Thursday, January 14, 2010


well together: the value cognitive growth

Many researchers are still somewhat mysterious move into in the fascinating and emotional world. We are aware that there is much to discover, some points have been achieved.
One of opinions about which scholars converge even from very different fields, is that there is a primary division between basic emotions, already universally present from the earliest stages of life, and secondary emotions that can be made by the interaction between several different sensations and that requires some form of self-awareness. Following this classification we can classify emotions into basic emotions and complex emotions.

basic emotions (primary or simple) present at birth and manifest with specific and universal facial expressions.
These emotions are: happiness, fear, anger, sadness, disgust, surprise.

The argument for the existence of a group of basic emotions depends, to some extent by the discovery of Paul Ekman of the University of California San Francisco, facial expressions specific to four of them (fear, anger, sadness, joy) are recognized in all cultures of the world, including anal-illiteracy people who presumably are not influenced by the cinema or television. This suggests the universality of these emotions. Ekman showed photographs depicting the precise technique faces expressing the four basic emotions in people of different cultures distant from our own as the Fore of New Guinea - an isolated tribe living in remote highlands and has remained in the stone age - and found that people everywhere recognize the same basic emotions. This universality of facial expressions of emo-tion was probably first noticed by Darwin, who saw it as evidence that the evolutionary forces were impressed-if these signals in our central nervous system.
Emotional Intelligence - Goleman

complex emotions (secondary or self conscious. The term "self-conscious" emphasizes the cognitive aspect): shame, guilt, envy, embarrassment, pride, love affair, jealousy. Not all of us are specific expressions in each language.

few words on the emotions
Among those primary emotions that usually touch most children are anger, fear and sadness. Like all emotions have a positive value that should not be underestimated either, much less denied. The goal of a good educator is not to teach the child to suppress his emotions (even if it were impossible) or pretend to ignore mask the existence, but to promote the child's part a form of self-control through their knowledge, the ability to identify the cause and, therefore, develop a behavior di risposta adeguato al contesto.
Per autocontrollo non si intende, quindi, contenere completamente le proprie reazioni emozionali, né tanto meno la loro apparente assenza di fronte a situazioni problematiche, difficili o impreviste. Non è salutare neanche da adulti reprimere le proprie emozioni. A maggior ragione in età evolutiva è bene dar voce ai sentimenti, permettendo all’emotività di trovare il modo di essere espressa ed elaborata.
L’assenza completa di reazione di fronte ad una situazione emotivamente coinvolgente, è indice di incapacità o di impossibilità ad esprimere ciò che si prova, va quindi affrontata con decisione e comprensione.

E’ molto spesso difficile anche for an adult to recognize the signs "bell" of negative emotion on the rise. The anger that has mostly the fault, most of the other, self-sustaining, it is good to be recognized and addressed at the outset. Even more difficult it is to many people read the analog signals on the faces of those around them, reading that would allow a better approach to the next, and foster mutual understanding.
Anger, fear and sadness, if not adapted to the environment, hinder the development of social skills, with a relapse often significant even at the cognitive.


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