People are born with an innate propensity for change: is an inevitable process, although we are often ignorant: even an adult can not hear the full responsibility, children usually they are just unaware.
In the early years, when the ' "I" is still searching for myself, my children, to create the image of themselves, they rely heavily on what has been from the surrounding world, in particular the significant adults. This period is defined l’ " Io allo specchio" , nel senso che l’ "Io" si struttura su quanto viene letto negli occhi del referente. Se qualcuno vive in un’atmosfera che invia un messaggio implicito o esplicito, di inadeguatezza, crea di sé l’immagine dell’incapace, se, al contrario, percepisce fiducia nelle proprie possibilità, egli stesso creerà un concetto di sé come di persona abile ad ottenere successi. Quando i bambini sviluppano una serie di idee di “come sono” ci si adeguano.
Può succedere che chi si sente inadeguato assuma atteggiamenti di resistenza nei confronti di at-tività nuove, che rifiuti, quindi, precisely the situations that promote change, remaining in what could be called "comfort zone", where the level of competence is never mes-so in question. In practice, the "zone of proximal distance" is reduced to zero.
Each educational course involves taking some risks.
should not be set as an objective, to reinforce self-esteem, to drive a person to follow a completely error-free, because that would be misleading and unnatural. This actually helps to increase confidence in their ability is the sense of responsibility, the awareness that they possess the cognitive and emotional tools needed to face and overcome difficulties. Meet with a rock,
run into an error and be able to overcome it provides a sense of success much more easily than face an obvious path and not very stimulating.
Mediation of Consciousness modification.
Feuerstein gives the concept of Modificabilità un tale rilievo da considerarlo il primo, fon-damentale postulato della sua teoria. Egli sostiene, infatti, che un educatore entra pienamente nel proprio ruolo quando condivide l’affermazione: “Gli esseri umani sono modificabili in meglio ed io sono in grado di modificarli”. Nella presentazione dei “Criteri della mediazione”, viene dedicato uno spazio particolare a promuovere la trasmissione della coscienza della modificabilità, elemento essenziale per la promozione di uno sviluppo armonico e, soprattutto, autonomo e consapevole.
La coscienza della Modificabilità può essere promossa evidenziando l’esistenza del potenziale dinamico predisposing to change and stressing the importance and value. It can be likened to the ability to draw a graph showing their successes and their failures. The graphic design provides an indication of the path you are following and report positive and negative fluctuations are individual and depend on the context and the personal inclination. The downhill part of the course and are preliminary in future, further progress.
It 's more likely that a person uses the best of their abilities while keeping their own progress, finding and acquiring new energy to overcome the failures if:
is aware from the outset what can make it difficult to work
arises realistic but quite complex, taking one step at a time
take time to enjoy the benefits of achievements
is able to enjoy the praise and recognition alone (not based only on the other to note the progress and development)
understand that failure is part of the process.
lives positively the calls of the adults, realizing that it does not hinder the confidence they have in him.
Let us recall the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving a child because of his inappropriate behavior or having to correct errors he committed, as we can tell them without hurting his personality and affect his self-esteem ?
First, you must send clear and strong message that criticizing a specific behavior but that he, as a person is evaluated more positively . It 's just that you trust ripone nella sua capacità di migliorare, nella sua modificabilità positiva, ciò che ci spinge ad intervenire: se non fossimo convinti delle sue potenzialità non cercheremmo di dargli indicazioni.
Esplicitiamo la fiducia che riponiamo in lui e parliamogli delle opportunità che avrà per dimostrarci quanto è bravo, ricordandogli qualche sua precedente attività di cui siamo molto fieri.
Parliamo dei nostri sentimenti , sia quelli negativi, limitati in termini di tempo ed intensità e direttamente provocati dal suo attuale comportamento (tristezza, disappunto, delusione…) sia di quelli positivi, ampi e generali, che sono sempre presenti (Love, trust, expectations ....).
feel around him an atmosphere of acceptance and active against the confident expectation of its future changes will help to "get involved" to cover the risks that inevitably involves a complex path.
Some consider intelligence stable entity, that is something fixed, immodificabi-le, a hard reality to which we must adapt and within the boundaries that needs work, others see it as changeable entity, ie an element that can be developed through the influence and shape the environment and personal commitment.
Who believes intelligence entity established basically tries to prove to himself and others to be adapted to the expectations, therefore prefer tasks that are highlighted in the results and avoids the risk of failure.
For those who believe intelligence entity changed the fundamental purpose is, instead, to increase its capacity and therefore choose activities that highlight mainly processes and lead to improved skills.
Related to the concept of intelligence, there are two styles of response to the difficulties in solving tasks:
a. The mastery-oriented style, which is characterized by the ability to react to problems. The difficulties being accepted as a stimulating challenge, failures can be experienced as a step in the path. This promotes the activation of strategies to overcome them.
b. The style is characterized by denial and helplessness from avoiding risk as the failure creates self-denigration thoughts bearers of psychological suffering.
Who believes intelligence editable entity tends to take a mastery-oriented style, unlike the style of impotence is more common among those who believe intelligence unchangeable entity.
In a study conducted by Chiu, Hong, and Dweck, fifth grade children were divided into two groups, one with the mastery-oriented style, the other powerless. It 'important to note that there was an initial difference in actual ability, is found in a general sense by IQ, both in terms of skills in specific areas.
eight issues that were brought all the children were able to solve, followed by four others for which they had sufficient expertise.
Between the two stages of research, ie after the administration of the first eight problems, the researchers monitor the strategies used for their solution and the emotional climate that accompanied the work: it turned out that the children of the two groups used similar strategies and showed less interest in the task. The differences emerged following the failure to solve the four problems are too difficult.
Di fronte agli insuccessi i bambini del gruppo di impotenza cominciarono ad avere pensieri autodenigratori e ridussero drasticamente le loro aspettative di successo futuro, perdendo contemporaneamente interesse per il lavoro ed assumendo atteggiamenti ansiosi o di rifiuto. Inoltre in molti dimostrarono un chiaro decremento nel livello di strategie di problem solving, adottando spesso sistemi di soluzione improduttivi ed inefficaci.
Gli appartenenti al gruppo di padronanza , al contrario, non ebbero pensieri autosvalutanti non ritenendo gli insuccessi una dimostrazione della loro incapacità, ma si concentrarono nella ricerca di strategie diverse per testare nuove ipotesi, mantenendo alto sia l’interesse che le aspettative di successo . Ciò portò ad un impegno ancora maggiore che, se anche non produsse un diretto successo nella soluzione di quei determinati problemi, portò ad un miglioramento nella competenza generale di problem solving con l’acquisizione di tecniche risolutive sofisticate e complesse.
Un ultimo punto di grande interesse educativo è il fatto che l’opinione degli adulti significativi incide molto sul concetto che i bambini si creano sull’intelligenza : è nostro compito aiutarli a rendersi conto che la loro capacità di gestione della vita è modificabile e potenziabile . Concedendo trust and build confidence, give their hands the power to act on themselves and the environment in an active and proactive.
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