Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Outside Playset Designs

life: joyful exploration of an unknown world. All in the same boat

In a world that changes constantly and rapidly, novelty and complexity become the norm: the desire to address the innovations and have the tools to do it prepares the individual to master the evolution of life . The motivation to seek new commitments and determination to persevere in the activities undertaken, although fraught with obstacles and unforeseen expenses, requires the ability to overcome fear of the unknown, fear for the possible failures, strength to undertake the difficult and the unusual.
The innate sense of challenge: Young children perform actions even dangerous, but to imitate adults and try to be like them. Who is holding back the desire for growth of their children, preventing them from making mistakes or taking the appropriate time, even if so, to carry out their activities independently, preventing them from acquiring the experience needed to master new skills.

As in any educational context, it is important to find the right balance between "too much" and "too little " between the need to convey the feeling of security protection and ensuring their physical and psychological presence, and the possibility of granting more space to win wide autonomy. There are two aspects
only apparently in opposition: even the little chimp prove to be more enterprising and ready to face the novelties, if they feel protected by a reassuring presence.

To enhance the initiative is important not to put too much emphasis on extrinsic rewards that could remove value acquisition of skills and lead the students to be motivated only by the search for "prize". It 'also good to give more weight che al risultato finale al processo necessario al suo raggiungimento, evidenziando come il fatto di sperimentare abilità nuove porti ad una crescita personale.
La paura dell’insuccesso ed il timore di non rispondere in modo adeguato alle aspettative degli adulti significativi, riducono il desiderio di tentare esperienze nuove o di cercare nuovi approcci ad attività abituali.

Da: Scuola Materna - casa editrice La Scuola