Monday, January 31, 2011

Dimension Of A Shot-put Circle

"Who am I?" The child in search of its identity.

People are born with an innate propensity for change: is an inevitable process, although we are often ignorant: even an adult can not hear the full responsibility, children usually they are just unaware.

In the early years, when the ' "I" is still searching for myself, my children, to create the image of themselves, they rely heavily on what has been from the surrounding world, in particular the significant adults. This period is defined l’ " Io allo specchio" , nel senso che l’ "Io" si struttura su quanto viene letto negli occhi del referente. Se qualcuno vive in un’atmosfera che invia un messaggio implicito o esplicito, di inadeguatezza, crea di sé l’immagine dell’incapace, se, al contrario, percepisce fiducia nelle proprie possibilità, egli stesso creerà un concetto di sé come di persona abile ad ottenere successi. Quando i bambini sviluppano una serie di idee di “come sono” ci si adeguano.

Può succedere che chi si sente inadeguato assuma atteggiamenti di resistenza nei confronti di at-tività nuove, che rifiuti, quindi, precisely the situations that promote change, remaining in what could be called "comfort zone", where the level of competence is never mes-so in question. In practice, the "zone of proximal distance" is reduced to zero.

Each educational course involves taking some risks.
should not be set as an objective, to reinforce self-esteem, to drive a person to follow a completely error-free, because that would be misleading and unnatural. This actually helps to increase confidence in their ability is the sense of responsibility, the awareness that they possess the cognitive and emotional tools needed to face and overcome difficulties.

Meet with a rock,
run into an error and be able to overcome it provides a sense of success much more easily than face an obvious path and not very stimulating.

Mediation of Consciousness modification.

Feuerstein gives the concept of Modificabilità un tale rilievo da considerarlo il primo, fon-damentale postulato della sua teoria. Egli sostiene, infatti, che un educatore entra pienamente nel proprio ruolo quando condivide l’affermazione: “Gli esseri umani sono modificabili in meglio ed io sono in grado di modificarli”. Nella presentazione dei “Criteri della mediazione”, viene dedicato uno spazio particolare a promuovere la trasmissione della coscienza della modificabilità, elemento essenziale per la promozione di uno sviluppo armonico e, soprattutto, autonomo e consapevole.

La coscienza della Modificabilità può essere promossa evidenziando l’esistenza del potenziale dinamico predisposing to change and stressing the importance and value. It can be likened to the ability to draw a graph showing their successes and their failures. The graphic design provides an indication of the path you are following and report positive and negative fluctuations are individual and depend on the context and the personal inclination. The downhill part of the course and are preliminary in future, further progress.

It 's more likely that a person uses the best of their abilities while keeping their own progress, finding and acquiring new energy to overcome the failures if:

 receives support and encouragement from others
 is aware from the outset what can make it difficult to work
 arises realistic but quite complex, taking one step at a time
 take time to enjoy the benefits of achievements
 is able to enjoy the praise and recognition alone (not based only on the other to note the progress and development)
 understand that failure is part of the process.
 lives positively the calls of the adults, realizing that it does not hinder the confidence they have in him.

Let us recall the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving a child because of his inappropriate behavior or having to correct errors he committed, as we can tell them without hurting his personality and affect his self-esteem ?

First, you must send clear and strong message that criticizing a specific behavior but that he, as a person is evaluated more positively . It 's just that you trust ripone nella sua capacità di migliorare, nella sua modificabilità positiva, ciò che ci spinge ad intervenire: se non fossimo convinti delle sue potenzialità non cercheremmo di dargli indicazioni.
Esplicitiamo la fiducia che riponiamo in lui e parliamogli delle opportunità che avrà per dimostrarci quanto è bravo, ricordandogli qualche sua precedente attività di cui siamo molto fieri.
Parliamo dei nostri sentimenti , sia quelli negativi, limitati in termini di tempo ed intensità e direttamente provocati dal suo attuale comportamento (tristezza, disappunto, delusione…) sia di quelli positivi, ampi e generali, che sono sempre presenti (Love, trust, expectations ....).

feel around him an atmosphere of acceptance and active against the confident expectation of its future changes will help to "get involved" to cover the risks that inevitably involves a complex path.

Some consider intelligence stable entity, that is something fixed, immodificabi-le, a hard reality to which we must adapt and within the boundaries that needs work, others see it as changeable entity, ie an element that can be developed through the influence and shape the environment and personal commitment.
Who believes intelligence entity established basically tries to prove to himself and others to be adapted to the expectations, therefore prefer tasks that are highlighted in the results and avoids the risk of failure.

For those who believe intelligence entity changed the fundamental purpose is, instead, to increase its capacity and therefore choose activities that highlight mainly processes and lead to improved skills.

Related to the concept of intelligence, there are two styles of response to the difficulties in solving tasks:
a. The mastery-oriented style, which is characterized by the ability to react to problems. The difficulties being accepted as a stimulating challenge, failures can be experienced as a step in the path. This promotes the activation of strategies to overcome them.
b. The style is characterized by denial and helplessness from avoiding risk as the failure creates self-denigration thoughts bearers of psychological suffering.

Who believes intelligence editable entity tends to take a mastery-oriented style, unlike the style of impotence is more common among those who believe intelligence unchangeable entity.
In a study conducted by Chiu, Hong, and Dweck, fifth grade children were divided into two groups, one with the mastery-oriented style, the other powerless. It 'important to note that there was an initial difference in actual ability, is found in a general sense by IQ, both in terms of skills in specific areas.
eight issues that were brought all the children were able to solve, followed by four others for which they had sufficient expertise.
Between the two stages of research, ie after the administration of the first eight problems, the researchers monitor the strategies used for their solution and the emotional climate that accompanied the work: it turned out that the children of the two groups used similar strategies and showed less interest in the task. The differences emerged following the failure to solve the four problems are too difficult.
Di fronte agli insuccessi i bambini del gruppo di impotenza cominciarono ad avere pensieri autodenigratori e ridussero drasticamente le loro aspettative di successo futuro, perdendo contemporaneamente interesse per il lavoro ed assumendo atteggiamenti ansiosi o di rifiuto. Inoltre in molti dimostrarono un chiaro decremento nel livello di strategie di problem solving, adottando spesso sistemi di soluzione improduttivi ed inefficaci.
Gli appartenenti al gruppo di padronanza , al contrario, non ebbero pensieri autosvalutanti non ritenendo gli insuccessi una dimostrazione della loro incapacità, ma si concentrarono nella ricerca di strategie diverse per testare nuove ipotesi, mantenendo alto sia l’interesse che le aspettative di successo . Ciò portò ad un impegno ancora maggiore che, se anche non produsse un diretto successo nella soluzione di quei determinati problemi, portò ad un miglioramento nella competenza generale di problem solving con l’acquisizione di tecniche risolutive sofisticate e complesse.
Un ultimo punto di grande interesse educativo è il fatto che l’opinione degli adulti significativi incide molto sul concetto che i bambini si creano sull’intelligenza : è nostro compito aiutarli a rendersi conto che la loro capacità di gestione della vita è modificabile e potenziabile . Concedendo trust and build confidence, give their hands the power to act on themselves and the environment in an active and proactive.

Friday, January 28, 2011

How Best To Shrink A Judo

gigietta But what does it say?

What do you say? I seem to have taken well ..

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Cervix High Hard 2 Days Before Period

Cocktails: Daiquiri Grapefruit

As promised, though late, I begin to describe the New Year's Eve dinner, which still can be useful for any occasion .. except maybe the cake that we let him stay ..

At home we are not big "sbevacciatori" for lack of ingredients ..
happens that this year I have done to the supermarket to stock up succhi di frutta di vario genere e che il maritino si sia fatto prendere dalla voglia di superalcolici e ne abbia fatto scorta (forse preventivando a breve notti insonni...)
Dopotutto ognuno ha le sue voglie.
Tutto questo per dire che quest'anno ho fatto un aperitivo con la ricetta originale trovata su sale e pepe (no, un libro dei cocktail non ce l'ho ancora, se non si conta il volantino dell'esselunga) , con gli strumenti adatti (avevo anche lo shaker!), gli ingredienti giusti, le dosi esatte (misurate nel biberon ma non ditelo alla gigietta!!).
Pour a shaker of ice. Add 2 / 10 of rum, 4 / 10 pineapple juice, 4 / 10 of grapefruit juice, a tablespoon of lemon juice. Shake the shaker vigorously for 15 seconds, pour into glasses and serve.

not joking when I said that we have stock of liquors .. these are put in some "cool" ..

Monday, January 24, 2011

Gpsphone Pokemon Cheats Without Pc


to all those who have left me a comment
to everyone who sent me a message Page
to everyone who called me to
all those who came to the hospital to visit
to everyone that "for now we leave you worry I'll see / hear below"
to all those who have already sent a gift
to everyone who cheered for us during labor
to my friends who were felt even though I had forgotten to inform the kindergarten teacher of
gigietta who created this beautiful ribbon and hung
to all those who have even just thought
the hubby who has been with me all the time
gigietta which approved the "I love you, we can take it home"
for midwives and doctors who have followed me to the nurses of the nest
who answered my stupid questions (and what to do with the pea?)
and especially to Dani who has presented himself to the hospital equipped with a knife, and a whole salami !

Saturday, January 22, 2011

How Much A Office Desk Beige

The inevitable punishment of history

Felice Lima
(Judge of the Court of Catania)

Done by The online newspaper of January 22, 2011

My wife and I are both judges and we pay our service for twenty-five years in Sicily.

In the past it was only in the most turbid of ill repute and crime more odious judges (and therefore us) we become apostrophe with insulting remarks - type "cop" , "curnutu" , and others - who, being a criminal, he wanted to make a difference for so ontological say with whom, in his universe of reference, it served the enemy, ie, the state.

And yet, these criminals and even the worst of them pronounced the injuries only when they spoke to each other or in environments where they had shared system of values \u200b\u200b so to speak.

Why anywhere else other than a slum also the most squalid mugs were referring to the judges with formal respect even insincere, but aware of the fact that living in a civil society or at least vaguely civil or aspiring, would say Cetto, any civil requires at least feign a certain minimum respect for the State.

For several years now, however, the typical language of the worst thugs of the most squalid slums and in use at the Head of Government and is broadcast on all media at all times and preferably to one relying on television generalist.

So my wife and I we are forced to ban the use of television - and supremely in the news several times - to Our teenage children, so that their souls disoriented on a simple showing of ideas that parents have instilled in some way: that judges are at the service of the State and have an honorable job.

Neither would make sense to deny the President of the Council before our children, because it seems clear that if the Prime Minister, like any hardened criminal, says that judges are enemies of the state, each person will be easily induced to believe that we can not escape the alternative lies in the fact that if the prime minister was right, the judges would be really the Anti-State, but if he was wrong, then no doubt the Anti-State it would be him. And it's hard to say which of the two alternatives is worse.

That said, to show some - I think legitimate - indignation at what has happened and still happens, I thought yesterday that a normal man is subject, in his act at various different constraints and inhibitions, whose effectiveness varies depends on the intellectual and moral qualities of the person.

Faced with the proffer of something dishonorable, the man of noble mind will refuse because what is proposed is not right.

morally depraved man refuses for fear of criminal punishment.

Finally, the man and depraved indifferente alle sanzioni giuridiche rifiuterà per istinto di conservazione quando l’interlocutore non dia garanzie di reggere la necessaria complicità.

Dunque, nessun malavitoso psicologicamente equilibrato accetterebbe proposte criminali da chi si offrisse come complice senza dare le necessarie garanzie di tenuta.

Tanto per dire, nessun lestofante compos sui farebbe accordi con una diciottenne, perché avrebbe la lucidità di rendersi conto che, anche se poi le dicesse “Ti copro d’oro purché tu taccia” , non sarebbe affatto certo che lei tacesse.

Scoprire che il Presidente del Consiglio ha instaurato con una prostituta minorenne un tipo di relazione tale da consentire alla prostituta minorenne di fargli telefonare direttamente mentre è intento in impegni di Stato all’estero (in Francia) per chiedergli di intervenire presso una Questura per farla liberare e che il Presidente del Consiglio ha ritenuto di telefonare direttamente alla Questura chiedendo la liberazione della ragazza, aggiungendo all’inqualificabilità del suo comportamento anche la assurda menzogna di spacciare la prostituta per la nipote di un capo di stato estero (Mubarak) è veramente sconcertante, perché colloca il Presidente del Consiglio in una catalogazione ulteriore e inferiore rispetto ai tre tipi umani sopra illustrati.

L’esistenza di un tipo umano come questo – indifferente to moral precepts, indifferent to the precepts of the law and the evidence indifferent to the risk of blackmail, first, and a svergognatura world, then by the unlikely accomplice underage prostitute - is possible only in the presence of a psychological condition very seriously compromised but also, unfortunately, a particular condition of political, civil and social life of the host country. And that's what I want to emphasize.

In a normal country, those who propose to serve the state, including obviously his duty to adapt itself to the needs of the service.

So who, for instance, devotes itself to make the magistrate, now includes a duty to stop attending - Which never had happened before to do it - people of ill repute, people involved in crimes and more horrible crimes in relating to events because of mafia and / or abuse of public office.

The case of our Prime Minister and his associates that he placed in different functional roles to his needs (directions news, regional councils, the Parliament of the Republic) is characterized by the fact that they think is the rule that if want to be served by this "habitual user" must adapt its laws to the needs of the user.

So, for more than fifteen years, assisted by the magistrate to the constant changing of the laws of my country to respond to the needs of a person who does not consider himself honored obtained from office, but the country benefited from the fact that he, between a lap dance with a minor sull'autoerotismo and advice given by him to another prostitute (in that case, fortunately, at least age: Mrs. D'Addario, who recorded these valuable suggestions were given by while the head of our government and representative of our country), devotes a bit 'of his time to take care of things the state. Without forgetting, of course, grow as much as possible, in the management of them, his personal affairs.

The Italian people have for years found it possible to violate the truth and justice to pursue a deal with a wicked person who, in exchange for the empty promise of dreams clearly more amazing for a bright future and increasingly "future" day to day demands and gets from every type of citizen, worker, professional , human being and, above all, an institution favors "present" increasingly demanding and increasingly unsustainable and illegal and deplorable, to satisfy his hunger for money, fame and sex.

Applying the analysis made above to the people, it must be said that, before the proffer of a braggart who, in exchange for empty promises, calls for delivery throughout the entire state, its institutions and its inherent dignity, a people full of moral values \u200b\u200brefuses because it is morally unacceptable. A law-abiding people refused because the constitution does not allow it. A people perverted and disrespectful of each type of law refuses because he realizes they may be confronted with a crook to do only good salesman / sales pitch.

The Italian people - as the head of his government - a member of a fourth type less and worse than the three described above.

The show is in full view of everyone and, unfortunately, all over the world, is the beginning of the punishment that history - as it always has at all times - is starting to give a people so wicked.

And the paradox is that everything is already there for all is but a small part of what, so continuing to treat the state and its institutions, we'll have to suffer and see.

As the logic behind the ability of a head of government to lie so shamelessly in public about anything concerning him (at this link one of the many lists of blatant lies), it is certainly illustrated by Adolf Hitler in his Mein Kampf: "The Big Lie is a lie so huge as to make people believe that no one could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamous ".

But the argument is unfounded, because we believe in lies so squalid and shameful it is not necessary that they are "big" , you must have spoken to a people who, for reasons of petty and disgraceful, is willing to pretend to believe everything.

epochal tragedy of this country is not in the fact that the head of his Government is a person unpresentable and impractical, a close friend and frequent visitor of people ranging from Previti (finally judged for crimes that most deplorable), the Dell 'Utri (convicted in the first and second degree for acts of the mafia), the D'Addario, Ruby, Minetti, Mora Mangano and other scores, than in any other country would not the phone, but not the address of a head of state, but in the fact that the whole country has consistently and systematically reduced itself, its institutions, its laws, its cultural facilities, political and social condition in which what is happening can physically happen.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Sayings To Add With Wedding Bubbles

Here I am! On my Christmas Swap

Thursday, January 13 2011 18.10
after a fast but a bit 'crazy labor
I have arrived!
Me and mom are home and we are settling.


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Poem About Money Tree

Why Not, who did wrong now silent

Luigi De Magistris

Done by The Daily of 23 December 2010.

Friday, December 17 the judge for the preliminary hearing of the Court of Salerno indicted, among others, for complicity in corruption in judicial acts exacerbated the Attorney General, the Public Prosecutor and the Prosecutor added to ' all times on duty in Catanzaro, two influential political leaders of the PDL and the then head for the South Company of Works, for me, among other alleged offenses, stolen, as Attorney Holder, the investigations Poseidon and Why Not.

According to the Prosecutor of Salerno withdrawal of Poseidon el'avocazione Why Not were the price of a corrupt agreement.

All that as of today will become public and he did pay high prices to certain people, as well as irreversible damage to the Justice, was known to those who needed to know to avoid what happened to happen: in particular, the Council of the Judiciary.

Those magistrates today charged with serious crimes, were left in place to operate from that CSM has, however, threw out those surveys who had discovered, in short, the New P2 (other names involved belong to the judiciary ).

same people who now found in surveys such as those on P3 and P4.

I do not read any comments by representatives of the National Magistrates, sin.

Moreover, they are coming out in the investigation of occult powers the names of all those judges - some still in key strategic - have played a decisive role in the proceedings that led to the removal of the investigations and to my departure from Catanzaro.

also do not read anything about this, too bad.

many judges, friends or not, I have encountered over the years and I have expressed solidarity and dismay at what had happened, others looked at me as if I were a lunatic, or thinking about what I could combine in Catanzaro.

I do not want revenge and claims, does not interest me.

The damage I suffered is irreversible, ho deciso anche di dimettermi dalla magistratura, dalla passione della mia vita, da quel lavoro che il Procuratore generale della Cassazione, durante quel simulacro di processo disciplinare, mi rimproverò di esercitare come una missione.

Non è nemmeno il momento della rabbia, ma quello di sentire qualche parola e non solo osservare l’oblio di un silenzio assordante, quello che ha accompagnato la decisione del giudice di Salerno.

Le parole non servono a me, oggi faccio politica, ho portato la mia passione altrove e lotto anche per l’indipendenza e l’autonomia della magistratura, anche di quella pavida e conformista, sperando che abbia, un giorno, coraggio di guardarsi allo specchio.

Your words, if you believe, are for those people - witnesses, police, employees - who have paid for all those citizens in the land of Calabria have hoped for equal justice for all, for the judiciary from the back straight, for those who dared to investigate the "De Magistris case" and were suspended from their duties or - as the prosecutor Apicella guilty of failing to stop his deputies and then execute the desire for power - or as Dr. Verasani-exile (the that in the past had also ordered an influential judge of collusion with the Neapolitan Camorra) or Dr. Nuzzi, judges who have thoroughly investigated on me, making sure I had done nothing and that, indeed, was the victim of serious crimes.

has changed the CSM, have changed some of the current members of the judiciary, we are far from the tensions that accompanied those inquiries and those disciplinary procedures, what would be good to those who still believe in the judiciary to hear a bit of honest reflection, perhaps a bit of self-criticism.

would be nice to open the newspaper Done in the next few days and read an article honest who assumes the responsibility to say, mistakes were made.

would do well to heart, I also think that you would give strength to many: the powerful to look ahead with greater confidence, the conformists of daring when they power breathing down his neck.

I ask this without rancor, from those who struggle, however, without counting the cost of opportunism, even by those who believed nell'associazionismo judiciary and its ability to self-government of the judiciary.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Help Putting On A Front Bumper

We had already shown what I sent to my combination Michy Swap for last Christmas , now I'll show you what I received from Patty : perfect for my tree! So this year I have a new decoration to keep the jars nutellina because I know we can not keep hanging on!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Blueprint Of 3d Castle

tenant ..

we came to an end.
counter to the side that says there now "zero" days. And you're still pretty nice to them scurrying around "home." Not that I want to complain, for God's sake, but you know your sister had used it well, and had skipped out without notice. I understand that you want to identify yourself by now, but here we are anxiously awaiting. Among the grandmothers that if I do not find at home and have the phone go off in fibrillation, the grandparents who would make me drive the car, her friends that if I do not see on-line for more than seven hours already looking for news (ps. what a treasure you are!), people asked me that morning: but you're going to go around for much longer with that belly there?, not to mention the list of people who offered to accompany us to monitor .. and are 5 minutes by car. And then the practical question that now I can not even close to good bathrobe!
And we would like to know as you are. If you like long-haired grandmother tells me that cause heartburn, as if he wanted to see already two times your dad will be platinum blond. Or maybe if you are, you at least, a bit 'like your mother .. it does not happen as the gigietta I come to say "It 's all your mother-in-law!" .. not that I mind for charity, but you know, for once, I'd really like to hear: "L'è propri un "paleta"!" come si dice qui.
E ho voglia di innamorarmi di te al primo sguardo, di risentire ancora le farfalle nella pancia come alle "cotte" da adolescenti. Di sentire la tua voce, il tuo profumo (che però questa cosa che i bimbi profumano di buono non l'ho mai capita..) Di passare la prima notte con te pancia a pancia nel letto. Guardandoti negli occhi sta volta.
E poi c'è la tua sorellina che ti aspetta, e non ho ancora capito se si è resa bene conto di quello che sarai e farai, ma nel frattempo ti tiene da parte i suoi giochini "da piccola". Non so come si comporterà con te.. ecco forse questo era meglio se non te lo dicevo..
Comunque.. non per farti fretta.. ma se non ti decidi ad uscire, altro che ufficiale giudiziario per lo sfratto, io chiamo le "teste di cuoio" e facciamo irruzione.
La tua mamma.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Images Eczema Circles

Tronchetto Christmas Menu

Prima di passare alle ricette di capodanno , un dolcetto natalizio, onde evitare di andare fuori tempo massimo e postare la ricetta a Pasqua!

Da troppissimo tempo volevo preparare un "rotolo". Ma non mi decidevo mai, prendendo un sacco di scuse: e il pan di spagna è una pizza prepararlo, e tanto poi mi si rompe.. e poi come lo farcisco..

But finally this Christmas my son said just Tiras back! work!

Thanks to my friend (telematics and real) Angela for the recipe! And particularly in support of a hectic day as Christmas Eve!

INGREDIENTS for the roll: 3 eggs, 90 gr. sugar, 13 gr. flour, 1 / 2 packet of yeast, a tablespoon of melted butter.

ingredients for the topping: wet syrup (made with 250 ml. Water, 60 gr. Sugar, a teaspoon of orange blossom aroma) and, in my case, orange marmalade there

ingredients for the topping: chocolate mousse made with 100 ml. of fresh cream, 50 gr. dark chocolate, 1 tablespoon of sugar.

Beat the eggs with a pinch of salt and sugar in a bowl until the mixture becomes a nice frothy, add the flour mixed with baking powder and then spoon the melted butter.
Pour the mixture into the baking tray in the oven or a roasting pan lined with paper baked, level the mix not to exceed one cm. thick and bake at 160 degrees for 15-20 minutes. The dough will turn out to be dry to the toothpick test.

turn over the dough on a clean, damp cloth, remove the baking paper with a brush and wet the rectangle of dough with syrup preparation. Spread on the jam always leaving a couple of inches of dough around the edges free. Roll all helping with a cloth, like a sheet on itself to form a long cylinder.

arrange on a platter, but with the final edge in contact with the dish itself (so that the roll is smooth and compact for the part that is decorated).

Cut at an angle a little bit of roll from one side to the other and leave them: then you will need to create "nodes" on the wood.

Cover with chocolate mousse, hold the "knot" also kept aside and cover with mousse. With a fork, create the wood grain.

then decorated the log with what you want (green leaves of sugar, colored sprinkles, etc. ..), if you put the icing sugar I recommend you do last minute: my rapidly absorbed!

Logically filling inside and cover vary according to taste!

As for me I still hold that:

* I left the dough too thick on the baking tray in the oven, I had to straighten it DEFINITELY more;

* I TOO wet dough once removed from the oven, I used all the syrup preparation, something exaggerated! I had to do particular!

* nell'arrotolarlo I wrecked the roll (and you thought!) most likely because too often, too moist, too prevented me ...

* I was not able to attack the nodes that have been rolled out ... (do not believe that has thrown them a taste ... we wanted!)

* The chocolate mousse is a little time has been 'too soft ..

However I was very satisfied! And happy!

E 'come if they are very good and jelly!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Green Green Erolutions Dub

And even this year as last year (and those before), last year in intimacy! Dinner for two - pardon 3 and 3 / 4 now - with lots of tasty little things!


Appetizers e stuzzichini:   tramezzini integrali con le mele , cornetti di sfoglia al prosciutto cotto , dischetti di polenta con formaggio e noci, scaglie di grana col miele, crema al tonno, oltre alle solite patatine, pistacchi, arachidi, crostini di pane con affettato.

Dessert:  Cestini di cereali con ananas e crema alla ricotta, più per la mezzanotte  crema al mascarpone per la veneziana!

Le ricette a breve piano piano!