Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Uspto And Patent Template

..... The spice boat

Luciana Sardo

La Spezia July 28 August 1 2010.xxvi National Summer Games ITALY SPECIAL OLYMPICS ROWING. The Games of the XXVI edition
Special Italy Olympics was held in La Spezia in late July and 1 August 2010. The Pool Membership "All in the same boat" in Trieste, one key to the mind is an active member, has participated with a special athlete, Patrick Brandolin.
The sporting event was entered into the most important festival of La Spezia, "The Palio of the Gulf".

Patrick slips behind the billboard of our city

Palio of the Gulf is a rowing event in which the villages bordering the Gulf of La Spezia will compete in a race with a small boat rowing. It 's a very salient event throughout the city, is accompanied by an enormous enthusiasm and participation is total.
There are several compelling moments that characterize the great feast of the villages. The opening parade that takes place through the center of La Spezia and the great supper of the suburbs that is consumed in the main street of the city center, by opening an incredible table almost one kilometer long. Needless to say: many of the inhabitants of cities and villages are present. Main Event final and the Palio itself that closes the five days of celebration. These
involving and exciting moments that are repeated every year in the province of La Spezia, have aggiunti quest’anno altri momenti altrettanto coinvolgenti . Per la prima volta si sono tenute gare di canottaggio rivolte a ragazzi diversamente abili organizzate dallo Special Olympics Italia. Il Pool Associativo “Tutti nelle stessa barca “ di Trieste era presente con Patrizia Brandolin, categoria special, accompagnata da Luciana Sardo, membro del direttivo dell’associazione, in qualità di partner.
Patrizia ha partecipato a due gare.

Le competizioni si sono svolte su imbarcazioni tipo Costal Rowing con equipaggio composto da 2 atleti special, 2 patners ed un timoniere. Nella competizione preliminare su 250 metri ll'equipaggo di cui faceva parte Patrizia ha realizzato un tempo di 2,08 migliorato nella competizione finale quando hanno percorso i 250 metri in 1,48 arrivando secondi.


Un "Grazie" sentito alla citta de "la Spezia" che ha aperto una manifstazione tanto prestigiosa ad atleti diversamente abili e congratulazioni allo "Special Olympics per il meritato successo.

Patrizia nella camerata in cui atleti e partner dormivano

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Home Made Remedies To Get Rd Of Milia

We are citizens or subjects? Thoughts

Joseph Albanian
(University Student)

The principle of the rule of law requires that the state is always bound to act and comply with applicable law.

Therefore, the State, shall submit himself to the observance of rules of law, and this is through a written constitution.

In history, the birth of the rule of law is the end of absolutism, and involves the affirmation of the bourgeoisie in the eighteenth and nineteenth century.

In fact, in theory, the proclamation of the rule of law is explicit as opposed allo Stato assoluto in cui i titolari dei poteri erano “absoluti” , ossia svincolati da qualsivoglia potere ad essi superiore.

Oggi sembra essere tornato l’assolutismo in Italia: la legge non è più uguale per tutti ... il “potere” , in senso lato, è tornato ad essere “absoluto” ... il Parlamento è divenuto uno strumento in mano all’Esecutivo, e le disposizioni normative hanno da tempo perso i caratteri illuministici della brevità e della chiarezza, divenendo negli anni un marasma indecifrabile, quasi degli statuti cinquecenteschi, che fanno la fortuna dei moderni “azzeccagarbugli” .

Il potere giudiziario è in balia delle onde: è rimasto l’ultimo orgoglioso tutore e baluardo della legalità, in un quadro di disgustoso disordine istituzionale, ma è costantemente controllato a vista e vilipeso da un esecutivo che minaccia di operare nei suoi riguardi riforme ai limiti della costituzionalità.

E’ altresì dilaniato da contraddizioni interne, da infiltrazioni nocive eterogenee ad esso, per contrastare le quali, aimè (non me ne vorrà il Capo dello Stato) non gode dei necessari anticorpi.

Questo disordine di equilibri, di ruoli e di fonti ha condotto alla “diseducazione civica” della società italiana; è stata unstoppable and made us all less responsible, active and interested, and therefore more difficult plight "manageable" : the city has again become a subject.

naturally arises at this point to mention the bitter but lucid discussion of a famous judge, Piercamillo Davigo, who photographs so embarrassing the Italian situation: "This is a country replete with an infinity of rules breach of which is usually tolerated. A serious country is a country where there are few rules rigorously adhered without respect. This is the difference between the subject and the citizen: the subject is a person to whom obligations are imposed infinite and endless prohibitions; normally that allows them to make mulch, but if he raises his head and right he is asked on behalf of all the violations committed at that time. The citizen is a man to whom obligations are imposed very few, very few prohibitions for the violation of which there is no forgiveness, there are the building amnesty, the tax amnesty, amnesty, a pardon: there is a penalty. But, met those obligations, is a free man and no one can bother him ".

While the public is civis , who participates in the public life of the community and as such is entitled to rights and subject to the decisions, who is the subject of decisions is only one object.

Italian citizen, today, has again become the subject of decisions, constantly brought up by those who want to legitimize criticism with no possibility of replication and its power: "the voters have decided" , "the Italian people chose ", as if the will and the mood of the people were the only valid element to legitimize the political leadership of a State, or to make someone legally irresponsible.

Article 1 of the Constitution states that no doubt "Sovereignty belongs to the people" , but adds that it must exercise "in the forms and limits of Constitution ", showing clearly the principles and limits its rule of law.

were the absolute monarchs and dictators in recent times, which legitimized their power in the name of the People: precisely by means of this "superior authorization" were making the worst crimes, trampling the rights of the people demagogically exalted, justifying their actions with an ideal consensus that was really fear, ignorance, lack of brakes and institutional constraints that curb their political action, the limits now represented by its own constitution.

Yes, the Constitution ... daily offense and worked around, threatened by an ever more pronounced authoritarian tendencies.

Now I know what you're thinking: everything read, heard everything ... In fact, "Italy has arisen," , Italians do not.

Male Jaw Before And After


Francesco Siciliano
(Lawyer at the Court of Cosenza)

In the months since the civil commitment has led many to me , lawyers for the event, to deal with a slow process of disintegration of the constitutional rules that the governing majority has gradually sought to implement through the instrument of the common law.

first moment of passage of this food for the journey was the lists cd saving decree, on a regional focus, set the meantime (according to the rules of the law decree) issued by a decision of the executive in the electoral field even if the law governing of an urgent decree specifically excludes the very government electoral matters.

Another crucial point of discharge for ordinary law of constitutional guarantees is the attempt still potentially in place to limit the investigatory power of the judiciary and the right to information (assets and liabilities) through the invocation of a protection privacy (or rather: privacy) of citizens even though it is invaded by people tapping on investigations aimed at the prosecution of criminal offenses.

In all these cases, most of all what has troubled many opponents to the event - is my situation - was the absolute lack of intellectual honesty of many media messages as well as many messages conveyed by men of the institutions. In every forum

television visible oracles of all persuasions have conveyed misleading messages to citizens in order to make it plausible that in reality would never have been able to make it clear to quivis from all over Italy: the law is not more general and abstract but concrete and particular.

In the months since many distinguished lawyers and as many men have the information explained in a simple (we hope we are successful) that the draft law on wiretapping had nothing to do with the privacy of citizens since the quisque de populo that are stacked in the morning to reach their place of work, on the way to think about mortgage payments or the gas bill, then the child is at university, and so on. ... Has nothing to fear from eavesdropping or telephone for more than a few can afford leisure sentimental, to be discovered, requires no interceptions Environmental enough normal curiosity of others and a bit 'of bad luck.

In recent months we have seen then the nth political miracle of the last two decades, in the desolation of real alternatives of cultural and social messages in a landscape that is flattened on a unique path, the government majority, as was the case UDC at the time of Casini and Follini, gave birth to her real opposition: the Finian.

Some say it's all the fault of the mouthpiece which ended up being a real thorn in the side of ethics in government, in reality it seems to be a burst of pride right side claiming that the law must necessarily be general and abstract.

What matters, however, is that hearing people say that Paolo Borsellino is a hero returns meaning to the words right and also wrong to want to only see the sense in tennis.

seems that the shot of pride Finian has restored a sense of the term antithetical where, at least for the conception of the state, can be said that there are currents of thought that arise in contrast.

All this happens while a good part of that quivis considered outdated, the great problem of the repetition of the limits of abortion, illegal immigration and the policeman of the district, he discovers that the holidays should be drastically reduced or abolished altogether, running always less money and, above all, that the banks have drastically reduced the credit support. The Calabrian

silent sometimes still finds the sea with froth, he certainly never thought of drinking it (you know that salt water prevents breathing, drink it) if he wants to go Sila refers to ongoing work on State and discovers the efficiency of the state.

The State, however, is not merely because of political agendas rather is largely done by men and women who, as noted in the Director Cosenza admirably in recent weeks, appears to have given glimpses of his spring and Cosenza in Calabria.

the editorial of made me think of a beautiful song Jovanotti where they say it is nice when the feeling goes with sex, that is when, as in the editorial, information is joined to a civil commitment of vague inspiration Thomist.

also because, again quisque lined up that I think is heartened to feel protected in their rights by men of the state.

For Calabria summer is also a time of greater interaction region, children and tourists coming back.

comes to mind about the age Corrado Alvaro and that sense of importance and maturity that the party represents for the protagonist. I read yesterday

Lega considerations according to which il progetto politico dei finiani sia proprio quello di porsi quale gruppo che porta avanti le migliori istanze del sud in antitesi proprio alla lega.

Sul piano generale si potrebbe dire che era ora visto che un partito di ispirazione centralista, ispirato al simbolo della nazione mal si conciliava con l’idea della padania, mi chiedo, tuttavia, se questo nuovo gruppo sarà in grado di affrontare il senso del messaggio dell’età breve di Alvaro, dell’appuntamento con l’emigrazione e la sua importanza o se più semplicemente saprà rispondere all’ira di Massimo Troisi quando in viaggio gli dicevano napoletano? Emigrato? No in vacanza.