Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Kates Playgrounds Best

Saving Private "Fofò. That is the true "owners" of "The Judiciary".

Felice Lima
(Judge of the Court of Catania)

Done by The online newspaper of July 22, 2010

Who is
"Fofò" ?

The President of the Court of Appeal of Milan Alfonso Marra.

I know it seems impossible that the most important and powerful whole district magistrate of the Court of Appeal of Milan has a nickname like that. But the reality is this.

Even more strange is who call him so.

not the wife, not his beloved nieces, or friends of the heart.

But one type (the geom. Antonio Lombardi), which these days is in jail, accused of being part of a secret association intent to interfere with the administration of justice to the CSM and the Constitutional Court. And why

"Fofò" felt on the phone with Lombardi?

Why "Fofò" , who was then President of the Court of Appeal of Brescia, he wanted to become President of the Court of Appeal of Milan, and to do that, considered reasonable "plotting" with Lombardi, press it down because in turn recommend it first and then pressing the directors of CSM, including the Vice-President of the same MSC and the first President of the Court of Cassation.

The content of the conversations and the level of discussion among "Fofò" Lombardi and can be drawn from the transcript of a phone call, that the fact that this newspaper has published link.

type "entrature" Lombardi of the CSM and the degree of "independence" the CSM can be drawn from another article from The Daily Without this link .

a pretty good idea on "Fofò" Marra succeed you can do when they hear her voice in a live interview, made by Antonio Mascarenhas that link to this (listen to this interview, is very valuable and enlightening).

At this link and this other reports Lombardi with the Deputy CSM Mancino and Lombardi's involvement in the appointments of other leading judges.

And the question left unanswered is, but that title Mancino, Tinelli Lombardi and others accept that any exercise - even if it was unsuccessful - pressure on them with reference to the appointment of judges of important offices at the top court?

And what is the point, what does the phrase Mancino : "The recent events concerning the investigation concerning the secret P3 Lodge cast a shadow, but I do not think that could affect the substance of that We played the CSM "?

What actually "a shadow that does not affect the substance of" ?

However, when you discover how "Fofò" got his chair and had relations with whom, as they say ... the scandal!

And everyone - even people with more experience of things "justice" and not naive - they thought: "Now these men go home" .

And in the early hours of the scandal - before "masters" would come into action - there was some confusion even to the CSM. So, in the general confusion, has anyone asked for and obtained it opened a practice art. 2 of the Law on Guarantees to declare "Fofò" incompatible with his chair and transfer.

newspapers, then, even the most careful, are titled: "Marra moved" .

Some titles like these links: SkyTG24 , The Republic , RaiNews24 , Future.

But the headlines were wrong.

Because, as I wrote in my previous post (" the brand" The Judiciary "), Marra has not been transferred and the CSM has not only opened a practical art. 2 of the Law on Guarantees (RDLvo 511/1946).

And I added: "If I know well these mechanisms (and unfortunately I know them well), basically the following will happen:

- CSM opened this practice, but will not because Ends July 31 (and, on the other hand, how could he deal with it, though, Councillor Tinelli, she finished in the newspapers these days, it defends itself by saying that the CSM was Lombardi's house?)

- the new CSM will take care of what not to Oct. 1 and then other scandals filled the pages of newspapers and no one will remember Marra;

- when the practice will be dealt with, you will see that you can not use the procedure under Art. 2 of the Law on Guarantees for acts guilty;

- anyone remember that Clementina Forleo have used it illegally (so that the TAR has canceled the transfer) and they'll say: "With Forleo abbiamo sbagliato, ora non possiamo sbagliare ancora” ;

- qualcuno allora dirà “Bene, allora fategli il processo disciplinare” , ma poiché Palamara e Cascini non invocheranno la stessa tempestiva mannaia calata su Apicella, Nuzzi e Verasani, limitandosi a chiedere con umile cortesia le dimissioni spontanee di non si sa chi (perché nessun nome viene neppure fatto), la cosa andrà avanti per le lunghe e Marra farà in tempo a maturare il limite massimo di età pensionabile”.

Pensavo, comunque, che questa procedura, diciamo meglio la battaglia per lasciare “Fofò” al suo posto, per “salvare il soldato Fofò” sarebbe stata, comunque, portata avanti con prudenza, lentamente, lasciando passare un po’ di tempo, facendo in modo che non si notasse troppo, aspettando che la gente si scordasse i fatti.

E invece anche io sono stato ingenuo.

Il livello delle nostre istituzioni è tale che soldati come “Fofò” non vengono lasciati esposti al rischio di sanzioni neppure per poche ore.

E così dai massimi vertici dello Stato sono arrivati i soccorsi.

Il Presidente del Consiglio ha detto che l’inchiesta sulla c.d. P3 è solo una montatura.

Il Ministro Alfano ha ammonito tutti, raccomandando di « evitare una witch hunt. "

The President spoke demanding the postponement of the discussion of the practice and requiring that, when it will (if you will), do so in absolutely 'general [and, therefore, entirely unnecessary and generic ] and proactive [??!!] ", " without throwing shadows ... "and " without interfering with the investigation ". The news

at this link. And link to this comment by Paolo Flores D'Arcais the headline "President Napolitano has put a gag on the MSM" .

Ma non è bastato, perché chissà cosa poteva ancora capitare a “Fofò” .

“Fofò” poteva aspettare ottobre con l’ansia di non sapere come andava a finire.

Così che la Procura Generale della Cassazione ha avviato un processo disciplinare.

E subito, come avevo previsto, si è detto: “Alt!! Stop!! Ma se c’è il processo disciplinare la procedura di incompatibilità si deve fermare” .

Ma non basta!

Perché la Procura Generale della Cassazione NON ha chiesto per “Fofò” any precautionary measure.

The result is the news agency that can be read at this link .

shown below the full text of agency (1) . The title says it all: 'P3 / CSM Instruments to page Cassation, Marra STOP transfer ".

In essence, "Fofò" remains firmly in place. And we would like to preside over the Court of Appeal of Milan (the bowling of mica Poggiofiorito) a person in the awkward situation of "Fofò" .

"Fofò" was born on 20.11.1938. E 'already widely in age from board. But to reach the upper age limit and will be forced to retire on 20.11.2013.

So unless the government does not increase - as proposed by the President of the Supreme Carbone, right at the urging of Lombardi - the upper age limit for judges, Milan will again have a President of the Court of Appeals with a more appropriate nickname only at the end of 2013.

Because it is clear who does what and why you need to know that the same authorities who are managing the "case Marra" have managed little more than a year ago, the case "Salerno-Catanzaro" .

That case arose when two public ministeri di Salerno, Gabriella Nuzzi e Dionigio Verasani, si misero a indagare su fatti di malaffare proprio uguali uguali a quelli che hanno portato in galera in questi giorni Lombardi, Carboni & Co..

Subito il potere “insorse” .

Contro il malaffare?

Ma no!!! Contro Nuzzi e Verasani. E contro il Procuratore Capo Apicella, reo di avere permesso a Nuzzi e Verasani di adottare un decreto di perquisizione e sequestro poi ritenuto del tutto legittimo e confermato dal competente Tribunale del riesame.

E cosa ha fatto il potere nella vicenda “Salerno/Catanzaro” ?

Il Presidente della Repubblica è intervenuto immediately. She did not ask for referrals, but timely intervention.

Summits ANM - President Luca Palamara and Secretary Joseph House - prayed by all the newspapers the Minister to intervene at the earliest.

Minister Alfano immediately intervened, sending Archibald Miller, said "Arci" , to investigate the magistrates "good" . Yes, that's "Arci" . The same "Arci" who went to dinner at home with Dell'Utri Verdini, Caliendo & Co.. But not to speak of things "bad" , but its possibile candidatura (sua dello stesso “Arci” ) a Presidente della Regione Campania (la notizia a questo link ).

Quando si dice l’uomo giusto al posto giusto nel momento giusto: Arcibaldo Miller, detto “Arci” . Ovviamente, ancora saldamente anche lui al suo posto. Per evitare “cacce alle streghe” .

La Procura Generale ha avviato un procedimento.

Ma per Apicella, Nuzzi e Verasani è stata chiesta una misura cautelare.

E il C.S.M.?

Rapido e infallibile.

Nessun rinvio.

In pochi giorni il Procuratore Apicella è stato sospeso dalle funzioni e dallo stipendio e Gabriella Nuzzi e Dionigio Verasani sono stati cacciati dal loro ufficio.

Le loro indagini si sono fermate.

Perché siano stati cacciati non è chiarissimo. L’accusa più grave: la motivazione del decreto di sequestro troppo lunga !!!???

Chi volesse approfondire l’argomento troverà materiale di studio (79 articoli) a questo link .

E ancora prima dei colleghi di Salerno, già Luigi De Magistris e Clementina Forleo erano stati trasferiti con provvedimenti velocissimi e di dubbia legittimità. Il trasferimento di Clementina, anzi, certamente illegale, come accertato e dichiarato dal T.A.R. competente .

finish and I apologize for the length of this writing (but I believe that the facts they need to rebuild complex complex).

Luigi De Magistris, Clementina Forleo, Luigi Apicella, Gabriella Nuzzi and Dionysius Verasani are no longer at their posts.

were driven out thanks to the intervention of the President of the Republic, the Minister of Justice, the Attorney General of the Supreme Court, leaders of the National Association of Magistrates.

"Fofò" and "Arci" (but also Caliendo and Marconi) are firmly in their seats and remain there.

Thanks to the intervention of the President of the Republic, the Minister of Justice, Attorney General of the Supreme Court, and - this time by omission - the vertices of the National Association of Magistrates.

What are the consequences we draw from all this seems needless to say. It is still too painful.

seems, however, that we can confirm what I already wrote a few days ago: there is very rotten in "The Judiciary" operation and transparency has never even begun. Maybe we need to add: there is who is actively engaged as never begins.

In any case, "The Judiciary" hunting types come De Magistris, Forleo, Apicella, Nuzzi e Verasani (che i ptreisti li indagavano) e si tiene tipi come “Fofò” , “Arci” & Co. (che con i pitreisti ci vanno bellamente a cena).


(1) P3/ Atti Csm a pg Cassazione, stop a trasferimento Marra
Roma, 21 lug. (Apcom) - L’avvio dell’azione disciplinare a carico del presidente della Corte d’appello di Milano, Alfonso Marra, farà venir meno il potere della Prima Commissione del Csm sul caso e porterà al blocco della procedura di trasferimento d’ufficio del magistrato. La Commissione di Palazzo Marescialli, alla fine, dovrà quindi trasmettere – è la spiegazione fornita a Palazzo dei Marescialli – i propri atti al pg della Cassazione: ciò significa che l’audizione di Marra, prevista per lunedì mattina, resta convocata, ma secondo i consiglieri il magistrato non si presenterà. Inoltre, svariati componenti della Commissione sono “amareggiati” dal fatto che, non avendo il pg della Cassazione chiesto alcuna misura cautelare a carico di Marra e con i tempi previsti dall’iter disciplinare, potranno essere necessari anche anni per arrivare a una soluzione della vicenda. Anni durante i quali, fanno notare a Palazzo Marescialli, Marra resterà al suo place: as the magistrate was born in 1938 and then close to retirement (three years are missing), is the reasoning Palace Marshals, could even stay at the top of the Court of Appeal of Milan until the end of his career. Despite this 'freezing', however, the investigation of the First Committee of the CSM will continue and will expand to other judges involved in the investigation P3, for which at the time was not initiated any disciplinary proceedings.

The photograph of President Marra is taken from the site of ' Ansa.


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