Francesco Siciliano
(Lawyer at the Court of Cosenza)
witnessing for some time now a political debate focused exclusively on the defensive strategy of the Chairman of the Board with respect to trial for the crimes of extortion and prostitution of minors and, in keeping with the well known provocatio populum practiced constantly to the leadership of the People of Liberty Head, every day the defense strategy is implemented through the President's appeal to the people.
The people are constantly warned of the fact "persecution giudiziaria” ai danni di Berlusconi attuata dai magistrati che, privi di investitura popolare, perseguono il disegno di sovvertire il risultato delle urne.
In definitiva il messaggio chiaro che non solo il Presidente (legittimato alla sua difesa rispetto alle imputazioni che gli vengono contestate) ma anche i dirigenti del suo partito denunciano al popolo è che quest’ultimo è l’unico vero giudice di Berlusconi poiché la sua elezione e la sua rielezione rendono unitiliter data ogni eventuale indagine o sentenza di colpevolezza penale.
Bene ha fatto il Primo Presidente della Corte di Cassazione (nel discorso di apertura dell’anno giudiziario), prima, e il Presidente della Camera then, to remember that the sovereignty of the people is exercised in the manner and within the limits of the Constitution as to reinforce, if any were needed, that the people (as a majority) can not be considered to be above the law, according to the his will of the majority, and, for example, to subvert state power.
Just as it should be remembered, the jurisdiction is exercised in the manner prescribed by the Constitution and prosecution when there is a case (news of crime and to consider evidence of guilt in a trial) not pursue any political, if so we should expose and prosecute those who exercise l’azione penale a fini di sovvertimento delle istituzioni democratiche per i reati previsti dalle leggi dello Stato quantunque si tratti di Magistrati.
Ma di ciò non vi è traccia, c’è solo il messaggio ripetuto e ossessivo al popolo che l’esercizio dell’azione penale persegue in concreto tale ipotesi, ripetuto in ogni trasmissione televisiva.
Ad esempio lo scalpitante Ministro La Russa ha espresso il concetto in più incontri televisivi così come l’On. Cicchitto che lo ha ribadito anche nell’incontro di Cosenza richiamato a Ballarò nel resoconto della settimana politica.
Il popolo, tuttavia, nella sua organizzazione statuale non solo esprime la sua volontà policy but is organized and elect their representatives to be implemented in government policy development process towards more satisfying the needs of the majority.
In this direction, one wonders if at this moment of deep economic crisis that particularly affects the middle class now increasingly be understood as working poor (understood the concept of poverty as relative poverty), the wishes that the class media intended to confer upon the majority of government are increasingly to stratify society by dividing the money.
I try to explain the concept. The First Republic designed by the Constitution, studies sociological recognized scientific level (see Pasquino in Polis, class mobility in Italy from Fascism to the Republic ) recognized the role of education in the basic channel of social mobility in this sense that through that channel, in Italy, there was the change of class of children of many old-fashioned working class and middle class to the middle classes, this was precisely through the qualification and the associated economic and employment opportunities.
Just as the natural and pre-establishes the court affirmed the equality of citizens before the law has, over time, allowed quivis to at least try and sometimes succeed, to claim its rights against the contractor's strong (as is the case, for example, complaints against major automobile manufacturers for defects or other).
Consistent with this approach was for example the enactment of the Consumer Code that notwithstanding all the forms that often are made to sign by banks, insurance companies, telephone companies or vehicle, the Court held that jurisdiction can not be that of residence of the High Contracting (this includes forms or forms and that obviously has the financial means to support the reviews) but that of the consumer than in the past to defend themselves should also bear the cost of an office in Milan rather than Rome or other . In short, a federal rectius : decentramento della giustizia con avversario un grande gruppo o grande produttore.
Allo stesso modo l’intervento dello Stato nella scuola e nelle Università Pubbliche, seppure abbia potuto creare sacche di baronie o sperperi, dal lato del cittadino, soprattutto il meno abbiente, ha garantito quel canale di miglioramento che ha rappresentato la storie dell’evoluzione sociale graduale dell’italiano medio.
Il Governo della Libertà che gode, a sentire i maggiorenti del Partito, del sostegno degli italiani ha, di contro, attuato una controriforma del concetto di uguaglianza di possibilità per i cittadini elevando il livello economico proprio e familiare a discrimine delle possibilità access channels to improve economic and social development.
In school, for example, the Minister Gelmini to cd school size and the Master only has reduced the provision of training to 30 hours per week to 24 hours per week, generating more and more use of supplementary classes, and especially additional costs for families who daily need to use the so-called reception before and after school hours, as well as in the sacred value of University College of Excellence is not accompanied by financial support of the public universities will become more expensive as the average university course that distinction to reach the professions will not be the merit or perseverance as the economic level of families, combined with the need of students to universities, will result in a clear separation between private universities and super qualifying public universities.
part of fair justice (the so-called due process ) Alfano, the Minister has effectively scrapped the lawsuit through the introduction of compulsory mediation resolves civil and not a mere tool in a deflation as erga omnes deflationary instrument according to the spending power of the party seeking to claim a right cause.
In other words, creates mandatory civil mediation for the citizen who wishes to recognize its right to compensation for the infiltration of water into his home the need to go through the agency of mediation with an average cost of one thousand euro (to be specified that the tax credit is getting always by less than the cost) so that to start a civil the workin poor (ie the citizen who has difficulty coping with a monthly expenditure of an unexpected € 2.000,00) needs to spend an average of three thousand euro.
The effect will, of course, that the deflation process will not affect the type of civil litigation by instituting economic capacity but will be determined by the subject who had injured a right.
Ultimately it is true that most Italians are among the middle class, the people that always turns the People's Party of Freedom, should believe in the legal persecution of Berlusconi and his government have necessarily asked to stratify the ability of the average economic level through its otherwise there was necessarily someone who has lied or did not understand.
In this scenario, its not surprising given also the distinct differences between North and South box office in order milleproroghe, I think the new slogan of the upcoming electoral campaign should be closed 'STACK ALL PE, ma qualcuno questo lo persegue da tempo solo che non per tutti.
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