to the needs of a person who does not consider himself honored obtained from office, but the country benefited from the fact that he, between a lap dance with a minor sull'autoerotismo and advice given by him to another prostitute (in that case, fortunately, at least age: Mrs. D'Addario, who recorded these valuable suggestions were given by while the head of our government and representative of our country), devotes a bit 'of his time to take care of things the state. Without forgetting, of course, grow as much as possible, in the management of them, his personal affairs.

The Italian people have for years found it possible to violate the truth and justice to pursue a deal with a wicked person who, in exchange for the empty promise of dreams clearly more amazing for a bright future and increasingly "future" day to day demands and gets from every type of citizen, worker, professional , human being and, above all, an institution favors "present" increasingly demanding and increasingly unsustainable and illegal and deplorable, to satisfy his hunger for money, fame and sex.

Applying the analysis made above to the people, it must be said that, before the proffer of a braggart who, in exchange for empty promises, calls for delivery throughout the entire state, its institutions and its inherent dignity, a people full of moral values \u200b\u200brefuses because it is morally unacceptable. A law-abiding people refused because the constitution does not allow it. A people perverted and disrespectful of each type of law refuses because he realizes they may be confronted with a crook to do only good salesman / sales pitch.

The Italian people - as the head of his government - a member of a fourth type less and worse than the three described above.

The show is in full view of everyone and, unfortunately, all over the world, is the beginning of the punishment that history - as it always has at all times - is starting to give a people so wicked.

And the paradox is that everything is already there for all is but a small part of what, so continuing to treat the state and its institutions, we'll have to suffer and see.

As the logic behind the ability of a head of government to lie so shamelessly in public about anything concerning him (at this link one of the many lists of blatant lies), it is certainly illustrated by Adolf Hitler in his Mein Kampf: "The Big Lie is a lie so huge as to make people believe that no one could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamous ".

But the argument is unfounded, because we believe in lies so squalid and shameful it is not necessary that they are "big" , you must have spoken to a people who, for reasons of petty and disgraceful, is willing to pretend to believe everything.

epochal tragedy of this country is not in the fact that the head of his Government is a person unpresentable and impractical, a close friend and frequent visitor of people ranging from Previti (finally judged for crimes that most deplorable), the Dell 'Utri (convicted in the first and second degree for acts of the mafia), the D'Addario, Ruby, Minetti, Mora Mangano and other scores, than in any other country would not the phone, but not the address of a head of state, but in the fact that the whole country has consistently and systematically reduced itself, its institutions, its laws, its cultural facilities, political and social condition in which what is happening can physically happen.


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