How many cases we can do towards the future, those dreams, fantasies, how we can create in this brief moment?
How many skill mastered without even realizing, as many as we could if we were able to master the best use of our resources?
There is no time of life when the thought stops, there is no moment where you take rest. Yet its capabilities are far superior to those used by us, far beyond even what we believe.
Respect for this enormous asset that we have, the desire not to waste it, the desire to help those in need, who, for various reasons, can not, by itself, to properly use their resources, us to seek ways of interacting more and more proactive and dynamic, more personalized . The awareness of potential effects on future results
because the individual is changed is that spring to put forward all the necessary resources.
Intelligence is something you can teach.
This is done by driving to observe and to ask questions, inspiring them to compare objects and events, to find connections between seemingly unrelated facts together, leading to use vocabulary correctly and appropriately; encouraging to abstract from the situation that existed at the time for imagine future events or past, or only some possible real or imaginary.
This is done by teaching you to trust in themselves, to assess objectively their successes, to learn from mistakes, to realize that cooperation leads to mutual enrichment, sharing that helps to overcome the difficulties.
This is done through the preparation of an active lifestyle modifying, through mediation, according to Feuerstein, everyone should use if they want to be effective in their intervention.
So you can teach to draw, read and write, to do the math, you can educate the movement, to appreciate music and sport, can be prepared to share experiences with others, you can do the analysis of its past, plan for the future, you can deal with the discomfort, strengthen the personality, all building on the fundamental premise of Feuerstein: full confidence in the modifiability of the human cognitive . A deep belief in recent years has been strongly supported by research in neurophysiology. An evolutionary process
blocked or interrupted by negative events of life can be restarted at any time, provided environmental conditions are favorable and the subject has the opportunity to make appropriate learning experiences. There is no situation in which we might need to stop saying enough, I have nothing to learn, I have no goals to be achieved, there is nothing to be done. There is still a possibility, if we really want.
The choice between different perspectives, to focus their thoughts on the most optimistic is the very essence of mediation.
From: Nursery School for Education of the Child. The School House editrce
Feldenkrais was an engineer and physicist, who collaborated with Joliot-Curie in research on subatomic particles, first European to win the black belt Judo expert body human. She was able to connect the discoveries of Pavlov, Freud's theories, knowledge of ethology, biology, psychophysics, physiology and knowledge on posture, body techniques and Eastern martial arts, applications of concepts of physics and engineering to the human structure . His great capacity for synthesis has allowed him to develop a method of intervention on human function that stands out as an example of scientific rigor, educational and therapeutic capacity. Basa, as Feuerstein, his speech on faith in human potential. He possessed, and sent its students to become teachers themselves, the ability to touch the right to bring forth resources hidden in everyone, even in who is severely impaired, because our nervous system is so incredibly rich that allow everyone to learn something new and to improve their conditions.
For a mother who told how her baby, who suffers from cerebral palsy, would be delayed due to a defect in DNA, Feldenkrais had said: "She would be delayed if it had been held nell'ovatta property for ten years without no contact with the outside world except the food. The DNA would be able to make it jump? A well-preserved DNA in the laboratory can endure for centuries, but this could not learn English or Chinese would not even know to be stupid. "
Moshe Feldenkrais (1996) The Body and Mature Behavior. Publisher Astrolabe
It 's only through action, through the intervention of a conviction based on the possible improvement that the environment can really make its contribution to the individual growth