Monday, March 15, 2010

The Address Of Refugee Camp In Senegal
La vita è movimento ,
lo sport è il momento in cui il movimento diventa awareness, joy, prosperity growth.

It 's a great educational environment to promote understanding of themselves and others, to stimulate the exchange of communication and promote not only physical but emotional maturity and emotional.

Humanities Many are interested in studying the dynamics of moves by the sport as a vital educational tool, because it meets the basic needs of man as the game and fun, the challenge to goals that require commitment and sacrifice, mutual understanding , communication and respect the rules, organization, planning and the planning of their work.
Sport is an integral part of training for anyone at any age and whatever your educational needs. In the scale of human needs on the highest step is the realization of self that is achieved only when you prove to themselves before others, to be able to achieve goals that require work and effort. This need is present in any individual at any age, regardless of its condition. A person living with a disability has the same need for anyone else, if not more so because of continuing difficulties it faces.
Often we tend to turn to people affette da qualche minorazione con una forma di “buonismo” che ci porta a volerle proteggere ed a spianare loro la via, ma proprio la pratica sportiva permette di confrontarsi con le infinite risorse umane: quando tenacia, volontà, intelligenza e flessibilità, fanno in modo che la “disabilità” diventi, effettivamente, la “diversabilità”. Ciò che viene promosso, all’atto pratico, è l’aspetto sociale, cioè la capacità di instaurare relazioni tra le persone, a prescindere, o forse proprio grazie le diverse abilità, considerando l’altro per ciò che è davvero:
una person.
Sport, disability, integration and education are elements that integrate contributing to the development of mutual respect . The synergy produced by these elements encourage a change in mentality that becomes cultural change: learning to consider disabled another way of being "normal" or "normality" is another way to be "disabled" as the definition of disability is :

inability to complete an action with results very satisfactory.

Disability falls between a zero level of performance (disability) and a maximum level of performance (ability).
In practice we are all disabled and we are all normal, being not mastered to perfection (maximum performance) most of our activities.

And that's the beauty of life: you always have something new to learn .
A word about the term Handicap: in sport is used when putting some constraints, or place limits on special someone so that he can attend a particular race despite being "better" than others. In rowing, for example, faster boats start with a few second delay in order to participate in tenders for slower boats. This waiting time is called its "handicap", and represents an added burden to those who otherwise would be too fast compared to others.

In my experience working with disability in many occasions I have had the profound feeling that this is a tangible reality: How strong, how much energy, how much intelligence should use a person who has suffered material injury as a result of Neonatal paresis, however, to reach actively attend a high school, I followed as Olga in Milan?

How much capacity for abstraction orientameo and who must have held conferences and travel the world alone, without getting lost in the change of planes or trains, but not seeing, as Marianna? As for coordination, how tenaciously how much energy is put in its activity includes fiiche Mauro to win figure skating while living with down syndrome?

Our guys for remoergometro boat ride or to get involved, to meet the commitment that the sport requires them to make use of cognitive and emotional skills that help them grow. The self-esteem grows and changes the way these are "perceived" by the outside world.

The concept taken dallo sport, di handicap come peso in più, dal mondo quotidiano ritorna al mondo dello sport.
E chi ha tanto da dare, secondo noi, non è solo chi accoglie, ma è reciproco. Impariamo, da chi affronta il mondo con un peso in più, a valorizzare le nostre infinite risorse.
GRAZIE agli atleti, ai volontari ed a tutti coloro che ci sono stati vicini!

Valentina Mariola allenatrice Canotteri of Trieste - A Key Executive mind Pearl

Paolo Ramoni Responsible for the Olympics spcial Itala section Rowing


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