Wednesday, January 27, 2010

In Remembrance Plaque Wording

Learning, or acquire new responses to stimuli Star

The man stands on top of the evolutionary tree: a higher being in possession of qualities and characteristics that distinguish from all other living beings.
Yet if we think about it, we are the creatures that give birth to offspring most unfit to exist. The "puppies" are completely dependent on the adult man and go against certain death for a considerable period, if they are not cared for properly.
What is, in practice, the difference between humans and other animals?
In the search for what are the distinctive elements are so many features that it is difficult to decide which is the most significant. Many think that the most important feature is the language without which none of the human achievements have been possible. But all higher animals emit sounds, essentially the same, except for rare and minor exceptions, is that they grow up isolated whether they live in groups, whether they're a part of the world whether they're thousands of miles away. In other words, the Italian cow moos in the same manner as that of Austria or Argentina. Animals inherit not only the muscles and neural structures, but also the wiring diagrams. In humans, the vocal cords and the nerve connections are not tied to a particular pattern: a child raised in isolation do not learn to speak even though the basic structure of the brain to do it.

Others believe that the real difference is the free standing position that left the front legs, and that the sophisticated use of the hands we do is crucial in our biological success. But
in this case it may be noted that other animals use, though not exclusively, to move the legs and the top ones to "manipulate". The squirrel, for example, uses her fingers with great precision and skill. The bear wanders often using only the lower limbs.
E 'correct or is it a mere assumption to believe that man is the being more evolved?
Let's compare the brain of a human baby and that of a baby chimpanzee. Their weight is very similar: about 300 grams. But the brain of the chimpanzee newborn weighs almost like that of an adult while the child is just a fifth of its final weight.
Più il peso del cervello alla nascita è prossimo a quello dell’animale adulto, più la capacità di funzionare alla nascita è vicina al modo di funzionare dell’animale adulto.
Così, chi nasce con un cervello quasi completo si affaccia alla vita con reazioni preconfezionate agli stimoli esterni e alla maggior parte degli stimoli che probabilmente incontrerà nella vita. Il suo comportamento è di tipo riflesso, fatto di reazioni che, essendo ereditate, sono adatte per stimoli che erano comuni a tutte le precedenti generazioni. Se l’ambiente dovesse cambiare troppo bruscamente queste stessa reazioni riflesse, così come in passato sono state utili alla specie, potrebbero diventare la sua condanna. And
'This is the difference: the human nervous system grows as the external stimuli continue to reach and act on it, so the environment has a decisive influence on man. The story made up of individual experiences at first hand, affects the ability of enhancing a person inherited characteristics and being able to reduce or even cancel, the basic problems. As Feuerstein says: genetic aspects are not the last word!
Man is ready to learn, to change, to acquire new skills and complex, the result of its interaction with the world. What one does, especially in the first years of life, not only allows the acquisition of new expertise, but a decisive impact on the structure of the brain: the action creates the body.

From observations it follows as a logical consequence that the adult role as a figure of mediation between the environment and pro-active and child, is decisive. The transmission of culture from generation to generation is more than the proposal for a series of static behavior, is the process by which knowledge, values \u200b\u200band thoughts are shared by creating structures of thought. And 'what Feuerstein calls: Mediated Learning Experience. The EAM is an interaction between the child and the environment. This interaction is strongly marked by the need for each generation to shape the structure of the behavior of sending them the following generations past, present and future dimensions of their culture.
The cultural transmission across generations, it is primarily a function of the family but is also carried out at different levels, from other institutions that represent the company, among the first in importance and chronological position in the gradual separation of child from parental figures for the attainment, there is the kindergarten.


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